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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Intensive Processing Procedure - 501100 | Сравнить



November 1, 1950

The standard method of handling cases at the central Foundation and in all departments is intensive processing.

Intensive processing has its own identity, independent of any chemical assist. The chemical assist may be used for case openings or for intensive processing. What has been termed “free wheeling” exists independent of intensive processing. Both the chemical assist and free wheeling may be combined with intensive processing.

The basic definition of intensive processing may be stated thus: a large number of hours of auditing given in a small number of consecutive days to the end of opening a case and advancing it as far as possible within this limited time. Charge is made for the entire process, not by the hour.

As of this writing, the standard intensive processing consists of thirty-six hours of auditing delivered in six consecutive days beginning on Monday and ending on Saturday at the rate of six hours per day. It is usual to deliver this processing with chemical assist and, except in cases with heavy circuitry, with free wheeling.


A normal scheduling would be one auditor to a preclear. For departmental organization, one auditor can be estimated for every four intensive processings given in a month, as he can handle one per week. For room scheduling, making an economy of space, two preclears can be assigned to one room in the same day, one beginning his processing at 8:00 a.m. and stopping at 2:00 p.m., the other beginning at 2:30 p.m. and stopping at 8:30 p.m., with no time allowed for meals or other breaks, these being taken at the end of the processing schedule, 2:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

The entire intensive processing is actually a package which begins and ends with psychometry. The purpose of this psychometry is to demonstrate to the preclear that intelligence and personality have advanced. This at once obviates any argument that nothing has happened when it has, accumulates to the Foundation case histories and, importantly, sends sets of psychometry into the country where they will be displayed to the advantage of Dianetics. It is not assumed that any vast advance will be made in every case. The best possible auditing is done for the time allowed of 36 hours and the results are what they are; most of them will be found to be very remarkable in the difference between before and after psychometries.

Any guarantee of anything with regard to intensive processing when it is being sold is a gross error. If the preclear is guaranteed an open case or a release, he then throws all the burden of work upon the auditor and does little himself. Further, he will inevitably seek further processing on the excuse that he has not received all he should. Therefore, in selling intensive processing, one should only demonstrate the fact that most cases advance markedly but in proportion to the amount of cooperation of the preclear. This secures the cooperation of the preclear and obviates attempts by the preclear to gain more than his share of auditing by complaining that he has not achieved the guaranteed goal. Given his psychometry, shown the changes which have taken place at the end of the processing, the preclear is usually very satisfied, for the advance in his mental state is usually great. Not given psychometry he might not know this. In cases where chronic somatics are released, however, there is no argument and this is normal to intensive processing that such somatics are reduced and psychosomatic conditions are to a large extent eliminated.

Because they are easily given, are quite valid and have good display purposes, the psychometry currently in use is the California Test for Mental Maturity and the Johnson Temperament Analysis Profile. Both are tests of the California Test Bureau. To these may be added any other test which can, like these, be given to a group and graded rapidly by a psychometrist. Rorschach, TAT, etc., etc. may be very well in psychiatry and psychology but actually these have a very low order of validity, are far from precise, and regardless of the high opinion in which they are held by psychiatry and psychology depend far too much on the “sensitivity of the operator” which we want as little as possible in Dianetics. The tests we need must be of a highly precise nature, depending on opinion of an operator not one bit. Our tests must be administerable to a small group simultaneously, must be graded swiftly, must contain a high degree of arithmetical estimation, and must present to a layman the facts and figures he expects of a science. For ourselves, in our own research and validation of new techniques, these tests are adequate and even desirable. If better tests than the California Test for Mental Maturity and the Johnson Temperament Analysis Profile and the old time-honored Army Alpha can be discovered for our purposes they will be used.

A complete schedule for an intensive process is as follows:

Despite statements of those who have made no investigation of auditing under glutamic acid, the chemical assist is highly desirable as an adjunct to processing. It has the virtue of softening up engrams and of proofing the case against restimulation by permitting engrams in the middle of a chain to occasionally reduce. Further, it sometimes permits whole chains to roll up. Additionally, it often gets anaten off a case which is proving difficult.

The formula for the chemical assist at this time is simply glutamic acid and vitamin B1. B1 is given preclears as a matter of course, and it can hardly be considered as a part of the chemical assist. Hence the essential ingredient is glutamic acid. No difference between dextrorotatory and levorotatory glutamic acid has been observed so far as the case itself is considered. Mixed levo- and dextrorotatory is a common form of glutamic acid and should probably be used. The dosage of glutamic acid is 2 grams every half hour for two doses at the beginning of each daily session and then one 2 gram dose every succeeding four hours until the next session including night dosages. It will be discovered that when inadequate B1 is given with glutamic acid that glutamic acid will become ineffective after the first day or two. Hence the glutamic acid works best when backed by 10 mg of B1 with each 2 gram dose of glutamic acid. Higher dosages of glutamic acid are sometimes used on very reluctant cases.

