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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Goals Recording, Pain in R6 (S6) - B640301 | Сравнить
- Meter Reads, Size of (S4-6) - B640301 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640301 - HCO Bulletin - Meter Reads, Size Of [B004-004]
- 640301 - HCO Bulletin - Meter Reads, Size Of [B040-003]
- 640301 - HCO Bulletin - Meter Reads, Size Of [B168-010]
- 640301 - HCO Bulletin - Scientology VI - Goals Recording - Pain in R6 [B165-040]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon Students Tech Staff StHill SCIENTOLOGY VI


You can get the shivers seeing how close you can caving in the pc’s whole case by poor administration.

If the pc gives you any goal, for all our sakes, please record it in that session’s auditors report or in his papers if he is not in session.

And if the pc thinks of a goal it must be written down and handed over to the auditor to be recorded, with the date noted.

Any goal that is offered must become a matter of record so that it can be located bydate.

Don’t lose the pc’s goals.

Attach them to reports and worksheets that are dated.

Out of thousands of goals offered you may just glide over the key goal If you have recorded it by date, it can be recovered. If you haven’t, then I don’t know what you’ll do.


If a pc develps a bad somatic, the chances are a goal has been invalidated or lost and invalidated.

The only way you can get a somatic in R6 is actually to invalidate a GPM (skip it, miss it, fail to pick it up). The invalidation of the GPM causes the somatic.

All human suffering basically stems from invalidated GPMs (and they are, of course, all skipped or missed and nobody has picked them up before we came along).

Thus, when a pc’s case is going badly and the pc has a nagging somatic, the cause is an invalidated GPM. A GPM, therefore, has been skipped, missed or been refused.

This is a sweeping fundamental: Somatics (meaning mostly pain in this case) are caused by Skipped, Refused or Missed GPMs. The exception is the sick stomach. This is always caused by a wrong goal. Somatics, meaning pain or lots of sensation, are caused by skipped, missed or refused GPMs. Sick stomachs (not cold stomach) are caused by wrong goals. Cold stomachs are caused by mis-placed (wrongly plotted) GPMs. A cold body is caused by Implant GPMs or a wildly mis-plotted Actual GPM that may also be an Implant GPM.

Thus we see that a skipped, missed or refused GPM is the only one that causes pain or sensation. And we can see that skipping, missing or refusing a GPM all add up toinvalidating it.

A wrong goal won’t ruin a case. Neither will the inclusion of an implant goal in the plot ruin a case. They only make the pc uncomfortable and will eventuall be found and thrown out.

But the missed or refused goal once gone into the discard may have been vital to the case and, now being heavily invalidated, may never come up again.

So the GPM invalidated by being missed or refused is the dangerous one.

If the pc’s records are in order and legible, if the auditor has recorded all goals mentioned by the pc, the missed or refused GPM can be located.

How? This is an actual case:

The pc’s goals plot just wouldn’t assemble. The pc was in considerable pain. “A goal has been invalidated” gave a third of a dial surge. The invalidation was dated on the meter. The session reort for that date was looked up.

And there recorded was a goal the pc had offered, the auditor had refused (since it wouldn’t read). This goal was checked out and was found to be one of a series of four GPMs that monitored the goals plot.

It had never again occured to the pc. It was so invalidated it seemed completely unreal to the pc. It was so unreal that every goal mentioned in that session had to be nulled as a goals list to find it. Only one goal gave the big invalidated surge first noticed. And only after a prepcheck (5 minutes) did it read.

As it had already been invalidated by life, it didn’t read when the auditor called it in that session and the auditor had not gotten in supress or invalidate on it.

There was the whole case stalled.

If the auditor had not recorded it in that session report where it had a date on it, it would have been completely lost. In that session the pc had merely mentioned it as a possible goal, the auditor had said “that didn’t read”. A month later the pc started getting pains. Within four months the pc became very hard to audit.

Tjhe lessons here are that one can date an invalidation or supression; and that an auditor must record every goal mentioned by a pc and make it part of the records coupled with a date.

That was a close call.

So if your pc is running with pain, a goal has beem missed or refused. It will read that “a goal has been invalidated”. The invalidation read can be dated and if recording has been done, the goal can be recovered.

These are probably some of the most important Case Repair facts of R6.