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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Grade Chart Streamlined for Lower Grades - B811112RA82 | Сравнить
- Grade Chart Streamlined for Lower Grades - B811112RD90 | Сравнить

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- Усовершенствованная Таблица Ступеней - Б811112RB83 | Сравнить
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All C/Ses All Auditors Tech/Qual Registrars Dissem Execs Orgs & Missions “The Auditor” BPI (Revision in this type style)


I recently reworked the Grade Chart in the interest of greater gain for the PC. I forwarded the notes for issue and they were added to by others. Some of the additions were done because of an unnecessary confusion on the State of Clear: They have no bearing on this new Grade Chart and so have been deleted. Two additional HCOBs have been written by me, HCOB 12 Dec 81, THEORY OF THE NEW GRADE CHART and HCOB 14 Dec 81, THE STATE OF CLEAR. This New Grade Chart as follows is for use at once. A full new Grade Chart will be issued later.


0. Introductory and Assist actions as commonly used in orgs and by auditors on new pcs.

1. Purification RD.

2. Objectives as required.

3. Scientology Drug Rd (optional, only for those who need it per HCOB 4 Apr 81, The Biochemical Personality

4. Expanded ARC Straightwire Grade (Quad)

5. Expanded Grade 0 (Quad)

6. Expanded Grade 1 (Quad)

7. Expanded Grade 2 (Quad)

8. Expanded Grade 3 (Quad)

9. Expanded Grade 4 (Quad)

10. NED Drug RD

11. NED

12. If goes Clear on NED, DCSI

13. Sunshine Rundown if goes Clear on NED

13A. If not Cleared on NED goes to an AO for Clearing Course

14. Solo Auditor Course whether Clear or not (or Class 0-4 Academy courses, prior to Solo Auditor Course)


It is quite common for auditors and orgs to give introductory or demonstration sessions. There are several of these: They have been issued under various names including “Life Repair.” They should not be excluded from the chart. Group processing comes under this category, despite the real gains it can give.

Division 6s often have counseling services which, although they can be done at any time, should be mentioned at this level.

Assists are, quite often, the first auditing a pc gets and while most assists can be done at any time (excluding R3R or NED on Clears or above) they should not be omitted.



During the period of coming off drugs, Objectives are needed. For pcs who cannot fol­low commands, Objectives are needed. Purification in many cases has to be accompanied with auditing on Objectives to permit withdrawal.

Purification, on a heavy druggie, should be followed by Objectives.

This is a matter of C/S Programming. The C/S should estimate the case and use or omit Objectives as indicated on an individual programming basis.

Registrars are forbidden to C/S and when the Purification is done (or when they sell it) simply state that it should be accompanied or followed by personal auditing. And reges should sell intensives.

The reg can show the Grade Chart and say where it goes but should state – must state – that what is given is up to the C/S.

A low OCA, right or left, indicates a need of Objectives.

This means that C/Ses can either program the case for Objectives (optional) or straight onto Scn Drug RD (optional) or Expanded Straight Wire (not optional) and lower grades (not optional) and NED DRD (not optional) and NED.

Scientology DRD or NED DRD

It may be necessary on some cases heavily affected by drugs to handle the effects of drugs in order for the preclear to make case gain on the grades. Not all cases have been so affected and many of those who were, will found to have handled on drugs by the Purif RD and Objectives sufficiently that they will make adequate case gain on grades. Where further drug handling is deemed necessary by the C/S, a Scientology Drug RD should be done after Objectives and before ARC Straightwire or the case smoothly shifted over to a Scientology Drug RD from grades if it is discovered later. There may be some cases who still will not be able to run grades due to the effects of drugs and thus would need not only a Scientology Drug RD but also a NED Drug RD; such would be rarer and the exception rather than the rule.

Green Form 40 Expanded

There are seven factors which can make a case resistive if not handled as covered in earlier materials on the original Class VIII. Handle this with a Green From 40 Expanded by “2WC and Recall only,” preferably after Expanded ARC Straightwire Grade or any point thereafter. (Secondary and engram running is not recommended before NED on the Grade Chart as the handling of locks and key-ins by 2WC and Recalls is usually adequate and better gradient is achieved this way.)

Happiness RD

The Happiness RD can be fitted – according to the case – before or after lower grades, before or after NED, before or after Clear. BUT to get OPTIMUM results from it, as clearly proved by pilot, is just before lower grades and after Objectives. So that is where it really be­longs on the Grade Chart and will be positioned there on the final chart. And people who haven’t had Purification or any needed drug handling and Objectives don’t do too well on it.

It should not be run, of course, in the non-interference zone. It even works brilliantly on OTs!

The Happiness RD is the most popular RD. But it won’t run, of course, on a person who needs a Purification. And it won’t run on someone who needs Objectives before he can follow auditing commands at all. A C/S has to know what any RD is supposed to do.

Method One Word Clearing

Method One is strongly recommended for students, auditors and anyone who wants to recover his past education and increase his ability to study. It ideally would be done after Objectives and be­fore the NED Drug RD or NED. It can however be done at any point except during the Non-Interference Zone. It can be done by Method One Co-Audit in orgs and missions. Method One is necessary in order to be a fast flow student.

PTS RDs and PTS Handlings

There are various PTS handlings and rundowns which are used to handle PTS conditions. These are not assigned to specific point on the Grade Chart as they are used when a PTS condition is encountered and are done to a point where the PTS condition will no longer block case progress or cause rollercoaster. There are many published PTS handlings and rundowns. Those which do not contain engram running can be done earlier on the Grade Chart (and only these would be done after Clear). The PTS RD containing R3RA should be done at the level of NED on the Grade Chart. The stable datum to use in deciding which PTS handling or rundown to use is the Chart of Human Evaluation. The New Vitality Rundown (NVRD) (Flag only) would be done at the level of NED or just before NED as it contains R3RA.

INT Rundowns

The remedies known as the INTERIORIZATION RD and the END OF ENDLESS INT RD are used after a preclear has gone exterior in auditing. When completed, the pc is continued from the point he was on on the Grade Chart. The End of Endless Int RD is preferred at points earlier on the Grade Chart than NED as it does not contain R3RA and is thus easier for the pc to run; some pcs are not up to running R3RA easily at lower points of the Grade Chart. The INT RD containing R3RA should be used at the level of NED; the End of Endless Int RD should be used before NED or after Clear.


Cases divide up into four general groups:

Case 1: On drugs, will go through withdrawal – Needs Objectives and Purification at same time. Then up the Chart.

Case 2: has been on drugs. OCA below center line on right or left. Needs Purification, Objectives before can respond well to think processes or auditing commands. Then up full Chart. Happiness RD before NED.

Case 3: No heavy drugs. OCA middle range. Purification, Objectives, Expanded Straight Wire, Lower Grades, Happiness RD, NED on up.

Case 4: OCA all in the upper half of graph. No heavy drug history. Purifi­cation optional, ARC Straight Wire, Expanded Lower Grades, Happiness RD, NED, etc.

Reges must not sell the pc a program. A reg sells auditing. Person wants a certain run­down – reg only has to say, “Good, you’ll get it,” and the C/S, informed, can put it on the pro­gram in its proper place.

Refunds came from non-delivery or mis-programming. As all cases are not in the same state, one cannot run them all on the same program. A raw pc can have every RD there is but not in a sequence that will not match his case.

PCs will turn up who have had a Happiness RD in a mission who need Objectives. PCs will turn up who have had intro services or assists. One simply notes it and doesn’t repeat or overrun those processes. Pcs will turn up who need repair of earlier auditing. Pcs will appear who have had Book One auditing. Each needs his own program. That is all the business of the C/S, not the reg.

The reg can tell the pc all about this RD or that but must always say “I am here to be sure you obtain enough hours so you can receive what you want. It is up to the Technical staff to give your case individual programming. We know where you want to go, the C/S will be told and we are here to help you get there. Not all cases are the same and the Tech staff will tailor your program to fit you. The rundown you have requested will be on that program. We want you to get the maximum obtainable benefit from it and that is done by preparation. If you cooperate, we will do the best we can.”


If you show them the routes you can stress individual programming. Every PC likes in­dividual attention. The honest fact is that a Grade Chart can give only the big pattern one should travel. How to get the PC up it is between the C/S and the pc’s individual case.

There is no Royal Road that has an exact starting point for every pc. There is a series of wins that people can attain and these are in a proper sequence of case levels. A Grade Chart is the sequence for all cases but cases start at different points when they begin to ascend it. And so a C/S has to use it that way.


Please note that at 12 on the above list, provision begins to be made for those who do not go Clear on NED. The DCSI is not given to someone who has not gone Clear on NED. 13. The Sunshine Rundown is also not given to those who do not go Clear on NED. Instead of these two (12 and 13), the person can go on to an Advanced Org for his Clearing Course.

But, please note, whether a person goes Clear on NED or not, it is planned that he can be­gin his Solo Auditor’s Course (necessary for OT steps) in his home org. Part 1 of the Solo Audi­tor’s Course can be begun right after the Sunshine Rundown or, not having gone Clear, and Part II, completing it, can be done in an SH or AO.
