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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Technical Bulletin - B560722 | Сравнить

CONTENTS CAUTIONARY B U T Cохранить документ себе Скачать
217a Kensington High Street, London W. 8
RUSH July 22nd, 1956
To U.S. ONLY Julia Lewis, Dick Steves, L. Ron Hubbard, Jnr. To England ONLY Association Secretary (Jack Parkhouse) Director of Processing (Ann Walker) Director of Training (Dennis Stephens) Staff Auditors, Instructors and Auditors close to Operation only.

I feel the urge to communicate to you the best news since 1950.

I have whipped the problems of the whole track and memory of the past and can resolve the worst cases we have ever had. That is a huge statement but I have solved and can untangle in an intensive the problems of the vacuum and havingness plus memory and health and have just done so. Hence the exuberance.

Also, other auditors can solve these in a case as well. NIBS has just cracked two six-year-standing Black Fives using some of this material and Herbie Parkhouse has had considerable luck with solids.

We are now capable of solving Book One style cases to the extreme level of clear.

No wild burst of enthusiasm is here intended. I have to put the finishing touches on a lot of things and the process is still slow — 25 to 75 hours. But I’ve now done it and seen it done to worse cases than any you’ve had. And that’s fact!

Okay. It’s not simple. It requires a minute understanding of Book One. It would take me 50 pages to explain all I’ve lately found about vacuums. You haven’t seen the last of me or of study, but you will have seen the last of unsuccessful cases providing only that we have time and environment in which to audit them.

We can make homo novis. (AND give a grin to those who kept standing around bleating, “Where are the clears?”)

We know more about life now than life does — for a fact, since it was reaching, we can communicate about the reactions.

The process is concerned with “making it solid” combined with effects. It isn’t easy. It is wonderfully complex and delicate. But it has been done. And it is being done.

Our cases gained but sometimes slumped. Why? Because an electronic vacuum restimulated on the track after sessions, and robbed the case’s havingness.

A vacuum isn’t a hole. It’s a collapsed bank. Every lifetime bank is collapsed into a vacuum. The formula is —

1. Run pc on start-change and stop for hours until he is under auditor’s control, in session and (often) exteriorized.

2. Then run him with commands “What are you looking at?” “Good.” “Make it solid.”

He will eventually hit a vacuum. (He’d hit it faster on “Recall a can’t have” but it’s too fast.) Here’s the tangle. The vacuum is a super-cold mass or an electric shock. This “drank up” bank electronically (brainwashed him). The energy drunk turned black. Hence black cases. (Does not apply only to black cases however.)

3. Run, interspersed with solids and “objective can’t have” on the room, “Tell me an effect object (that drank bank) could not have on you,” and “Tell me an effect you could have on object.” Object may be electrodes or supercold plate or even a supercold glass.

Caution, handle one vacuum at a time. These vacuums go back for 76 Trillion years. They were the original brainwash thetans did to one another, then psychiatrists (on the whole track) did expertly (modern psychiatrists are punks, modern shock too feeble to do more than restimulate old vacuums).

Take the vacuum that comes up running solids, or even “Recall a can’t have”, whatever it is and solve it as above.

This is delicate auditing. If you restimulate a vacuum too hard, the whole track groups on it.

Read Book One. Add vacuums instead of word groupers, use above and you’ll probably get through to success. Nibs did and I had given him less than you have here. Of course, he’s one of the best auditors in the business, so go easy. And Herbie Parkhouse is no slouch.


This is true —

  1. We have created the permanent stable clear.
  2. In creating him we have a homo novis in the full sense, not just an Operating Thetan.
  3. We now know more than life. An oddity indeed!
  4. We now know more about psychiatry than psychiatrists. We can brainwash faster than the Russians (20 secs to total amnesia against three years to slightly confused loyalty).
  5. We can undo whatever psychiatrists do, even the tougher grade from away back. We can therefore undo a brainwash in 25 to 75 hours.
  6. We can create something better than that outlined and promised in Book One.


  1. We need to know more and be more accurate than ever before about the time track and auditing. I have not given a thousandth of what I know about this.
  2. We have a new game but also new responsibilities amongst men.
  3. This data in the wrong hands before we are fully prepared could raise the Devil literally.
  4. Because we know more than the Insanity Gang, we’re not fighting them.
  5. Because we can undo what we do, we must retain a fine moral sense, tougher by far than any of the past.
  6. We can create better than in Book One now only if we know Book One and know our full subject.



I will be giving this data in full at the Games Congress, Shoreham Hotel, WASHINGTON, D.C. , August 31st, to September 3rd, 1956.

The exact regimen of this will be SLP 8 and will include the total picture of separating valences from bodies (which must still be done by the auditor, a formula I now have).

I have given you this data in this bulletin at this time because now I know I know and I want you to share in seeing the surge of vision which will be our future.


P.S. (Actually, contrary to rumor, it hasn’t all been done before. If it had been, the guy who is saying it has would be clear!)