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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Creative Processes, Motions, Stops and Perceptions - PAB-98-561015 | Сравнить

The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
20 Buckingham Street, Strand, London W.C. 2
15 October 1956


Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures

You will find in auditing a preclear that certain of his mock-ups still exist on his time track. So when a preclear makes a facsimile or dub-in it is still in a certain time- space spot.

Some facsimiles are so signally a failure that they float. They go skidding along the track. That is survival (no-effect). They weren't nailed down.

One could say that he is stuck in that moment of time.

You could do this to a person and say “When I snap my fingers an age will flash” and snap your fingers, and he may say “Six.” What does that mean? It means that the preclear is stuck in that age.

A man of 55 years with the face of a body of 5 years has certain speech, sexual and other mannerisms which have “floated” up with him to the age of 55. In other words, he is in a reaction pattern of the age of 5.

The age of a facsimile will flash. With an E-Meter you will see where he is stuck. Where there is charge (motion) the needle is in motion, and where he is stuck the needle will freeze right down to motionlessness when you are on the moment of stuckness.

A person is hit on his head with a sledgehammer at the age of 5, and at 55 he is still there. He still has that facsimile floating about.

It isn't perception that bounces, sticks, groups one on the track. Perceptions such as sight, sound, etc., in a facsimile are discovered to be a simple key-in of motions and solids.

A person is stuck when he wishes to escape motion.

An individual in a high games condition is in motion. The game gets too high, and he drops out. So he goes into a no-games condition. You can call this a rest point on the track.

He was in high motion, didn't like it after a while, found a stop point and he stopped. For example, a man is playing the game of “Fighting the Wars of India.”

After a while he gets tired of it, and one day, in a battle, when everything is in violent motion, he considers that this isn't worth it any more and somebody spears him through the chest. This is a stop point on the game.

Whenever he is reminded of the high motion he remembers that there was a stop point on the track; i.e. , lifetimes later he walks in London and sees an Indian being run over by a car, and suddenly all this unexpected motion reminds him of the old game of the Indian Wars and he remembers the stop point on the track, how he got out of the game. This preclear comes to you complaining of his chest — he's either got TB, chest trouble or something, and this blows when you audit solids.

There is an exact stop point in the middle of the facsimile where a game has ended, and your preclear wants to get into this stop point to escape a high-motion games condition because that stop point was the solution to all that danger and motion.

The solution to danger and motion, reactively, is a stop point.

An engram is a moment of pain and/or unconsciousness in an exact moment of time (or a mental image picture containing moments of pain and/or unconsciousness).

So a person who is in the middle of some painful incident which happened centuries ago is in this rest point, escaping from imagined danger and motion.

This is an exact mechanism which you must know and with which you must work.

You may ask how somebody gets out of a stuck point from which he cannot escape.

He is on the stuck point because there was too much motion on either side of it. So if he comes out of it he runs into the rest of the motion which he desired to escape. So the stuck point, as far as he is concerned, is okay.

In order to run this, you make him (the preclear) take over the automaticity of the motion that happened before and after the incident.

Have him mock up the motion that happened before the incident. (DON'T HAVE HIM RUN THE FACSIMILES BECAUSE HE WILL EAT THEM ALL UP AND BE VERY MAD WITH YOU AFTERWARDS.) Have him put new motion into the incident by mock-ups. (DON'T RUN THE OLD MOTION OUT!)

By throwing new motion in you are showing him that he can get the motion under control.

Do the same for after the incident occurred and he will shake loose from that point. You don't erase the stuck point. You improve his tolerance of motion.

DON'T RUN THE STUCK POINT. It runs for 165 hours without release. IT IS SERIOUS AND CONTAINS A VACUUM IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. You handle vacuums and stop (games conditions) by handling the motion.

A fellow with no stuck points is the “agitation case,” spastics and any condition which is obsessed with high compulsive, obsessed motion.

High obsessed motion is lower on the scale than somebody who sleeps all the while.

This gives us caution. If somebody runs out of stop points he is in trouble.

So handle all motion in a period that turns up, otherwise we leave him stuck in the middle of the incident. Move him right out of the incident. Handle all the motion by putting in new motion.

An individual can be audited too briefly on any type of given motion. So move him right out, for he will rather have the stop point than be stuck in the middle of an incident.

A vacuum confuses all this.

A vacuum is a super-cold object that attracts electronically into it the whole track.

Just preceding a vacuum is the most violent motion of facsimiles you have ever observed because it may have a million years of facsimiles, places, faces, stop points, etc., in it.

So where are the stuck points? It is in the vacuum among all the scramble of facsimiles.

This is common in space opera. An object out in space which is -273 degrees has infinite capacitance and zero resistance, and it is hungry. It picks up that electrical energy at a fantastic rate. It pulls a person's whole track in when, out in space, he touches it.

(That's all there is to brainwashing.)

Handle this by having facsimiles fly around in mock-ups. Do this on gradient scales. (A gradient scale is a scale of conditions ranging from zero to infinity.) Next thing he has avalanches that he can start, stop and change, mock up, etc., and he doesn't care about vacuums any longer.

After this have him invent some games and individualities to get the game sorted

A game doesn't only consist of motion, but of enemies and individualities to fight those enemies with.

So all these factors MUST be taken into account or else you will be processing your preclear towards succumb.