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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling Illness in Scientology - B690816 | Сравнить
- Handling Illness in Scientology - B690816R78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Улаживание Болезней в Саентологии - Б690816R78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690816 - HCO Bulletin - Handling Illness In Scientology [B009-148]
- 690816 - HCO Bulletin - Handling Illness in Scientology [B042-132]
- 690816 - HCO Bulletin - Handling Illness in Scientology [B075-076]
- 690816R - HCO Bulletin - Handling Illness In Scientology [B093-025]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
RemimeoClass VIII Checksheet
Class VIII ChkshtClass VIIIs
Class VIIIsClass VIII C/S Book
Class VIII C/S BookClass IV Grad Checksheet


(Revisions in this type style)
(Ellipses indicate deletions)

Sickness is of course the result of engram chains in restimulation.


One has to ask, however, what causes restimulation to occur?

Sickness is of course the result of engram chains in restimulation.

The answer is Out Ruds plus a suppressive environment or situation.

One has to ask, however, what causes restimulation to occur?

Therefore, obviously, if one wanted to really handle handle handle sickness and do some miracles, one would use the lot of one’s weapons.

The answer is out-ruds plus a suppressive environment or situation.

Don’t mistake that Dianetics (HCOB 24 July 1969) can all by itself practically bring the dead to life to all intents and purposes and it can be used all by itself.

Therefore, obviously, if one wanted to really handle handle handle sickness and do some miracles, one would use the lot of one’s weapons.

However, when that doesn’t work completely, then the Class VIII Case Supervisor and well trained Scientology auditors can step in.

Don’t mistake that Dianetics (HCOB 24 July 1969R SERIOUSLY ILL PCs) can all by itself practically bring the dead to life to all intents and purposes and it can be used all by itself.

Let us examine the basic full dress parade routine of what Scientology and Dianetics could be used.

However, when that doesn’t work completely, then the Class VIII Case Supervisor and well-trained Scientology auditors can step in.

1. Put in Life Ruds (as given below).

Let us examine the basic full dress parade routine of what Scientology and Dianetics could be used.

2. 3 S&Ds.

1. Put in life ruds (as given below).

3. All somatics, sensations, emotions and attitudes in or in regard to the sick area listed and handled by DIANETICS (HCOB 24 July 69) (which includes any medical treatment as in that HCOB).

2. 3 S & Ds.

4. A Review that flies a rud and a Scientology auditor runs the second and third flow of each somatic found and run in the Dianetic auditing.

3. Narrative handling and full preassessment on the sick area, run Triple or Quad, plus other Dianetic Assist actions and any needed medical treatment. (See HCOB 2 April 69RA, Rev. 28.7. 78, DIANETIC ASSISTS, which cautions against overwhelming a sick pc with too much restim.)

4. NED for OTs (on OT III and above).

Obviously this illness hasn’t a chance at all. It disappears in 1. Or in 2. Or in 3. And there aren’t very many that would ever get to 4.

Obviously this illness hasn’t a chance at all. It disappears in 1. Or in 2. Or in 3. Or in 4.

The system is obvious. You take away the current out ruds and the illness can de-stimulate. You take away the suppressions and de-stimulation is more positive.

The system is obvious.

You erase all the engrams and the source is gone.

  • You take away the current out-ruds and the illness can destimulate.

You do the second and third flows and the overts and sympathies are also vanished.

  • You take away the suppressions and destimulation is more positive.
  • On ruds alone you can of course get a recurrence.

  • You erase all the engrams and the source is gone.
  • You also risk a recurrence on the S & Ds.

  • You do the second, … third, and zero flows and the overts and sympathies are also vanished.
  • The motivators go on the engram chains.

  • On ruds alone you can of course get a recurrence.
  • The overts and sympathy for like illness goes on the second and third flows.

  • You also risk a recurrence on the S & Ds.

  • The motivators go on the engram chains.


    The overts and sympathy for like illness goes on the second,… third and zero flows.

    As the person with Out Ruds makes no real gain it is wise to put ruds in “In life”.


    This is done with

    As the person with out-ruds makes no real gain it is wise to put ruds in “In life.”

    “In life have you had an ARC Break?”

    • This is done with

    “In life have you had a Problem?”

  • “In life have you had an ARC break?”
  • “In life have you had a Withhold?”

  • “In life have you had a problem?”
  • If the person has had much auditing you ask after each of the “In life” questions, “Was that present in an auditing session?”

  • “In life have you had a withhold?”
  • S & Ds

    If the person has had much auditing you ask after each of the “In life” questions “Was that present in an auditing session?”

    The full parade for three S & Ds (as given in HCOB 19 January 1968 in the Class VIII pack) is as follows:

    S & Ds

    3 Item S&D:

    The full parade for three S & Ds (as given in HCOB 19 January 1968 in the Class VIII pack) is as follows:

    • Fly a rud.
    • 3 item S & D
  • Assess
  • Fly a rud.
  • Withdraw From
  • Assess
  • Stop
  • Withdraw from
  • Unmock
  • Stop
  • Suppress
  • Unmock
  • Invalidate
  • Suppress
  • Make Nothing of
  • Invalidate
  • Suggest
  • Make nothing of
  • Been Careful of
  • Suggest
  • Fail to Reveal
  • Been careful of
  • Take the 3 that read best (null to 3 items). Use the one that read most first.

  • Fail to reveal
  • Test one of these items in these two questions to see which question then reads best.

    Take the 3 that read best (null to 3 items). Use the one that read most first.

    “Who or What has attempted to …… you?”

    Test one of these items in these two questions to see which question then reads best.

    “Who or What have you tried to ………?”

    “Who or what has attempted to …… you?”

    List the best reading question by the laws of Listing and Nulling. BE EXACT IN FOLLOWING THOSE LAWS or you’ll make the person even sicker!

    “Who or what have you tried to ……?”

    Use each of the 3 this way.

    List the best reading question by the laws of listing and nulling. Be exact in following those laws or you’ll make the person even sicker!

    Prepcheck any item that does not F/N until it F/Ns or proves not to be the correct one in which event correct the list. If the list item does not F/N on being found and indicated, you prepcheck it to F/N.

    Use each of the 3 this way.


    Prepcheck any item that does not F/N until it F/Ns or proves not to be the correct one in which event correct the list. If the list item does not F/N on being found and indicated, you prepcheck it to F/N.

    HCOB of 24 July 69 covers the use of Dianetics in this regard.



    The New Era Dianetics HCOBs fully cover assists and Dianetic handling of body problems and illnesses.

    The running of the 2nd and third flows is covered in VIII materials and in any event is self-evident.


    This rundown is what could be known as beating an illness to death.

    This rundown is what could be known as beating an illness to death.

    Handling it medically and spiritually should bring home a winner every time.

    Handling it medically and spiritually should bring home a winner every time.


    This full approach is recommended only when one has encountered a resistive situation.

    This full approach is recommended only when one has encountered a resistive situation.

    Very often a Dianetic Assist precedes all this.

    Very often a Dianetic Assist precedes all this.

    Usually the Dianetic handling is done without the ruds or S & Ds.

    Usually the Dianetic handling is done without the ruds or S & Ds.

    But when you have somebody whose “lumbosis” has not surrendered to Dianetics, you have this full approach to fall back on.

    But when you have somebody whose “lumbosis” has not surrendered to Dianetics, you have this full approach to fall back on.

    It’s nice to have a full arsenal.

    It’s nice to have a full arsenal.
