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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Rock Slams and Rock Slammers - B741101 | Сравнить
- Rock Slams and Rock Slammers - B741101RA78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Рок-слэм и Рок-слэммеры (2) - Б741101RA | Сравнить
- Рок-слэм и Рок-слэммеры - Б741101RA | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 741101 - HCO Bulletin - Rock Slams and Rock Slammers [B052-060]
- 741101R - HCO Bulletin - Rock Slams and Rock Slammers [B098-017]
- 741101RA - HCO Bulletin - Rock Slams and Rock Slammers [B082-038]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Ex Dn Spclsts Class IVs Qual HCO Dept 3


A lot of controversy has shown up this year on the subject of R/Ses and R/Sers. I thought I’d better write an issue on the subject to clarify it. The research on this was actually done years ago.


An R/S or Rock Slam is defined as a crazy irregular slashing motion of the needle. It can be as narrow as one inch or more than a full dial in width, but it’s crazy! It slams back and forth. It is actually quite startling to see one. It is very different from other meter phenomena.

Recently Auditors arriving on Flag were found not to know what an R/S was but were calling Dirty Needles, Dirty Reads, Rocket Reads, even Ticks as R/Ses. That comes from never having been trained on what an R/S is and never having seen one. R/Ses are unique in appearance.

Actually this is quite a serious matter because pcs get labelled as R/Sers and get run on Evil Purposes connected with this “R/S” that isn’t one. You can really foul up a pc that way, believe me.

A real R/S also has a crazy meter. It doesn’t read then it does. This happens because the meter reads just below a pc’s reality. If the pc has no reality on the subject, then the meter won’t read.

So you get a faulty meter. It doesn’t read on what it should, then it reads, then it doesn’t.


In a group of 400, the actual percentage of R/Sers is low. It’s about 8 in 400, or 2-2.5%. Those figures should seem familiar. They are the same percentage for SPs. And that gives you a clue to the identification of an R/Ser.

Where requirements for Scn or SO Orgs have been established for R/Ses they apply to the 2-2.5% of real R/Sers as these are also considered security risks for staff purposes.

These people can of course be salvaged as pcs using Expanded Dianetics. Letting them on staff could be disastrous, however.


To assist you in the identification of R/Sers I have done a complete checklist of characteristics and their references.

This checklist is to be used whenever a C/S is called upon to inspect a folder to determine whether a person is an R/Ser.

1. The R/Ses reported are actual R/Ses and not some other read or broken meter leads, a dusty or worn TA or Trim “pot”, or cans in contact with metal such as rings, bracelets, etc.

Ref: E-Meter Essentials; The Book of E-Meter Drills; The Book Introducing the E-Meter; HCO B 8 Nov 62, “Somatics – How to Tell Terminals and Opposition Terminals”, pp. 2 & 4; HCO B 6 Dec 62, “R2-10, R2-12, 3GAXX”; BTB 14 Jan 63, “Rings Causing ‘Rock Slams’ “; HCO B False TA Series 24 Oct 71, 12 Nov 71R, 15 Feb 72, 18 Feb 72, 29 Feb 72R, 23 Nov 73.

2. R/Ses have to do with Scientology or one or more areas of the old Scientology List One found in The Book of E-Meter Drills.

Ref: The Book of E-Meter Drills; HCO B 5 Dec 62, “2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 Modern Assessment”; HCO B 23 Nov 62, “Urgent – Routine Two-Twelve”; HCO B 12 Sept 62, “Security Checks Again”.

3. Pc is Slow or No Case Gain. Also is in a chronically nattery or critical state.

Ref: HCO B 23 Nov 62, “Routine Two-Twelve”; HCO B 5 Dec 62, “2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 Modern Assessment”; HCO B 6 Dec 62, “R2-10, R2-12, 3GAXX”; HCO B 28 Nov 70, C/S Series 22, “Psychosis”; BPL 31 May 71RA, PTS/SP Checksheet and mat’ls.

4. Pc chronically ill or who acts most “PTS”. This can be suppressed and hidden from view, however.

Ref: HCOPL 15 Nov 70R, “HCO and Confessionals”; HCOB 28 Nov 70, C/S Series 22, “Psychosis”; PTS/SP Pack.

5. Pc’s product is consistently an overt act and his activities destructive to others.

Ref: HCOPL 14 Nov 70, Org Series 14, “The Product as an Overt Act”; PTS/SP Pack; HCO Manual of Justice.

6. Pc’s behavior or condition or OCA classifies as psychotic.

Ref: HCO B Ex Dn Series and tapes; HCO B 28 Nov 70.

Where the answers to this checklist are yes you have an R/Ser. HCO handles and Qual programs them for rehabilitation.


Pcs who R/S are given Ex Dn. This does not change even though the pc is not an R/Ser. See HCO B C/S Series 93.

Where a pc R/Ses he will have Evil Purposes and be on a succumb as a result. R/Ses indicate an area of psychosis which will ruin the pc’s life if allowed to go unhandled.


This HCO B in no way changes Ex Dn as a requirement for R/Ses or makes it ok not to handle them.

Staff concerned must be able to identify an R/Ser which is different from someone with an R/S.

I thought you should have this data and hope it clears up any remaining confusion in the area.