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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Exec and Staff Member Form (FPRD-10C) - B850512 | Сравнить

CONTENTS Exec and Staff Member Form AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS SECTION I QUESTIONS: section II questions: END RUDS: Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo False Purpose RD Auditors and CISes Tech/Qual MAAs/EOs False Purpose Rundown Series 10-C

Exec and Staff Member Form


This form is for use in auditing the False Purpose Rundown on Scientology org or mission staff members and execs. It would only be used on a pc who has already received the False Purpose RD Basic Form (HCOB 14 June 84, False Purpose Rundown Series 10-A).

This list may have questions added to it by the C/S. For example, the C/S may add questions to Section I pertaining specifically to the person's post and duties. (Ref: HCOB 1 Mar. 77 III, Formulating Confessional Questions, and HCOB 1 Mar. 77 II, Confessional Forms) Questions are not deleted from the list in any case.

The list may only be delivered by a trained and qualified Hubbard False Purpose Rundown Auditor.


The auditor does the whole form on the pc, starting with the Section I questions and proceeding on through to the end of the Section II questions. Every question is cleared and checked on the meter.

Reading questions on this list are handled with False Purpose Rundown procedure.

Questions in Section I of this form ask for overts, which are handled with Steps A through G of the False Purpose Rundown procedure.

Questions in Section II ask directly for evil purposes and destructive intentions, and are handled using Steps C through G of False Purpose Rundown procedure.


1. Have you had a back-off on handling some area of your post?__________

(Find which area he has a back-off on handling, get when it started and then pull the prior overt. Handle that overt per Steps A to G of False Purpose RD procedure. Then recheck the original question, # 1.)

2. Have you had a back-off on handling some junior?__________

(Find which junior he has a back-off on handling, get when it started and then pull the prior overt. Handle that overt per Steps A to G of False Purpose RD procedure. Then recheck the original question, #2.)

3. Has there been some situation you should have handled, but instead were "reasonable" about?__________

4. Is there some department or area you have tended to neglect or not-is?__________

5. Have you committed an overt on a senior?__________

6. Have you committed an overt on a public scientologist?__________

7. Have you ever failed to put ethics in on a junior?__________

8. Have you ever deliberately misapplied ethics or justice on somebody?__________

9. Have you ever used ethics or justice suppressively?__________

10. As a staff member, have you ever compromised your integrity?__________

11. Have you ever forwarded a CSW or other particle you did not really know to be okay?__________

12. Have you ever wanted to leave staff?__________

(Find out when this was and check for an overt committed against the group prior to wanting to leave. Handle that overt per steps A to G of False Purpose Rd procedure. Then check for and handle any other such prior overt. When these have been handled, recheck the original question, #12.)

13. Have you knowingly gone by misunderstoods in materials related to your post?__________

14. Have you ever suggested or ordered an LRH HCOB or HCO PL not be followed?__________

15. Have you ever given out data which was contrary to HCO Bulletins or policy letters?__________

16. Have you knowingly violated LRH Policy?__________

17. Have you ever altered an order or other communication from a senior or from management?__________

18. Have you ever failed to write a knowledge report when you knew of an out-ethics situation that should have been reported?__________

19. Have you ever forbidden or prevented another from writing or relaying a knowledge report?__________

20. Have you ever deliberately crashed your stats in order to make somebody wrong?__________

21. Have you ever wasted org book stocks or permitted them to be wasted or tampered with?__________

22. Have you ever attempted to divert org business elsewhere?__________

23. Have you ever put other dynamic considerations before your responsibilities as a staff member or exec?__________

24. Have you ever used org lines, materials or connections for personal business?__________

25. Have you ever just pretended to do a post?__________

26. Have you been idle, loafing or goofing off on post?__________

27. Have you ever accepted pay or other support as a staff member when you were producing no or few exchangeable products?__________

28. Have you ever stood by and allowed other staff to be supported when they were producing no or few exchangeable products?__________

29. Have you ever perverted the intent of a bonus or commission system?__________

30. Have you ever failed to see that a paid-for service was delivered?__________

31. Have you been involved in any sort of financial irregularity?__________

32. Have you ever used your position to obtain unusual favors?__________

33. Have you ever engaged in any sort of 2d activities with public students or pcs?__________

34. Have you ever persisted in any 2d relationship that was potentially harmful to the organization?__________

35. Have you ever attempted to shift the blame to another staff member or exec for some overt you committed?__________

36. Have you ever attempted to confuse a senior or ethics officer to cover up some overt you had committed?__________

37. Have you ever false reported about something?__________

38. Have you ever falsified a statistic?__________

39. Have you ever damaged org property?__________

40. Have you ever attempted to discourage org pcs or students from advancing to a higher org?__________

41. Have you done something that cut the dissemination lines of a scientology org?__________

42. Have you ever spread false data about scientology staff members or executives?__________

43. Have you ever advised anyone against joining staff of a scientology org or the sea org?__________

44. Have you ever privately felt sympathetic towards a suppressive person or group?__________

45. Have you maintained a connection to a suppressive person or group?__________

46. Have you ever said discreditable things to the press or public concerning scientology?__________

47. Have you ever made fun of or joked about your post, other staff or execs, or LRH tech or policy?__________

48. Have you ever prevented a fellow staff member from wearing his hat?__________

49. Have you ever prevented another from learning his post?__________

50. Have you ever caused or contributed to an org mutiny?__________

51. Have you ever withheld that you had a PTS type a situation?__________

52. While on staff of a scientology organization have you committed any civil crime?__________

53. Have you committed an overt on LRH?__________

54. Have you had a withhold from LRH?__________

section II questions:

55. Do you want a staff or exec position for some destructive purpose?__________

56. Do you want a staff or exec position only to dominate others?__________

57. Do you secretly want to stop the organization?__________

58. Are you afraid the organization might get too big?__________

59. Have you ever intended to make Scientology fail?__________

60. Have you had some purpose which is in opposition to the purpose of this org or Scientology?__________

61. Have you ever intended to take someone's money for a service without delivering it?__________

62. Have you ever had a purpose to get something for nothing?__________

63. Do you want staff or exec position only for personal gain?__________

64. Do you have an ulterior motive for being on staff?__________


(Session withholds are handled with usual withhold rudiment procedure. Undisclosed overts missed in doing the questions on the list are handled with Steps A to G of False Purpose RD procedure.)

1. In this confessional, have you told a halftruth?__________

2. In this confessional, have you told an untruth?__________

3. In this confessional, have you said something only to impress me?__________

4. In this confessional, have you tried to damage someone?__________

5. In this confessional, have you deliberately tried to influence the e-meter?__________

6. In this confessional, have you successfully withheld something?__________

7. In this confessional, have you covered up for someone else?__________

8. In this confessional, has anyone said you had a withhold when you didn't have one?__________

9. In this confessional, has anything been asserted?__________

10. In this confessional, has anything been suppressed?__________

11. In this confessional, has anything been invalidated?__________
