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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditor Failure to Understand (BAS-06) - B621017-B710523-6 | Сравнить
- Comm Cycle Additives (BAS-09) - B710523-10 | Сравнить
- Communication Cycle in Auditing (BAS-05R) - B710523-5R74 | Сравнить
- Communication Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle (BAS-04R) - B710523-4R74 | Сравнить
- Magic of the Communication Cycle (BAS-01R) - B710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Metering (BAS-11) - B710523-9 | Сравнить
- Premature Acknowledgements (BAS-07) - B710523-7 | Сравнить
- Recognition of the Rigthness of the Being (BAS-10R) - B710523-8R74 | Сравнить
- Three Important Communication Lines (BAS-03) - B710523-3 | Сравнить
- Two Parts of Auditing (BAS-02R) - B710523-2R74 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Волшебство Цикла Общения (ОО-1R) (2) - Б710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Волшебство Цикла Общения (ОО-1R) - Б710523-1R74 | Сравнить
- Две Составные Части Одитинга (ОО-2R) - Б710523-2R74 | Сравнить
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- Три Важных Линии Общения (ОО-3) - Б710523-3v74 | Сравнить
- Цикл Общения в Одитинге (ОО-5R) - Б710523-5R74 | Сравнить
- Циклы Общения Внутри Цикла Общения (ОО-4R) - Б710523-4R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710523 Issue 01 - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B011-056]
- 710523 Issue 01 - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B044-057]
- 710523 Issue 01R - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B052-071]
- 710523 Issue 01R - HCO Bulletin - Magic of the Communication Cycle, The [B130-014]
- 710523 Issue 02 - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B011-057]
- 710523 Issue 02 - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B044-058]
- 710523 Issue 02R - HCO Bulletin - Two Parts of Auditing, The [B052-074]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B011-058]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B044-059]
- 710523 Issue 03 - HCO Bulletin - Three Important Communication Lines, The [B052-070]
- 710523 Issue 04 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B011-059]
- 710523 Issue 04 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B044-060]
- 710523 Issue 04R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycles within the Auditing Cycle [B052-072]
- 710523 Issue 05 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B011-060]
- 710523 Issue 05 - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B044-061]
- 710523 Issue 05R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B052-066]
- 710523 Issue 05R - HCO Bulletin - Communication Cycle in Auditing, The [B130-015]
- 710523 Issue 06 - HCO Bulletin - Auditor Failure to Understand [B011-061]
- 710523 Issue 06 - HCO Bulletin - Auditor Failure to Understand [B044-062]
- 710523 Issue 07 - HCO Bulletin - Premature Acknowledgements [B011-062]
- 710523 Issue 07 - HCO Bulletin - Premature Acknowledgements [B044-063]
- 710523 Issue 08 - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B011-063]
- 710523 Issue 08 - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B044-065]
- 710523 Issue 08R - HCO Bulletin - Recognition of Rightness of the Being [B052-073]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B011-064]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B044-066]
- 710523 Issue 09 - HCO Bulletin - Metering [B142-035]
- 710523 Issue 10 - HCO Bulletin - Comm Cycle Additives [B011-065]
- 710523 Issue 10 - HCO Bulletin - Comm Cycle Additives [B044-067]
CONTENTS Premature Acknowledgements Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue VII
HCOB of 7 Apr AD 15, Reissued verbatim as
Remimeo Auditors Supervisors Students Tech & Qual Basic Auditing Series 7

Premature Acknowledgements

Here's a new discovery. Imagine my making one on the Comm Formula after all these years.

Do people ever explain to you long after you have understood?

Do people get cross with you when they are trying to tell you something?

If so, you are suffering from Premature Acknowledgement.

Like body odor and bad breath, it is not conducive to social happiness. But you don't use Lifebuoy soap or Listerine to cure it, you use a proper comm formula.

When you "coax" a person to talk after he has begun with a nod or a low "yes" you ack, make him forget, then make him believe you haven't got it and then make him tell you at GREAT length. He feels bad and doesn't cognite and may ARC Break.

Try it out. Have somebody tell you about something and then encourage before he has completely told you all.

THAT'S why pcs Itsa on and on and on and on with no gain. The auditor prematurely acknowledged. THAT'S why pcs get cross "for no reason". The auditor has prematurely and unwittingly acknowledged. THAT'S why one feels dull when talking to certain people. They prematurely acknowledge. That's why one thinks another is stupid – that person prematurely acknowledges.

The quickest way to become a social pariah (dog) is to prematurely acknowledge. One can do it in many ways.

The quickest way to start the longest conversation is to prematurely acknowledge for the person believes he has not been understood and so begins to explain at greater and greater length.

So this was the hidden ARC Break maker, the cognition wrecker, the stupidifier, the Itsa prolonger in sessions.

And why some people believe others are stupid or don't understand.

Any habit of agreeable noises and nods can be mistaken for acknowledgement, ends cycle on the speaker, causes him to forget, feel dull, believe the listener is stupid, get cross, get exhausted explaining and ARC Break. The missed withhold is inadvertent. One didn't get a chance to say what one was going to say because one was stopped by premature acknowledgement. Result, missed w/h in the speaker, with all its consequences.

This can be counted on to make you feel frightened of being "agreeable with noises or gestures" for a bit and then you'll get it straight.

What a piece of tech to remain incompletely explained. Fair scares one it does. And in the Comm Formula too!