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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680113 - HCO Bulletin - S & Ds [B008-004]
- 680113 - HCO Bulletin - S & Ds [B041-040]
CONTENTS S&Ds S&D TYPE U S&D TYPE S S&D TYPE W Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


There are three types of S&D (Search and Discovery). These are used to nullify the influence of suppressive persons or things on a case so the person will be able to be processed and will no longer be PTS (a Potential Trouble Source). People who are PTS became that way because of suppression by persons or objects. Insanity is also remediable by S&Ds where the person can be processed.

These are all Listing processes and if the auditor is not well-trained and good at the technology of listing, not only will no good result occur but the pc (given a wrong item, overlisted or underlisted, or audited over an ARC Break or PTP) can be made ill.

Pcs who become ill are always to a greater or lesser degree PTS.

These questions should not be shown to a pc as they may start him self-listing.

The "type" is determined by the 1st letter of the key word in the listing question.


"Who or what has attempted to unmock you?"

Where this does not communicate, use "Who or what has tried to make nothing out of you?" A very bad off case may respond best to "Who or what has unmocked you?"

This (above) is the standard and most used S&D.


"Who or what are you trying to stop?"

This works on all cases to a greater or lesser degree. It is particularly useful on a case that is giving a great deal of trouble, gets small reads or is rather suppressive. This should work on the insane also as the point where a θn (thetan) becomes insane is the point where he begins to generally stop things. I looked for years for the exact point where a θn ceased to be sane and became insane on any given subject and finally found that it was the exact moment he became dedicated to trying to stop whatever it was.


"Who or what are you trying to withdraw from?"

This is the action after a failure to stop has occurred.

In administering these, the best order would be Type W, Type S and then Type U, if you are going to give them all to the same pc in a row.

Any or all can be given to the same pc.

S&Ds can be given more than once to the same pc.

Properly listed the results are magical. If they are not magical, then listing tech is badly out and should be restudied from all materials and tapes on the subject.

Errors are located and repaired by the recent new L4A (HCOB of 9 January 1968).
