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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TRs in Cramming and Training (CRAM-12) - B720914 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720914 - HCO Bulletin - TRs in Cramming and Training [B012-156]
CONTENTS TRS IN CRAMMING AND TRAINING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East. Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Cramming Officers Intern Supervisors/HGC Training Officers Francise


Reference: HCO 8 16 Aug 1971 Breakthrough TR Course __________________

Training Drills are done to a major stable win on a TR Course.

This does not mean that students or auditors may never do any more TRs or that this could constitute an overrun.

It is imperative that C/Ses, Auditors, Interns, Supervisors (including public course supervisors), Cramming Officers and Interne Supervisors do work continuously to improve their TRs.

Achieving a major stable win on each TR on a TR Course puts a student at cause on the subject of the TRs and therefore in a position to knowingly work on and improve his TRs, on a gradient, throughout his Auditor training.

All technical personnel above are expected to continue to work on and improve their TRs throughout all training and internships and service in an org or franchise.

There are many many stable wins to be achieved on each TR at every level of training and service.

The LRH Model Auditing tapes and materials are the only guide to perfect TRs.

Any question or queries or strange ideas about any TR must be immediately handled with Word Clearing on the relevant materials.

Beware of quickie TRs or Auditors who do five minute of TR 0 and then say that they have improved their TR 0 and confront. Watch out for Auditors who cannot or will not do two hours of confront or Auditors who cannot deliver 2-½ hours of auditing and short session. Be on the lookout for Supervisors whose students blow or who have small classroom attendance.

The basic Why of poor auditing or supervision is out OT TR 0 and TR 0 in all cases.

Cramming Officers are expected to have booklets and tapes on TRs and the Auditing Comm Cycle for use in Cramming. Extensive word clearing is expected as part of TRs correcting cycles.

Auditors and Internes get their TRs training done outside of production hours, and time must be provided daily [to] this to be done. Tech personnel may not be prevented from doing daily TRs. Technical reports show that some Auditors do not get in their minimum 25 WD hours, showing the vital need for lots of TRs to be done. Poor scheduling keeps auditors waiting, and unnecessarily lengthens their auditing day leaving no time for daily TRs. Daily TRs and auditor and Interne training times actually reduce time in Cramming. Auditors and Supervisors do not have cases and are expected to work on their TRs daily.

"Perfect auditing sounds as natural as rain. " - LRH, January 1972.
