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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Postulates and Engrams - B780318 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 780318 - HCO Bulletin - Postulates and Engrams [B074-006]
CONTENTS POSTULATES AND ENGRAMS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo HSDC All Dianetic Auditors




A full Dianetic EP consists of F/N, erasure, cognition and VGIs. This has been well covered in Dianetic HCOBs and is expected of all Dianetic auditors. The Dianetic auditor is running out the forces and charge contained in the pc’s engrams and in doing so the pc’s thoughts and postulates which were buried in the charge will come off in the form of cognitions. When the charge is removed the pc is then able to evaluate and discard these postulates in PT as he sees fit. It is also an indicator of a full EP as a pc who has not gotten the force off an incident is very unlikely to recover the thoughts in the form of cognitions.

Where a pc reaches the basic on a chain and apparently flattens this but without all parts of a full Dianetic EP in evidence the auditor can ask the pc if he postulated anything in the basic incident. This should complete the full Dianetic EP. If not, the incident hasn’t had all the force taken off and should be run through again and continued per standard Dianetic tech to full EP. In the case of an assist one can ask for the postulate made just prior to the illness or injury. Where you have a full Dianetic EP of F/N, erasure, cog and VGIs there is no need to ask for anything further.

One does not list for anything. One doesn’t use “what.” No repeater technique. Just ask the question and get your full EP or flatten the incident.

What the pc postulated just before or while under the stress and pain of his engram could be any manner of significance to the pc, but it is of no significance to the Dianetic auditor other than as a means of ensuring he has gotten the full Dianetic EP and has removed all the charge and force in the pc’s engram. Then you will see a very happy preclear.

An engram chain is not complete unless it ends with F/N, erasure, cognition and VGIs.

As assisted by CS-5 LRH:JE:nc