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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 2 Simplified (TECH) - B630127 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630127 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2 - Simplified [B003-005]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon Franchise Students (Communicator: Mimeo at once and rush to all Tech Divisions) URGENT


I will shortly release Routine 2-12A which will incorporate Routine 2-10 and 2-12 with enormous simplification.

While the basic processes and purposes remain the same, I have worked out a number of simplifications that are greatly needed.

Having seen some of the trouble with R2-10 and 12, I have been furiously working to improve Indicators. I’ve now proved out some invariable indicators that will completely wipe out flubs if followed exactly as given in this HCO Bulletin. If they don’t work for you, the R2 being done is from wrong source. These indicators are not wrong.

I have also succeeded in developing a system in 2-12A that eliminates nulling, thus saving half the auditing time, and eliminates Tiger Drilling – a weak spot for HPAs. As the sessions can be run with almost no Mid Ruds or ruds, this leaves auditors with only an R/S to see on the meter and cuts out almost all other meter reading. R2 then comes much more easily into the realm of Co-Audit.

If you don’t get results from R2 it’s being done wrong. I’ve got the variables pretty well licked.

Until the full release of R2-12A, incorporate these changes which belong to 2-12A into any R2 you are doing or supervising. Change over at once. Abandon the old way where it conflicts as these data below will keep you out of trouble and stop some of the glaring errors being done. Apply these below to any 2-10 or 2-12 currently being done.


The Tone Arm is used in R2-12A.

On any list done on a preclear, whether source, represent or oppose, run all the Tone Arm action out of the Listing. List at least 50 items beyond the point the tone arm became motionless.

Keep the tone arm readings in the left margin of the list column. Note TA action about every 5 Items or at every change.

In a wrong-way-to oppose list, the TA tends to be more stationary.

If you don’t run the TA action out and at least 50 Items beyond, plus 50 Items beyond the last R/S seen on listing, the list will be incomplete.

Sometimes several pages have to be listed with a motionless TA before the final R/S comes on the list but ordinarily the final R/S comes within 50 Items after the TA has been motionless for 50 Items.


List at least 50 Items beyond the last R/S on the list. Do not stop listing with the last R/Sing Item. If you do you can be fooled. If you get a new R/S in the 50, list 50 more beyond that and so on.


List a few Items on each way oppose as a conclusive test to find right way oppose. The needle gets stiffer on the wrong way oppose. The needle looks looser on right way oppose. If you still can’t decide, again test either way until you are sure.

Use all normal tests but list a little each way to be sure.


A list is wrong way to if

1. The list doesn’t R/S.

2. The R/Ses on the list increase in incidence – more R/Ses per Item on later pages. (The number is quite marked.)

3. The pc looks darker and mass is pulling in on the pc.

4. The list is inordinately long – 40-50 pages.

5. The needle gets tighter and stiffer as you list (the most noticeable test). (A needle also gets tighter on an added to list if you didn’t read the right Item to the pc.)


If a case has R/Sed and suddenly can’t be made to no matter what you do, the R/S is swallowed into some earlier incomplete or fumbled action.

Go back and handle the earlier action correctly.

Sometimes an Item grabbed off an incomplete source list (but never use one that was found by representing an R/Sing Item) has to be handled fully to get the R/S back. Example: Incomplete Parts of Existence List. „God“ R/Sed heavily on it. Some auditor grabbed it and opposed it. List abandoned when directions came to use Items only from complete source lists.

Eight Reliable Items later, R/Ses on the case vanish or get tiny. Pc’s PTPs heavy and not being resolved by R2. Solution: Go back and get the „God“ package complete. The big R/S will come back on. (Make sure it’s opposed right way to this time.)


The biggest change from 2-12 to 2-12A is the four Item Package.

Always get four Items in a row.

Complete any existing 2 or 3 Item packages on a case to 4 Items whether the last Reliable Item found still R/Ses or not.

The four are:

(1) Reliable Item taken from a completed source list.

(2) Reliable Item taken by opposing (1).

(3) Reliable Item taken by opposing (2).

(4) Reliable Item taken by opposing (3).

It will be found that (4) is in opposition also to (1) if all was done correctly.

All lists (1) to (4) must be complete, to no TA action and beyond, right-way-to opposition in each case.

Where a represent enters in (which is seldom), there are five lists for four Items.

These are:

(1) Source list (complete to no TA for 50 Items but no R/S).

(2) Represent list from last Item in on source list. This is R/Sing Item. This is the first RI. List must be complete.

(3) Oppose list on RI found in (2) just above. This gives second RI.

(4) Oppose list on RI found in (3). This gives third RI.

(5) Oppose list or RI found in (4). This gives fourth RI.

Whether you get your first RI from an oppose or represent list, you always wind up with 4 RIs.


A package always consists of Two RIs that are terminals and Two RIs that are oppterms.

The terminals oppose either oppterm, one better than the other.

This is two packages 2-12 style, one pkg 2-12A style.

