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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Running of Pcs - B580113 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 580113 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Running of PCs [B022-002]
- 580113 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Running of PCs [B034-003]
CONTENTS HGC RUNNING OF PCS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


Use CCH 0 with PT Problem, S-C-S and Connectedness to get pc under auditor control and no longer.

Then use Step 6 of Clear Procedure as soon as possible and until end of intensive. Some Objective Havingness can be run if necessary.

Repair havingness on invisible and black objects in fields which are invisible or black. The test is “Shut your eyes — what are you looking at?” They’ll tell you and you establish whether field is invisible or black. Then use the above. Otherwise (if mock- ups are clear) don’t use it.

What can you mock up easily? Pc says, “An apple.” Do so. (Note meter.) (If reaction on meter choose something else.)

The command then is “In front of that body, you mock up an apple (pause) and keep it from going away. Did you keep it from going away?” Pc says he did. “Thank you.” The next command is “Behind that body, etc.” The next is “Above that body, etc.” The next is “Below that body, etc.” The next is “To the right of that body, etc.” The next is “To the left of that body, etc.” Then one begins the series again with “In front of that body, etc.” This is continued until E-Meter no longer registers a surge when pc does it. Now pick a larger object. Test it for surge on the meter. If meter surges, don’t use it, pick another, etc. Now go through same series. One runs this on at least 6 objects each one larger until he goes on to next, Hold it still.

Keep it from going away, when flat on many objects, is followed by the same command substituting “Hold it still.” This is done before, behind, above, below, to the right, to the left, the same way around and around. When Hold it still is flat one goes to “Make it a little more solid,” same command otherwise as before.

If this all flattens, start all over again now with more significant objects. Read Step 6 Clear Procedure.