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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Unreading Flows - B781203 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS UNREADING FLOWS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All Auditors All C/Ses NED Checksheet



Each flow of an item or question is checked for a read before running it. Unreading flows are not run.

One of the governing laws of auditing is that you don’t run unreading items. It doesn’t matter what you are auditing. You don’t run unreading items. And you don’t run unreading flows. You don’t run an unreading anything. Ever. For any reason.

Auditing is aimed at reactivity. You run what reacts on the meter because it reacts and is therefore part of the reactive mind. A read means there is charge present and available to run. Running reading items, flows and questions is the only way to make a pc better. This is our purpose in auditing. To run unreading flows, etc. requires the pc to run “analytical” answers or to “run” things that aren’t there or to put something there to “run.”

The most trouble you can get a pc into is running him on uncharged items or flows. For an auditor to sit in session watching a meter that didn’t read, looking expectantly at the pc for an answer to an uncharged question, flow or item is a GAE and will wreck cases faster than anything you can do.

So you must check questions, flows or items before running anything. If it doesn’t read you just say “Thank you” and go on to the next one. You would, of course, use the buttons to ensure nothing was suppressed! invalidated or misunderstood before leaving an unreading item, flow or question.

This is probably one of the reasons that it has been observed that I can audit a pc for 2½ hours and get the same result that another auditor might get in 25 hours. There’s nothing mysterious about it. I never run a pc on things that aren’t charged. And I don’t miss reads.

I expect no less from you.