The Term-Oppterm of each pair must be of same order of magnitude.

The auditor has no business with the significances of Items. He never suggests an Item or goal. He never rejects one because of significance.

Here is an actual package. 1st RI found, Oppterm RELIGION; 2nd RI found, Terminal A CONQUEROR; 3rd RI found, Oppterm PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS; 4th RI found, Terminal A DISEMBODIED SPIRIT.


TERM Oppterm

A Disembodied Spirit – – –) Religion \ / \ – – – \ / – – – / X / – – – / \ – – – – \ / \ A Conqueror – – – – –) Public Communications

[Ed. note: in the diagram, each of the two terminals has an arrow pointed at each of the two oppterms, giving 4 lines with the two center ones crossing over each other in the middle]

In a 2-12A package you have to have 2 terminals and two oppterms, opposing and cross opposing as above.

Otherwise you’ve goofed and will the pc hedge and ARC break! Oh, my!

The sequence may be (1) Oppterm RI, (2) Term RI, (3) Oppterm RI, (4) Term RI, or it may be (1) Represent Item, (2) Oppterm RI, (3) Term RI, (4) Oppterm RI, (5) Term RI. Or it may be (1) Term RI, (2) Oppterm RI, (3) Term RI, (4) Oppterm RI, or (1) Represent Item, (2) Term RI, (3) Oppterm RI, (4) Term RI, (5) Oppterm RI.

Always 4 RIs, always 2 Terms, always 2 Oppterms.

If they don’t come out that way then one of the lists was wrong way to or incomplete or both.


R2-12A doesn’t nul a full R/Sing list. Only a non-R/S list to be represented gets nulled. And these are infrequently needed.

One completes the list to no TA action plus 50 or more Items and then 50 Items beyond the last R/S seen on listing. The 50-50 rule is minimum, not maximum. It sometimes must be more.

One tells the pc that one is going to read him the next to last R/S and does so. If it R/Ses, one adds to the list until a new R/Sing Item is seen and 50 Items beyond it. Then one reads the now next to last R/Sing Item again. (No Tiger Drill.) Auditor tells pc: „This is the next to the last R/Sing Item, not the Item. “

When the next to last R/Sing Item does not R/S on reading it to the pc (no TD), one then tells the pc that his or her Item will now be read and reads the last R/Sing Item to the pc. It should R/S without TD. If the next to the last Item did R/S, one does not read the last R/Sing Item to the pc but just returns to listing. If the R/S is off the last Item seen to R/S read the non-R/Sing Items just before and just after it, always to be sure. The R/S could have been noted for the wrong Item.

When one has read it to the pc and seen it R/S, the auditor says, „That Rook Slams“ and watches the pc. The auditor does no other action for a while, says nothing else. To speak or engage in new actions will rip the pc’s attention to shreds. This is a critical moment. One watches the pc’s face to see if it darkens or lightens. Darkens = wrong Item. Lightens = right Item. (Watch the area below the pc’s eyes, the eye pouches.) Pc doesn’t know if it’s his Item or not = wrong Item. Pc knows it’s his Item = Right Item. Pc ARC breaks shortly or gets critical of auditor = wrong Item. Pc happier = right Item. Pc doesn’t cognite = wrong Item. Pc cognites = right Item.

While pc is cogniting auditor will see the Item continue to R/S on the meter. The R/S may fade out or narrow as pc cognites. This does not mean wrong Item necessarily.

Even if the R/S vanishes after a good bit (5 minutes?) (no TD) it is still opposed. (3) is more likely to fade than (1) and (2) RIs. (2) is more likely to fade than (1) RI. (4) fades almost at once.

The Item must always be the last R/S on the list and must always R/S the first few times read without Tiger Drill (providing session rudiments are even vaguely in).

If you aren’t sure of the R/Ses while listing, nul for R/S only from the one above the next to last Item to the end of list. Don’t nul whole list ever.

If an added portion has an R/S on it there is no need to nul earlier than it either as no earlier R/S will exist. However always test next to last R/S. If two R/Ses appear before a list is added to (next to last and last) or if any two Items on a list R/S before a list is added to, that list is incomplete and does not have the Item on it.


A wrong Item given to the pc as his Item does the following:

1. Darkens pc’s eye shadows and face;

2. Pc immediately has more mass than before pc was told Item;

3. TA tends to stay up and stuck;

4. Pc slightly or greatly ARC breaks;

5. Pc doesn’t cognite at all or cognites briefly and stops (and ARC breaks);

6. Pc can’t really understand how it is his Item, but sometimes is propitiatively agreeable with no cognitions;

7. Pc can’t really see how it fits in package but may say so diffidently.


A right Item given to the pc as his Item does the following:

1. Lightens pc’s eye shadows and face;

2. Pc has no more mass about him than before Item was read to him;

3. TA usually blows down;

4. Pc feels more cheerful;

5. Pc cognites, usually at length;

6. Pc sees just how it is his Item;

7. Pc sees how it fits against other Items in any package.

The auditor must check up on all 7 points above as well as the R/S, making 8 points in all.