Benzedrine often helps a case run. Benzedrine can be administered at the rate of 5 mg per day given at the beginning of each six hour session with the first dose of B1. If administration of Benzedrine is begun, however, it must be maintained throughout the whole of the intensive process. Skipping a day, it has been noted conditionally, sometimes inhibits the release of anaten. Which is to say that when Benzedrine is administered on Monday, on Tuesday, when none is administered, the case appears to be a little more difficult to run in that engrams do not as readily release and, if Benzedrine is still omitted, Wednesday may discover the engrams to be much more resistive. While this is based on a short series, there is enough evidence to warrant this caution. This is particularly true when glutamic acid is being given the preclear.

Cases can be run on intensive processing without chemical assist or with chemical assist, at which time the processing may be called “intensive guk processing,” guk being the slang term for any chemical assist in Dianetics.

Intensive processing may also be assisted by what is called “free wheeling. “ Between sessions the somatic strip and the file clerk are put to work running out somatics, grief, terror, or anaten. It is very simple to do this but it should never be done on cases which have heavy control circuits, since free wheeling tends to lead such cases into automatic control with attendant snarl-ups.

To place a case on free wheeling, at the end of a session on which standard processing is used, the auditor installs a new canceller and then says, “The file clerk will furnish us with somatics. The somatic strip will continue to sweep such somatics until they are erased.” The preclear is left with this command until the beginning of the next session, when his auditor brings the preclear wholly into present time before beginning the session as follows: “The somatic strip will come to present time. The file clerk will give us present time. Cancelled.” Then the auditor, beginning Standard Procedure, installs a new canceller, puts the preclear in reverie and continues wholly in Standard Procedure.

Free wheeling has not been tested extensively on anything but somatics. Using it to roll out grief, terror, anaten or chains is highly experimental. Used on somatics in preclears who do not usually run their own engrams out of reverie, it has proven markedly helpful in that it occasionally runs out a somatic from under an engram, leaving all perceptics except pain. A 36-hour-long birth, after the preclear had freewheeled several days, has been found to be reducible in 15 minutes. Free wheeling is not likely to “run anyone to clear” even if continued many months and is a very small assist to Standard Procedure sessions. The real processing is done under Standard Procedure. Free wheeling now and then helps out.

The essence of free wheeling is this: The “I” will remain in present time, contacting no perceptics save as it exteriorly observes that the body occasionally hurts here and there: the file clerk and somatic strip will knock out somatics without attention from the “I.” The “I,” while a person is on free wheeling, should not be called upon to contact any portion of any engram. If free wheeling stops between sessions, with the file clerk and somatic strip inactive, the preclear should be left alone until the next session of Standard Procedure.

Free wheeling produces some remarkable effects. Pains turn off and on in most cases with remarkable profusion. If niacin in 100 mg doses per day is given the preclear he will run out sunburns, sometimes quite strongly. The preclear should be told what to expect so that he does not become alarmed. A preclear stuck on the track will not free-wheel. A preclear who is out of valence will get very light somatics but these may grow stronger as days pass and he drifts slightly more into his own valence.

The chemical assist and free wheeling should not be overlooked in getting good, fast results with intensive processing. The ordinary course of such processing should find the preclear being given Standard Procedure auditing under a chemical assist, with free wheeling between sessions.

Chemical assist should be prescribed for the preclear by the medical director of the department before the assist is given to the preclear. Adequate literature supports these and even higher doses of glutamic acid.

During intensive processing the preclear should not starve himself. A diet of coffee and sandwiches might slow his processing. He should eat a high protein diet during the whole course of intensive processing. Chemical assist is possibly not as effective when the preclear does not eat well, the glutamic acid being absorbed as nutrition.

At those times when a preclear undergoing intensive processing does not improve, it is policy either to sell or give him additional processing but this should never be stated to the preclear before the intensive run is entered upon for it drops his necessity level. The necessity level must be kept high during the course.


[Important Note re Free Wheeling: On June 28,1951, in a lecture, “The Completed Auditor,” to the First Annual Conference of Hubbard Dianetic Auditors, LRH gave a Final Report on Free Wheeling. In this lecture he said that free wheeling does not benefit cases, and does not reduce engrams.]