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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- S.O.P. Goals - Errors - B610411 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610411 - HCO Bulletin - SOP Goals - Errors [B001-028]
- 610411 - HCO Bulletin - SOP Goals - Errors [B028-020]
- 610411 - HCO Bulletin - SOP Goals - Errors [B037-024]
- 610411 - HCO Bulletin - SOP Goals - Errors [B154-004]
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HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 11 APRIL 1961 CenOCon


The primary sources of wasted time on S.O.P. Goals and the only real errors that can be made are as follows:

  1. Bad Technical approach.
    Remedy: Be expert on TRs and Model Session and E-Meter.
  2. Improper Assessments.
    Remedy: Assessment by Elimination.
  3. Failure to flatten a level before re-assessing for a new level.
    Remedy: Run a level until the Tone Arm has remained still for 20 minutes. “Still” is defined as only one-eighth of a division of motion on the Tone Arm dial — e.g., an eighth of the distance from 4 to 5.
  4. Failure to detect and handle a PTP.
    Remedy: Do rudiments carefully watching meter needle for falls, not listening to what pc says.
  5. Failure to detect and handle an ARC break. Remedy: Do rudiments carefully and often.
  6. Failure to detect and pull a withhold. Remedy: Do rudiments carefully.

Honest, there aren’t any more difficulties than the above.

I doubt any other errors could be introduced than the above that would keep a case from moving.

In all auditors’ conferences and in all training, these things must be stressed. Know the TRs.

Know Model Session. Know the E-Meter.

Do proper assessments by the meter. Use elimination for goals, terminals. Choose the right level by the amount of fall of the needle.

Run the right amount of processing by the Tone Arm.

Inspect rudiments often. Detect and handle all PTPs, ARC breaks and Withholds. There are no other barriers to success in S.O.P. Goals.

But do the above wrong and you can add hundreds of hours to clearing.
