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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HAS Co-Audit Resumed - B601222 | Сравнить
- O-W a Limited Theory - B601222 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ОВ - Краткая Теория - Б601222 | Сравнить
- Ограниченная Теория О-В - Б601222 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B024-234]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B027-093]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B036-185]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B140-056]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B024-235]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B036-184]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B134-011]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B141-052]
CONTENTS HAS CO-AUDIT RESUMED Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise (Merry Christmas)


I am testing a new series of processes I have developed to replace all former processes used on HAS Co-Audit.

Co-Audit stalled cases when:

  1. HGC Processes were used (ruining the process for the pc because of its being run against heavy O/Ws still on case) and
  2. Pcs on Co-Audit felt unable to get off their overts amid so much company (the processes would not bite and even upset cases since the pc was not free to run his withholds), and
  3. Rudiments were not used or were badly used to the end of driving people away.

I have remedied these matters and as soon as I have any bugs out, probably by next week, I will release the new Co-Audit processes.

Co-Audit will only be permitted if the new routine is followed and no other. I dislike losing people we could help and messing up cases.

The new series by-passes the need of rudiments, O/W or HGC processes, yet gives, by a startling new advance and process type, very good results — better than the average obtained two years ago in individual auditing. I am sure they will keep the people coming and advancing.