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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Release Gradation - New Levels of Release - B650922 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650922 - HCO Bulletin - Release Gradation - New Levels of Release [B005-034]
- 650922 - HCO Bulletin - Release Gradation - New Levels of Release [B031-024]
- 650922 - HCO Bulletin - Release Gradation - New Levels of Release [B040-078]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All Scientology URGENT URGENT URGENT


Further research has revealed additional data concerning Releases which makes it necessary to re-name the types of Release, or else deny preclears all the benefits available from states of Release.

As mentioned in earlier lectures there are several intermediate stages of Release between Level Zero and Level Five. I have finally isolated these and they agree with the Gradation Chart of Levels.

This changes also in some degree the upper levels of Academy training materials without actually adding any but only reassigning the same materials to different levels.

This discovery came out of a survey of the only things that could balk a case. These also are the main things an auditor has to be careful about in pcs. Further study revealed the state of Release to be available on each of these points and therefore, both to make Releases and better trained auditors, these were fitted in to the Gradation Chart in natural sequence as the dominant points stressed on each level.

The points are the same as those covered in the current “Out Tech” Bulletins and lecture.

They are:

So as to minimize any upset in introducing these additional levels of Release we will cease to call Release by stages and call them by Grades. In earlier material and lectures the terms “1st Stage Release” indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a “Second Stage Release” indicated a Power Process Release, a “Third Stage Release” was one made by orientation processes and a “Fourth Stage Release” meant one made by R6 EW. This was before I found that the additional levels were important or obtainable. Without wiping out the meaning of these “stages”, we will simply cease to use them to designate Releases and designate by GRADES. We will then use the exact processes of the grades that obtain the state of Release for the preclear and thus keep things straight.

This then is the new Grading:

Type of Release - Type of Process

Any one of the above group of processes can (and should be) run to a Floating Needle (and not one command beyond it).

With auditors warned of the consequences of running beyond the state of Release and people easily rehabilitated to the state even if it is overrun, it will be found that the state is attainable at each level with smooth auditing.

This ties smoothly into training as a class of auditor is capable of making a class of Release.

Knowing why people Roller Coaster (Potential Trouble Source) and what an SP (Suppressive Person) is and by carefully handling training of auditors in accordance with the “Out Tech” materials we can easily attain these states for preclears.

The discovery is actually contained in the first material issued that calls attention to not further auditing Releases. They could have their ARC Breaks, PTPs and Overts handled. This when I followed it up showed that additional Release states existed for these types of phenomena.

There are some additional processes that can be run at certain levels and as these are proven out they will be added as alternate processes to the level. However, it will be found that when a preclear goes Release at a Grade, it will not be advisable to further audit him or her in that grade on an additional process once the phenomena of Release has been attained for that grade. It may be that if a pc fails to go Release on the recommended process for that grade, another process for that grade included under the type of process for that grade may be used. For instance, on Problems, the pc does not go Grade I Release in the regular buttons of a Problems Intensive. Other buttons may be found and used. Or the preclear may be run on “Rising Scale Processes” or another process listed for that grade, all toward the goal of making the pc a Release from Problems. You don’t run a pc on the next grade just because you couldn’t Release him on the lower grade. You run the additional processes of a grade until he releases at that grade.

At Grade Zero you run Comm Processes of whatever kind until you have a Grade O Release. That means a “Communication Release”. Then you do the same at Grade I and run any version of problems, that affects the person’s problems until you have a Grade I Release, a “Problems Release”.

Therefore you are releasing the person on certain subjects at each grade. The scale can then be written like this.

You can readily spot that under each of these headings we have several effective processes in addition to a principal process.

The most indicated processes for these levels are listed in the first list of grades above.

If a former Release went Release on, let us say, Problems, he can be rehabilitated on the Problems Release and then audited on any of the other Grades from IV down. In short, anyone who went Release on one of these Grades from IV down may not be audited further on that Grade but can be released on any one of the other Grades 0 to IV omitting only Grade I Release, Problems.

Of course from V (Power Processes) on up it becomes improbable to run a lower grade but it possibly could be done on some cases. However, a Grade VI Release (R6 EW) can’t possibly be run below Grade VI. And on a Clear, there’s no bank at all, only freedom.

It’s also noteworthy that it’s all but impossible to do Grade V, Power Processes, on a former Release that has not been fully rehabilitated on the lower grade.

In training it is therefore necessary to put a Meter in the hands of a student at Zero and have him able to clean Tone Arm action well at Level I, be able to detect and clean reads at II and not clean cleans, be able to assess at III and find Service Facs at IV.

This means also that at Zero you teach the student all about Communication, its formula and the Comm Cycle and TRs. At I you teach repetitive commands, Problems Intensives (assessed by an upper class auditor as we used to do) and the CCHs (which pull the person out of problems and into PT). At II you teach a student all about STUDY (the genus of overts is the misunderstood) and O/Ws. At III you teach the student all about ARC and ARC Breaks and assessment and how to do old R-4-H in full and expertly. And at IV you teach the student all about “Deds” and “Dedexes” (History of Man) and justified O/Ws and Suppressives and PTSs and how to find and run Service Facs. And at V you review the student and classify fully all lower grades. And at VI you teach the student all about R6 and how to do R6 EW and as the student moves to VII you teach Power Processing and give the student the final materials to go on to Clear himself.

As I promised to do some time ago, that neats up all training into a form that can be firm, finally published in eventual book form, and which puts the stress on the most important data in auditing.

Parts of the mind, Codes, scales, other background data can be woven into the proper levels without overloading any.

Obviously then, you teach the student the theory in the Certification course and the drills and key processes for the grade in the Classification course of the proper level.

This neats up both training and processing, releasing and clearing.

This does not prohibit one from handling ARC Breaks or PTPs or overts in rudiments at any level, really. Handling a rudiment is just getting the pc going. It puts the heavy processes that handle ARC Breaks in life and the past, the problems, etc each in its proper level.

The rule applies that you must not overrun one of these heavy grade processes and must halt it the moment a free needle appears on it. Or if the TA goes out of it and it hasn’t released the pc and hasn’t been overrun another process can be run for that grade to handle the subject of that grade.

But I think you will find that the primary process of the grade will do it uniformly if well audited.

Here then is the additional data that belongs on your Gradation Chart and modernizes it.


[This HCO B is supplemented by HCO B 27 September 1965, Release Gradation Additional Data, on the following page.]