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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Meter - Everything Reading (S6) - B640315-2 | Сравнить
- Overwhelming the PC (S6) - B640315 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640315 - HCO Bulletin - Overwhelming the PC [B004-006]
- 640315 - HCO Bulletin - Overwhelming the PC [B040-007]
- 640315 - HCO Bulletin - Overwhelming the PC [B168-009]
- 640315 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Meter - Everything Reading [B004-007]
- 640315 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Meter - Everything Reading [B040-008]
- 640315 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Meter - Everything Reading [B168-011]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Class VI Central Orgs SCIENTOLOGY VI


There are only a few things which cause “everything to read” on a list of goals or items.


First amongst these (as in any level) is the inability of the auditor to read a meter.

In Class VI work the inability to read a meter is very subtle. It is usually that the auditor has not learned the difference between a surge and a real goal read or item read.

On a live Item list everything has some charge on it. Only the right item reads in its own peculiar way.

A right read is definitely itself and the auditor must learn it.

An actual goal chugs. It is no clean read. It may not even blow down. It is sporadic. But it is definitely a highly charged read.

Most Implant GPMs read with a long clean enthusiastic RR. Lovely. But it isn’t an actual GPM. The actual GPM chugs. It’s no clean sweep of needle. And it’s no mere Tick.

An Actual RI reads with a blowdown of the TA and heavy needle action. The action is so heavy that the sensitivity must not be higher than 4 in Class VI work. A surge looks like an RI if you run sensitivity at 16 or 32.

The auditor new to Class VI work is cocky about his metering. Yet he or she has to learn to recognize the character of a thing by its meter action.

An auditor who can’t tell an actual RI from a lock RI on an Items list with a glance at the meter response will give the pc a lot of bum items.

An auditor who can’t tell an Actual GPM from an Implant GPM or a no GPM merely by meter behaviour and no further questions will make a lot of mistakes.

In addition to how it read on the meter you do a full check-out, of course.

And in check-outs you must know, as well, by meter behaviour during checkout, what you are checking out even before you get the final answer by the check-out patter.

There are two ways then of recognizing the character of what you’re checking. One is by the reads you get from questions about it. The other is its character of read on the meter. Both are needed to get accuracy.

An auditor new to Class VI will buy a Tick. The only ticks in Class VI are on mid ruds and dogs. (Joke.) If you can’t get a long fall in response to one of your offered identities “Implant RI, lock on an Implant” and so on down the whole list of questions, then you’ll still get one on “It isn’t”. No ticks need apply.

The auditor who buys an actual GPM because of a tick on “It’s an Actual GPM” and no better read, would praise psychiatry.

Class VI is all big read stuff. If there are no big reads on anything, including buttons, then whatever it is just “isn’t”.

It must read big if only on “Suppress” or “Wronged” if it’s anything at all.

If “everything on a list is reading” it may just be that the auditor doesn’t know a read when he or she sees one.

An Item list should give a 1” or 2” surge on every item the first time through. Only the Actual RI on it reads its head off. And blows down. And keeps reading a while. Those other items’ surges just die out.

On a goals list the list ought to be complete enough that no goal on it except actual goals moves the needle. The actual goal when read gives a chug.

A goals list is very easily suppressed. The Actual GPM may be dug off it only by asking on each goal “Has (goal being tested) been suppressed or wronged?”

The same thing can occur with an Items list. It’s been flattened out of existence. But the right item will still read on “suppressed or wronged” with a long fall and so can be found again.

But all such actions are made infrequent by an auditor’s knowing how the real thing looks and spotting it the first time.

Locks and actual RIs read quite differently. Lock goals and implant goals and actual goals all read very differently. And all at a glance. Check-out on Items becomes unnecessary when the auditor knows how they should look and can see what happened on the meter.

One of the funniest auditor flubs, but not to the pc, is the auditor who, not being able to get anything to read while trying to learn the character of an Item or goal, merely keeps repeating the same question, trying by will power to make it read. An Item or goal is what it is and dozens of repeats of the same question will not make it into something it is not.

All things are something. The trick is to ask if it is what it really is. Only then does one get a proper long fall on assessing.

Identifying what things are is a game of charades. And if one doesn’t guess the right answer one doesn’t get the nod from the meter.

The nod is a big read always if the thing being identified is anything at all. And the nod also says, by the way the needle nods, if the guess is true.


