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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Universe Processes - B591005 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Процесс Вселенной - Б591005 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Finance [B023-207]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Finance [B139-006]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Game Condition and Auditing [B023-203]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Game Condition and Auditing [B026-006]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Game Condition and Auditing [B035-151]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Game Condition and Auditing [B133-062]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Portrait of Ron, A [B023-206]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Portrait of Ron, A [B139-005]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Tape and Record Production Hat [B023-209]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B023-201]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B026-008]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B035-149]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B071-032]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B133-059]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B133-060]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Weekly PE Report Form [B023-205]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - Weekly PE Report Form [B139-004]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - When Is a Process Flat [B023-202]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - When Is a Process Flat [B026-007]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - When Is a Process Flat [B035-139]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - When Is a Process Flat [B035-150]
- 591005 - HCO Bulletin - When Is a Process Flat [B133-061]
CONTENTS UNIVERSE PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise Holders BPI


Now that HCO WW at Saint Hill Manor is settling down for the long run, thanks to the co-operation of all Central Organizations and Franchise Holders with very few exceptions, I have been able to do some co-ordination work on processes I have been developing and would like to give you a rapid rundown on some of this work.

The first modern development of any importance since Comm Processes is called “Universe Processes”.

This is based on some work which started with the 1959 HPA/BScn Course. The most gross breakdown of parts of life is: 1. The Thetan 2. The Mind 3. The Body and 4. The Physical Universe. This division is a sort of shorthand of the eight dynamics and gives us the stuck points of the majority. As this division is refined it becomes the eight dynamics as used in the old Dynamic Straight Wire.

Almost anything which applied to or was used in Dynamic Straight Wire can also be used in Universe Processes.

The most elementary form of Universe Processes is called “Universe O/W”. This consists of doing an E-Meter assessment of the person on the four points above, taking the most different needle reaction from the rest (Thetan, Mind, Body and Physical Universe) and running what was found with Overt-Withhold Straight Wire.

Example: Let us say that we found Physical Universe to be the thing which fell the hardest or looked the most different on the E-Meter. One would then run as an alternate question: “Recall something you have done to the Physical Universe” alternated with “Recall something you have withheld from the Physical Universe”. When the E-Meter was reading Clear on the tone arm for the sex of the pc, one would then reassess and use the one of the three remaining terminals (Thetan, Mind or Body) which now fell differently or more than the other two. Thus all four would eventually be run.

Universe O/W is based upon the observable fact that a thetan is trapped in a thetan, a mind, a body and the physical universe. If he weren’t, he or she wouldn’t be sitting in a chair. Thus we process the extremely obvious, scouting out with an E-Meter only what obviousness is more troublesome to the pc than the other obviousnesses. Of course it seems strange that a thetan could think of himself being trapped in another thetan but you see this all the time in valences. Ghosts become ghosts by being overwhelmed by thetans they think are ghosts and so on. That a thetan is trapped in a mind and that it is not his own mind that he is trapped in is also obvious. If it were his own mind he would soon as-is it and you see what a hard time he has trying to erase it: that hard time comes about because he is misowning the mind in which he is trapped. And this is true of all traps. A thetan is usually quite sure that there is something wrong with the ownership of his own body and sure enough there is. And of course he’s in the universe without much understanding of it.

It is far more obscure that a thetan gets trapped in the remaining dynamics even though this is equally true. He isn’t really trapped in an animal if he is sitting there in a human body and so forth. So Universe O/W processes the obvious that is the most obvious.

All four of these terminals are run.

Now there is another way of attacking this problem and it is very successful. This is the “Universe Comm Process”. One assesses the pc in exactly the same way but runs the terminal on “From where could you communicate to a ... (one of the four universes as above)”.

It is very notable that Comm Processes work best on obvious and visible terminals and work much less well on things that are not present and worst on things that are merely ideas or significances. You can make great headway with a pc with “From where could you communicate to a body” when with the same pc you might get very, very slow results with “From where could you communicate to a brother”. Therefore the easiest to run and make progress with a Comm Process is using an obvious terminal and this of course would be one of the four universes, thetan, mind, body and physical universe.

However, when one runs a very obvious terminal with a Comm Process, one must carefully avoid pinning the process in present time. One cannot successfully run a Comm Process with “From where could you communicate to this room”. This is too specific. The pc is balked by the fact that the Comm Process strongly calls up every room like “this room” and if he answers anything about these other rooms he is not doing the exact auditing command and so goes rapidly out of session. Specific terminals that permit no large breadth of time span won’t run on a Comm Process because the process escapes the time limit imposed all too easily. One would have to run “From where could you communicate to a room” in order to wipe out the bad effects of “this room” on the case.

Universe Comm Processes are evidently the best version of all Comm Processes.

The assessment of the proper terminal can be a little tricky. The semantics of the terminal get in an auditor’s way. And yet the auditor may be led astray into using a version of the terminal that is not really an obvious terminal. Example: The pc does not understand what a thetan is and the meter does react to it so the auditor sorts out “soul” and “spirit”, etc, but gets a large drop on “astral body” and decides to run it only to discover that he is running an engram of recent origin in which the words appear. “Spirit” dropped less but would have run because it was more general.

You are probably wondering how we can get away with running “conceive a static”, forbidden in the book The Creation of Human Ability. We can just barely get away with it because of the nature and power of the Comm Process. By damping out excessive individuation the Comm Process increases havingness. A total individual can’t have much of anything — you can’t even have a car really unless you can be, besides self, a “car driver” or a “car passenger”. A totally individuated person cannot be anybody but himself, cares for nobody but himself and can share in no activity of any other person. Hence as we flatten out this obsessive individuation we gain in the pc usually enough havingness to run a massless identity such as a thetan. However this terminal usually runs less well than the other three employed in Universe Processes.

There are other developments which will be discussed in later bulletins, such as “Think of a creation you could make unknown” but these in general are not as important to us as the above.

If you are having trouble keeping your people on a Co-audit it’s because the things you are running on them are not real to them. I think you will find that by using a Universe Assessment on a Co-audit as above, you will have much more constant attendance. Try it anyway.