If the wrong indicators aren’t present and neither are the right ones, list on further. Don’t be a niggardly lister. Another hour’s listing can save 50 hours case repair.


Lists that never go clean needle are wrong way to.

You never end up a list with a Dirty needle if you run all the TA action out on a right way oppose list.

You don’t have to have a clean needle anyway on this type of nulling.


The R/S you see on the first RI of any package exactly repeats itself in width and speed on each one of the other 3 RIs in a 4 RI package.

It is the same R/S when listed and when called, also.

A package has a characteristic R/S. If one of the Items doesn’t match the R/S, it’s wrong. If none of the 4 R/Ses seen are similar, run don’t walk to the nearest Academy and as soon as the pc gets out of the hospital send him to an HGC.

The R/Ses in one package all match exactly when first seen and first called to pc. Of course after a few cognitions RI (3) and RI (4) of the package may lose their R/Ses, but not for a while and usually only after being listed.

An R/S is gone when it’s listed against.

You only have one R/S of a package of 4 RIs R/Sing at any one time.

RI (1) R/Ses until listed. Then RI (2) R/Ses until listed, etc.

R/Ses that grind out on packaging were wrong Items.

You never audit an RI in any way but listing for another RI.

Your memory and a note of width are your only tools in matching R/Ses on a package.


Use any ARC Break to determine that the R2 is wrong. There is no other reason for an ARC break, no matter what the pc says. The R2 is wrong. That’s the reason for the ARC break.

You use ARC breaks to verify the R2. The pc will not ARC break on right R2 no matter what provocation exists in the auditing.

ARC Break always equals Wrong Routine 2.

Wrong Item, Item wrong way to in oppose. List Incomplete. These are what cause ARC breaks, not the auditing. Never forget that.

Never try to cure an R2 ARC break with Mid Ruds or missed W/Hs. Go back to work on the R2 line-up.

Example: „Your Item is ‘A Cat’. “ Pc says ok, soon begins to chop auditor. Correct action, „Your Item is not ‘A Cat’. I will examine this. “ That’s the end of the ARC break just like that. Pc doesn’t realize the wrong Item is it. He thought it was the auditor. The auditor now looks over his list to see if it’s wrong source or wrong way to or incomplete and proceeds accordingly.

The Rule is always go back from an ARC Break. Never undertake a brand new action such as changing the universe.

New lists do not cure ARC breaks. Only doing the old list right or finding the right Item cures them.

This is also the dominant rule in case repair: Find the earliest ARC break and remedy what was being done just before it.

Use ARC breaks to guide your R2. Don’t ever Q and A with them or try to handle with auditing. Never stop the auditing on one. Just correct the R2 fast.


In repairing cases all you do is look over earlier reports until you find the session where the goals went sour and correct what was done in that or the immediate earlier session. Very simple. You’ll also find the R/S if it has vanished off the case.

Never start new actions on a case that needs repair. Only repair old ones. It’s a screaming auditing goof, a major error to start a new action on such a case.


All dope off and boil off while listing or nulling comes from ordinary garden variety missed withholds. Pull them rapidly and go on. In R2 you only pull missed W/Hs when you can’t get pc into session at all or when the pc dopes off. You don’t pull missed W/Hs in case on an ARC break – you correct the R2.

Pc going into apathy is also an ARC break you know. Also propitiation.


Never represent an R/Sing Item. But never. Don’t handle or use „RIs“ that came from representing an R/Sing Item. Some were gotten this way in 3GAXX. They’re wrong. Abandon them fast.

Always test a source you are going to use for a represent list for an R/S. If it R/Ses don’t represent it. Don’t oppose it either as it’s off some incomplete list. Find a non-R/Sing thing to represent instead.

There’s another version of this also. A pc asked to extend a list (or seeing the auditor’s paper as the auditor lists) will use Items that R/S to try to get the R/Sing Item on the list. This is fatal and will increase the number of R/Ses on the list and make the pc ill, give him the wrong item and so on.

When you see a pc doing this tell him or her, „Just answer the auditing question. Please just answer it. The Item we’re looking for probably isn’t even related to any R/S gotten so far. “

Make the pc answer the auditing question only.

A pc may also seek to package when listing Items, not answer the auditing question. An educated pc knows that RI (4) must match RI (1). Get the pc off it. „Just answer the auditing question. “ And you’ll be out of trouble.

Some pcs have listed 40 pages without once answering the auditing question.


Getting the pc to list out of session as in goals is a poor idea in R2.

Give the pc an Item wrong way to and he’ll wrap himself around a telephone pole out of session.

List R2 processes in session only.

You would have to nul the whole list if it’s listed out of session. Where’s the time saved?


Some eager beavers have started steering the pc to Items while listing, using the needle flicks.

Never do it.

You get Items that don’t belong and all sorts of things.

Just be simple, huh?

Routine 2 is as good as you simply audit simply. So relax and start clearing.