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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Command Sheet - Pre-Havingness Scale - B610202 | Сравнить
- UK Cases Different - B610202 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Британские Кейсы - Другие - Б610202 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610202 - HCO Bulletin - Command Sheet - Prehavingness Scale [B001-009]
- 610202 - HCO Bulletin - UK Cases Different [B001-008]
- 610202 - HCO Bulletin - UK Cases Different [B028-007]
- 610202 - HCO Bulletin - UK Cases Different [B037-009]
- 610202 - HCO Bulletin - UK Cases Different [B161-003]
CONTENTS UK Cases Different S-C-S Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

UK Cases Different

In finding the bugs in running the South African case, I also had a chance to study the UK case somewhat as the country is full of English people fresh from home and I've already had years of experience with it in England.

I believe that clearing a UK case easily requires between finishing off the Formulas and starting the Regimen a lot of S-C-S or 8C plus the Havingness found effective for the case.

Control seems to get inverted on a UK case more easily than on some other nationalities and I think the inversion must be cleared up before Help (as in Regimen 3) can be effectively run.

This isn't a criticism on the UK case. It's just an effort to speed up clearing. A close study indicates that the UK case tends strongly to alter-is a command. It's no wonder, looking over the country's history, that commands got dangerous.

Therefore, in the HGC in London, I am now going to require an addition to procedure for clearing as follows:

When the Formulas are gotten out of the way and, while still running Failed Help between tests for havingness, the Havingness is found, a period of at least forty-five hours is instituted where the pc is run on S-C-S or 8C interspersed with a few commands of his Havingness every half hour. The last five hours will be run on Op-Pro-by-Dup.

Only when this is done will the auditor locate the Confront and then continue with Regimen 3.

If a test by the auditor, on any case, regardless of nationality, shows that the pc is poor on control, the above routine should be followed.

This data is backed up by enormous success with S-C-S and Op-Pro-by-Dup in England and the general success of 8C.

I have been looking for the bug in UK clearing for some time and feel that this is its remedy.


S-C-S now has four stages, instead of three. It has been found that at least one pc never flattened start because the body was "already started" being in constant motion and so the pc never could start it. The added command is "When I tell you to stand still, I want you to make that body stand still. " "All right?" "Stand still. "

The remainder of S-C-S is as always.