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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Regimen Two - B600826 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - OCA Reliability Test [B024-182]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - OCA Reliability Test [B036-127]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - Regimen Two [B024-180]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - Regimen Two [B024-181]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - Regimen Two [B036-126]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - Regimen Two [B141-041]
- 600826 - HCO Bulletin - Regimen Two [B161-019]
CONTENTS Regimen Two MODEL SESSION ASSESSMENT CLEAR INDICATION Steps Of Regimen Two Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
1st Sthil ACC HCO Secs Assn Secs

Regimen Two

Regimen Two requires no assessment.

This regimen is run with presession and Model Session and contains a complete set of processes for the Model Session.


It should be noted that the patter wording of a Model Session is what is set and fixed. By always using the same words to open, continue and close a session, to begin and end processes, a duplication of sessions is achieved which as they continue, runs them out. The patter wording of a Model Session should be learned by heart and not changed. The commands of regimens of processes used in Model Sessions may change. But not the patter. It is this patter which makes a Model Session a Model Session, not the commands run in it.


No assessment is used in Regimen Two. The E-Meter is employed to determine the advance and stage of case. Advance is determined by change of tone arm position and loosening or tightening of needle, per unit time of processing, the sensitivity knob always being set the same, session after session. The stage of case is judged by the rapidity of the repetitive loosening and tightening of needle action and the width and rapidity of change of the tone arm.


When a case has at last a steady tone arm near clear reading for the sex of the pc and when the needle is loose and does not respond to elementary presession questions, the person is Mest Clear. (See chapter on this in Book I and read it carefully.)

Steps Of Regimen Two

Step (a) “What motion have you helped?”

“What motion have you not helped?”

Step (b) “What can you confront?”

“What would you rather not confront?”

Step (c) “Look around here and find something you could have.”

Step (a) is run for the bulk of the session and Steps (b) and (c) are given equal times at session end.

Step (c) may be run at any time if pc’s havingness drops. Step (c) must however always be run until the pc can have each one the bulk of the objects in the room.

Cases which do not respond to Regimen Two should be presessioned until the tone arm becomes active, no matter how many sessions this requires.