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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Steps to Speed Student Product Flow (WCS-07R) - B710629R74 | Сравнить
- Steps to Speed Student Product Flow (WCS-07RA) - B710629RA77 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710629 - HCO Bulletin - Important - Steps to Speed Student Product Flow [B044-093]
- 710629 - HCO Bulletin - Steps to Speed Student Product Flow [B011-098]
- 710629RA - HCO Bulletin - Steps to Speed Student Product Flow [B169-016]
29 JUNE 1971R
Revised 17 November 1974
Cancels BTB of 29 June 1971 Same Title
Remimeo Tech & Qual Supervisors Cramming Offs Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 7R IMPORTANT



Let us consider each student who is tearing along successfully in his studies to be an F/Ning student.

As a supervisor, you would want to handle anything that slowed or interfered with such a student’s F/N.

Using dope-off as the only detection of misunderstoods is supervising at a below F/N level. The F/N went off long before the student reached the point of dope-off, so waiting for dope-off to occur before handling is waiting too long.

Let us look at this from the point of view of the tone scale.

If you consider that each student who is not at tone 5.0 during study has a misunderstood word – and if you do something about the misunderstood word – then you can drive up study velocity so that all students are flying along as F/Ning students.

(It’s not a misunderstood phrase or idea or concept but a misunderstood word.) This always occurs before the subject itself is not understood.

In comparison with waiting for dope-off to occur before handling the misunderstoods, this method is like high level auditing where slowed F/Ns are taken as reads – rather than TA rise being the read.

An estimation of the tone level of students on one course showed them at about plus or minus 2.5.

This would mean many students had a very tight meter needle if we compare them to the F/Ning student who is flying along successfully.

This could be remedied.

If you had this problem of a group of students at tone 2.5 it could be approached this way:

1. Set up one or more word clearers in the classroom.

2. Start with the faster study students, but not those at tone 5.0 or above.

3. If TA above 3.5 or below 2.0 send to Qual for a C/S 53RI.

4. Word clearer inspects student stats graphs and locates with simple two way comm what was being studied at the specific period just before the graph leveled or started to go down. If the graph has not done either but just maintained at a low level, the word clearer selects out the earliest materials on the course.

5. Do method 4 on the materials selected on each student, taking each word to F/N.

6. Any student with BIs which do not clear up, or who runs into trouble on method 4 is sent to Qual for WCCL.

7. Push back the action so it’s done within the first few days of course for all new students, once all existing students are handled.

8. Keep in the M4 for all new students within the first few days as a standard action.

9. Do method 4 or use other methods of word clearing on all course students at the first sign of a non-F/Ning student.

By eliminating all these slows (misunderstood words), the students’ average points will rise and you will get all students flying along as F/Ning students.

The above actions can be done on all students who are not at tone 5 or above on courses, whether super literate or on fast flow courses.

These are organizing actions to speed production flow, which can be done without shattering stops such as “all students off course onto TRs”.

Quality will rise as well as speed.

From a LRH Despatch to
Flag D of T 12 June 71
Training & Services Aide
Revised by CS – 5 Ensign Judy Ziff
In co-ordination with Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis 2nd: Molly Harlow
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Approved by the Board of Issues for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY