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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R3R Commands Have Background Data - B740127 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- В Основе Команд R3R Лежат Определенные Данные - Б740127 | Сравнить
- Дианетика, Для Команд Ш3П Есть Предпосылки (ДИА) - Б740127 | Сравнить
- Дианетика, для Команд R3R Есть Основополагающие Данные (ДИА) - Б740127 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 740127 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics R3R Commands - Have Background Data [B014-006]
- 740127 - HCO Bulletin - Dianetics R3R Commands - Have Background Data [B052-004]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


A Cramming action has just uncovered that at least some Dianetic Auditors do not know the reason for each R3R command and, not knowing why the commands exist, miss on cases.

A Cramming Officer or Supervisor can achieve a remarkable result by making an Auditor get the why of each R3R Dianetic command from the original materials.

The following development and use of this Cramming technique by Mike Mauerer follows:


“George Baillie, a Flag Interne, working on his Dianetics OK to Audit, was ordered to study the 1963 Dn HCO Bs (“Time Track and Engram Running by Chains” Bulletins, Bulletins 1 and 2). He read the HCO Bs but had not studied them vigorously enough and for application.

“As Interne Supervisor I worked with him covering these HCO Bs and Original Thesis. During the course of this action many confusions (primarily roteness) were handled. Among them were things like ‘What is the purpose of Step 6 of R3R, “What do you see?” ‘ He had previously thought it was to ‘orient’ the Pc to the incident or some such, but basically it came down to the fact he had never worked out the purpose of the command as related to the mechanics of the bank and time track. After some working he finally got the fact that Command 4 (duration) is to turn on the visio and that before moving the Pc through the incident one would have to know the Pc had visio so he could move through. Conversely, if the picture was not ‘turned on’ then the duration would have to be corrected. Another was the Step 3 Command (Move to that incident) on which the Interne thought that by repeating the auditing command when the Pc ‘couldn’t get there’ you would handle the time track. This of course is failure to handle an origination and failure to handle time for the Pc. He finally realized that obviously the Pc didn’t have the correct date in the first place and it is the Auditor’s action to find and get the correct date and thus move the somatic strip to that incident.

“Each command of R3R was taken up and its purpose demo’d out against the basic definitions and mechanics of the time track. One other of the things discovered by this Interne was that Command Nine (What happened?) has a purpose of running out the Locks created in PT, in session, by virtue of the fact that you’re reminding the Pc of Secondaries and Engrams right there! (This is of course covered in Original Thesis.)

“Probably the most stunning and revealing thing covered was the fact that in Original Thesis Chapter ‘Exhaustion of Engrams’, para 3, it says, ‘The principle of recounting is very simple. The preclear is merely told to go back to the beginning and to tell it all over again. He does this many times. As he does it the engram should lift in tone on each recounting. It may lose some of its data and gain other. If the Preclear is recounting in the same words time after time, it is certain that he is playing a memory record of what he has told you before. He must then be sent immediately back to the actual engram and the somatics of it restimulated. He will then be found to somewhat vary his story. He must be returned to the consciousness of somatics continually until these are fully developed, begin to lighten and are then gone. ’ This of course totally invalidates the use of a completely rote system and requires an understanding of what is happening to the Pc, bank, etc.

“Needless to say, this Interne went through many changes, now feels in comm with his Pcs and not ‘stuck’ to some rote procedure which truly inhibits the real gains to be gotten from Dianetics Engram Running. As evidence to this action and its resultant gains in the Interne’s ability to audit, the following is a brief description of a case he audited today applying 1963 engram running and Original Thesis to these cases.

“Case has run many hours of Dianetics with a hidden standard to do with his hand. Has been trying since earliest Dianetic sessions to get this handled. The somatic had been addressed by many different wordings and many chains but had never blown, yet chains had apparently gone to EP. The Auditor was C/Sed to find the actual somatic and run it out. It was found in session that the somatic had been run out to ‘EP’ so an L3B was done. From the L3B the Auditor found it was one incident in restim and proceeded to flatten the somatic chain connected with it. During this the Auditor on occasion had to correct three dates and two durations, but the spectacular part was Pc began on Steps 9 and D to say the same thing regarding incident each time. This being indicative of Pc running a memory record, Auditor moves Pc to the actual Engram, somatics intensify and then blow (for the first time), Pc exterior with VVGIs. Exam result is quite spectacular.

“All the above serves to once again validate the results of the Dianetics materials when they are applied in full.”