Given an auditor who knows the different reads on the meter, there is just one other way one can be fooled.

If the right Item or Goal on a list has been read and abandoned, all its locks will begin to read like real items or goals.

This is a fabulously important datum. The too cautious auditor can wreck everything by reading the right item, getting the right read, and then abandoning it to try to see if anything else is it.

Example: On an Item (or Goals) list the auditor has found “Bark”. It has read well when called. The auditor feels insecure, so he or she then goes on to check “Woof”. “Woof” now reads well. Pc is restive. So auditor tries another Item on the list, “Growl”. This too reads well but won’t “bring about”. Auditor now tests “Arf”. This reads fine too.

But everything is now up the spout. Pc is miserable and ARC Breaking. Auditor is frantic. An ARC Break Assessment would show “Item abandoned”.

But what Item was abandoned? There has been “Woof” “Growl” “Bark” and “Arf”. Which is right? They have all read !

Now you must get the exactly worded item or goal. No near misses will do. The exact wording. The right “up” or “upon”. Exact. If the wording is not EXACTLY RIGHT, the mass of the Item (or GPM) will not as-is. The pc will be left in heavy charge. So almost right is WRONG. Always. The goal “To Catch” is going to cause ARC Breaks and somatics if called “To Grab”. The goal “To Be Creative” will give you a sick pc if found as “To Be Artistic”. And worse, if an Item has one “s” missing, it’s wrong. “Moaning” is wrong as “Moanings”. The bank is a demon for exactness. The mind is not a confusion. It’s a martinet of too much order.

So “almost finding it” is not finding it at all.

Nothing is ever almost right in Class VI. The meter does not almost read. So you have to find the exact goal wording or Item wording.

Now back to “Bark”. This was the first one read. It was then abandoned. This charged up its locks. So now “Woof” “Arf” and “Growl” are all capable of making “Bark” read. It is “Bark” that is still reading even when you call “Woof” and “Growl” and “Arf”. You have broken down the divisions amongst them.

Now what to do? How to find what is really reading? Ask “Has Growl been Suppressed or Wronged?” Small read. “Has Woof been Suppressed or Wronged?” Small read. “Has Bark been Suppressed or Wronged?” Big reads. Clean up “Bark” by getting pc to get off the Suppress etc, and “Bark” now reads and “Woof” “Growl” and “Arf” do not. So “Bark” is the Item.

Moral: When nulling, if you see a real big read mark it as “First read” or “1st Rd” and be safe. It’s all right to null onward but you may now find everything reading.

Pc announcing “Bark is my Item” if ignored without immediate check-out gives the same effect, since if “Bark” was the pc’s Item and was abandoned, all else can start to read, as the charge will transfer.

Hence the rule “An actual RI or actual goal abandoned on a list can now cause other lock items or goals to read well.”

The nervous auditor gets into this trap endlessly and so never learns that an Actual goal or Actual RI has its own peculiar read. Such an auditor loses all confidence in nulling accuracy and the pc goes wild.


If you ever run a wrong goal on a pc, again everything tends to read.

As we now have the pattern, the RR probably won’t go all the way off, but the needle will get tight and good indicators will flee. The pattern is close enough to keep the RR on somewhat.

But anything the pc gave you by way of Items would read.

Wrong goals are harder to detect than they were. The pattern is too good a guide. Almost any goal will run on it.

But black mass and pressure will appear, good indicators will vanish. Bad indicators will appear. And no mass as-ises.

Any actual RI has enough power to make lock or wrong goals based on it read. For instance, an Actual RI “Speeding” will cause the goal “To Speed” to check out as an Actual GPM! So beware of wrong goals. And do careful check-outs and buy only good forceful reads in answer to your assessment questions.

Implant RIs are incapable of giving a lock goal charge enough to check out. But an Actual RI has enough charge to do so. I’ve had four different goals check out for the same position. But only one gave good indicators and consistent responses.

Abandoning a right goal can make a pc very very sick. So there’s a limit on banging a goal around.


Experience tells one at length what a right goal or Item reads like, how it checks out and when one is going up the garden path.

But experience is based on sound beginnings. So know the above well. And then you can build up to good certainty on how it’s done.

The first thing to know, of course, is that there is a right way to do it. If you don’t realize that and try for it, then you’ll never learn and Class VI will remain a closed mystery to you.

But it need not, for we do know.