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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Incomplete Cases (CSS-017) - B700826 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Незавершенные Кейсы (КС-17П, СДС-15) - Б700826R80 | Сравнить
- Незаконченные Кейсы (КС-17П, СДС-15) - Б700826R80 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700826 - HCO Bulletin - Incomplete Cases [B043-093]
- 700826 - HCO Bulletin - Incomplete Cases [B078-017]
- 700826 - HCO Bulletin - Incomplete Cases [B078-018]
- 700826R - HCO Bulletin - Incomplete Cases [B055-014]
- 700826R - HCO Bulletin - Incomplete Cases [B058-006]
CONTENTS Incomplete Cases QUICKIE GRADES AND ACTIONS COMPLETE CASES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo C/S Book Class VIII Checksheet Class VIII CS Series 17

Incomplete Cases

Overshooting and Undershooting are two very defeating errors in C/Sing.

Overshooting would be defined as going beyond a completion or completing a completion.

In such a circumstance the pc for instance reaches an F/N VGI point in Review and then the C/S decides to handle the case in Review.

Example: 2 or 3 sessions have been goofed. Review patches them all up to F/N VGIs all okay. Then a C/S C/Ses to Review the case to repair the errors. The case feels invalidated, caves in, needs further repair.

I have seen more than one folder where this cycle has been done three times! In one of these an action had to be taken to patch up a goof so the pc could go back onto a grade. The goof was patched up to F/N VGIs. The correct action would have been to put the pc back on the incomplete grade. But no, a new Review cycle was laid out, audited, pc caved in. A new cycle to repair this was entered in upon. It was successful. The pc got F/N VGIs at Exam. The C/S ordered a new Review of the case, the case caved in, was then patched up and finally got an F/N VGIs. And was ordered to be reviewed…

Studying what was wrong with the cases I found the above. I ordered an assessment of a list, got "unnecessary actions" and got the cases back onto the incomplete cycle of the grade and they did fine.

This can be done with a grade. It was the fault of early Power.

Undershooting would be to leave a cycle incomplete and go off to something else.

Example: Case sent to Review or given a Review session to repair goofs. One goof is handled but there are three to handle. Case returned to the grade before being set up.

This can be so bad that the case never made any grade at all.

The modern Repair (Progress) Pgm as outlined in this C/S series takes care of this.


Quickie grades left us with a totality of incomplete cases.

You look over a folder and you see the pc at "OT IV". The folder is thick. He has had lots of auditing. He has aches and pains, problems, makes people wrong.

Probably he could be audited for another thousand hours without ever coming right! Unless there was an orderly program to complete his case level by level on the Class and Grade Chart.

It would take a Repair (Progress) Pgm and then an Advance Pgm that included each grade to completion.

He would have to have his ruds put in, any flubs at once handled session to session, just to complete Dianetics. Finally, his chronic somatics gone, he would F/N on the Health Form and that would complete his Dianetics with his attestation.

And so on right on up the Grades, each one done fully to the voluntary declare for that grade as per the Grade and Class Chart.

In doing Dianetics, Grades, etc you still have to get in ruds and handle the case so it is set up for each major action and repair the flubs at once when they occur.

While completing an action you have to keep the case running, not audit over ARC Brks, PTPs, W/Hs and flubs.

The best answer is No Flubs. But when they occur they must be repaired in 24 hours.

When repaired (and not re-repaired and re-re-repaired with overshoots) you get the case back on the same cycle that was incomplete.


A case is not complete unless the lowest incomplete Grade Chart action is complete and then each completed in turn on up.

As you look over current folders who have had years of auditing, some of them you generally don't find any completed actions and you do find overshoots on Reviews.

It is not the least bit hard to handle these cases. This C/S series shows you how. Auditing and Life Repairs (Progress), Advance Pgm completing fully each incomplete grade.

The C/S is blessed who follows these two rules:

Recognize a completion of an action and end it off.

Recognize an incomplete action and complete it.

Don't overshoot, don't undershoot.

Follow the rules.
