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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clearing Commands - BTB720502 | Сравнить
- Clearing Commands - BTB720502R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720502R - Board Technical Bulletin - Clearing Commands [BTB02-015]
- 720502R - Board Technical Bulletin - Clearing Commands [BTB08-007]
CONTENTS CLEARING COMMANDS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
2 MAY 1972R
Revised & Reissued 10 June 1974 as BTB
Cancels HCO Bulletin of 2 May 1972 Same Title
Remimeo All Auditors


(Amends HCO B 14 Nov 65, “Clearing Commands” and HCO B 9 Nov 68, “Clearing Commands-All Levels”)

Ref: HCO PL 4 April 72, Revised 7 April 72, “Ethics and Study Tech”

The rules of clearing commands are:

1. Always have a good dictionary in the auditing room. Have a copy of the Scientology Dictionary and any other materials necessary to define Scientology terms. If the pc’s native language is not English, have a dual dictionary for that language and English. A simple grammar book may also be required. For a foreign language case one should also have a dictionary of the foreign language itself. e.g. English “apple”-looks in English/French, finds “pomme”-looks in French dictionary to define „pomme”. So for the foreign language case 2 dictionaries are needed – (1) English to foreign language, (2) foreign language itself.

2. Clear the commands (or questions or list items) by first clearing in turn each word in backwards sequence of the words in the command. (e.g. If command is “Do fish swim?” clear “swim” then “fish” then “do”.) This prevents the pc starting to run the process by himself while you are still clearing the words.

3. That a word reads when clearing an assessment or listing question does not mean that the question has read. Misunderstood words read on the meter.

4. F/Ns obtained on clearing the words do not mean the process has been run.

5. Next, clear the command itself. Auditor asks the pc: „What does this command mean to you?“ LRH. If it is evident from the pc’s answer that he has misunder­stood a word as it is used in the context of the command:

(a) Re-clear the obvious word (or words) with the dictionary.

(b) Have him use each word in a sentence until he has it. (Clear all definitions of a misunderstood word.)

(c) Re-clear the command.

(d) If necessary, repeat steps 2 & 3 to make sure he understands the command.

(e) “Under no circumstances is the Auditor to evaluate for the pc and tell him what the word or command means.” LRH

6. You clear the first command (or bracket) that you are going to run, then run it. Then clear the second command (or bracket) and run it, etc. Don’t clear more than one command (or bracket) at a time.

7. When clearing the command, watch the meter and note any read on the command (per HCO B 28 Feb 71, C/S Series 24, “Metering Reading Items”).

8. Have the pc on the cans throughout the clearing of the words and commands – except when the pc is doing demos as needed. The Auditor holds the dictionary for the pc.

9. As it is difficult to clear all the words of a correction list on a pc over heavy by-passed charge, it is standard to clear the words of an LI C and Ruds very early in auditing and to clear an L4BR before commencing listing processes or an L3RD before running R3R. When the need for those correction lists arises one does not then need to clear all the words as it has already been done, thus such corrective lists can be used when needed without delay.

„ARC Breaks and lists should be word cleared before a pc gets into them and should be tagged in a folder on a yellow sheet as cleared. “ LRH

It is also standard to clear the words of the Word Clearing Correction List early in auditing and before other correction lists are cleared. This way, if the pc bogs on subsequent word clearing, you have your Word Clearing Correction List ready to use.

10. However, if, for example, your pc is sitting in the middle of an ARC Break (or other heavy charge) and the words of the L1C (or other correction list) have not been cleared yet, you go ahead and assess the list to handle the charge. “Don’t clear first. Just verify by asking afterwards if he had any mis-U’s on the list… (otherwise it’s auditing after an ARC Break).” LRH

All the words of the L1C (or other correction list) would then be cleared thoroughly at the first opportunity – per your C/S’s instruction.

11. Do not re-clear all the words of assessment lists each time the list is used on the same pc. Do it once, fully and properly the first time and note clearly in the folder, on a yellow sheet for future reference, which of the standard assessment lists have been cleared.

12. These rules apply to all processes, listing questions and assessments.

13. The words of the platens of Advanced Course materials are not so cleared.


Any violation of full and correct clearing of commands or assessment questions, whether done in a formal session or not, is an ethics offence per HCO PL 4 April 1972, Revised 7 April 72, „Ethics and Study Tech“, section 4, which states:

“Any auditor failing to clear each and every word of every command or list used may be summoned before a court of ethics.

The charge is out-tech.” LRH

Training and Services Aide
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU
for the