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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Politics - B690317 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Форма Обзора (АО-12RA) - Б690317R87 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690317 - HCO Bulletin - Politics [B009-026]
- 690317 - HCO Bulletin - Politics [B042-017]
- 690317 - HCO Bulletin - Summary Report [B009-025]
- 690317 - HCO Bulletin - Summary Report [B042-016]
- 690317 - HCO Bulletin - Summary Report [B165-047]
- 690317R - HCO Bulletin - Summary Report Form [B178-001]
CONTENTS POLITICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Here is a scale taken from Excalibur from memory. Excalibur was an unpublished book written in the very late 1930s. Only fragments of it remain.

By placing it against the Tone Scale developed at the end of 1950, certain current political philosophies are better estimated. By then looking up these tone characteristics in Science of Survival much can be learned and the ideologies are thus made easier to predict or handle.

The cycle of a nation goes on a descending spiral down this scale.

Those two tones apart are not likely to fight. Those a tone apart fight seldom. Those a half tone apart are in continual conflict.

As this was worked out before World War II it is quite remarkable to see how true it has held. And how each one has taken something from its neighbors.

I will not go into what lies above democracy except that Man is trying with his ideologies to solve mainly the problem of succession. History has seen other government forms work far more ideally than those named but in none of these could one guarantee succession of the beneficial rule. Thus adherents to all forms of ideology can be made to agree that „benign monarchy“ is an excellent form of government. But they discard it because a truly good benign monarch is not necessarily succeeded by one in the next reign.

Few governments exist in pure form. (Note there are no major governments at this writing above Social Democracy.)
