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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dianetic Case Supervisors Index - BTB710425R74 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710425R - Board Technical Bulletin - Dianetic Case Supervisors Index, The [BTB05-022]
- 710425RA - Board Technical Bulletin - New Era Dianetics Case Supervisors Index, The [BTB11-001]
25 APRIL 1971R
Revised & Reissued 22 November 1974 as BTB
Remimeo HSDC Dianetic Auditors C/Ss


This C/S’s Index is for use in Case Supervising Dianetic Auditing.

See also the Dianetic references in:

Dianetic C/Sing is its own zone of technology.

Dianetic and Scientology C/Sing Technologies are different in many respects and must not be mixed. These technologies are complementary to each other in the long overall view of case handling. The rule is simply that whenever a preclear is being run on Dianetics, at any case or Grade level, the rules of Dianetic Case Supervision apply.

Dianetics can be run on any Grade of preclear or Pre-OT if necessary. It can even be run on a preclear who has had only a C/S No. 1 and no other auditing. The need for Dianetic Auditing can and does occur at any case level.

The advent of “Expanded Grades” and the C/S Series of HCO Bulletins and Triple Flow Dianetics does not cancel the basics of Dianetics Case Supervision; these developments clarify and complement Dianetic Case Supervision.

Dianetics is Dianetics. It is for use.

The use of this Dianetic C/S’s Index will help you to achieve the maximum gains attainable with Dianetics.

Use it.



This index lists categories of preclear “situations” and HCO Bulletins and BTBs that give the proper handling for the situations.

Preclear situations are listed in the left-hand column.

HCO Bulletins and BTBs giving the proper handling of the situations are listed in the right-hand column.

There are spaces provided for additional HCO Bs to be added to each category as they may be issued in the future. It is expected that a person using this index would keep it up to date himself.

Section I: Usual Situations and Actions

Starting a preclear
Note: When R3R is run for the first time as at any later time it is run Triple Flow. See Section III for C/S data on Triple R3R.
  • HCO B 5 Apr 69 (reissued 26 May 70), “New Preclears”
  • HCO B 12 June 70, “Programming of Cases”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 28 July 71, C/S Series 54, Dianetics, Beginning a Pc On”
  • HCO B 19 Apr 72, C/S Series 77, “ ‘Quickie’ Defined’’
  • BTB 24 Apr 69R, “Preclear Assessment Sheet”
  • BTB 12 July 69, IV, “Starting Dianetics on Pcs Who Have Had Scientology Auditing”
  • BTB 8 Jan 71 R, “Auditing CS-1 for Dianetics and Scientology”
Health Form and R3R
  • HCO B 19 May 69, “Health Form, Use of” “Pastoral Counselling Health Form” – Revised 22 July 69
  • HCO B 9 Aug 69, “Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics” (section under Health Forms)
  • HCO B 28 Feb 71, “Metering Reading Items”
  • HCO B 28 July 71, C/S Series 54, “Dianetics, Beginning a Pc On”
Pc has had Dianetic Auditing on Flow 1 or Dianetic Triples but not on all items See Section III of this Index
  • HCO B 7 Mar 71 RA, C/S Series 28RA “Use of Dianetics”
  • HCO B 4 Apr 71 RA, C/S Series 32RA, “Use of Dianetics”
  • HCO B 5 Apr 71RA, C/S Series 33RA, “Triple Reruns”
  • HCO B 21 Apr 71RB, C/S Series 36RB, “Dianetics”
Assessment of existing lists for any regular Dianetic Auditing
  • HCO B 29 Apr 69, “Assessment and Interest”
  • HCO B 21 May 69, “Assessment”
  • HCO B 26 Apr 69, “Somatics”
  • HCO B 27 Jan 70, “Narrative Items Explained”
  • HCO B 29 Jan 70, “Null Lists in Dianetics”
  • HCO B 28 Feb 71, “Metering Reading Items”
  • HCO B 24 July 69, “Seriously Ill Pcs”
  • “Pastoral Counselling Health Form” Rev. 22 July 69
  • HCO B 14 Mar 71R, “F/N Everything”
  • HCO B 14 Sept 71, C/S Series 59, “Dianetic List Errors”
  • HCO B 20 Apr 72, II, C/S Series 78, “Product Purpose and Why and WC Error Correction”
  • HCO B 10 Aug 72, C/S Series 82, “Dianetic HCO B – Interest”
  • HCO B 13 Sept 72, C/S Series 85, “Dianetics – Catastrophes from and Repair of “No Interest’ Items”
  • HCO B 6 Dec 73, C/S Series 90, “The Primary Failure”
  • BTB 24 Nov 71 R, “Pressure Somatics in Dianetics”
Reassessment of Existing Lists Item found last session Same as above for assessment of existing lists for any regular Dianetic Auditing.
  • HCO B 28 Feb 71, “Metering Reading Items”
  • HCO B 14 Mar 71 R,“F/N Everything”
Item given to Examiner
  • HCO B 28 Feb 71,“Metering Reading Items”
  • HCO B 14 Mar 71 R,“F/N Everything”
Trouble with a Specific Area
  • HCO B 24 July 69,“Seriously Ill Pcs” (Chronic Somatic) HCO B 9 Aug 69, “Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics” (section under Special Cases)
  • HCO B 16 June 70,C/S Series 6, “What the C/S is Doing”
  • HCO B 16 Aug 70 (corrected & reissued 3 Nov 70), C/S Series 15, “Getting the F/N to Examiner”
  • HCO B 5 July 71 R,C/S Series 49R, “Assists”
  • HCO B 11 July 73,“Assist Summary”
  • HCO B 6 Jan 74,“Assist Summary Addition”
  • HCO B 15 July 70 (corrected & reissued 25 Nov 70), “Unresolved Pains”
  • HCO B 19 July 69,“Dianetics and Illness” (especially second page re specific area)
  • HCO B 16 Dec 71RA,C/S Series 35RA, “Interiorization Errors”
Pc Exterior
  • HCO B 4 Jan 71 (corrected & reissued 3 Oct 71), “Exteriorization and High TA”
  • HCO B 17 Dec 71R,C/S Series 23RA, “Interiorization Summary”
  • BTB 24 July 73,“Pregnancy and Auditing”

Section II: Dianetic Remedies

Pc Physically ill
  • HCOB 12 Mar 69,“Physically Ill Pcs and Pre OTs (with a note on Drugs)”
  • HCO B 19 July 69,“Dianetics and Illness”
  • HCO B 27 July 69,“Antibiotics”
  • HCO B 17 Oct 69,“Drugs, Aspirin and Tranquilizers”
  • HCO B 24 July 69,“Seriously Ill Pcs”
  • HCO B 9 Aug 69,“Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics” (re: Physically Ill Pcs and Special Cases)
  • HCO B 28 June 69,“C/S – How to Case Supervise Dianetics Folders”
  • HCO B 15 Mar 71,“Assists – A Flag Expertise Subject” [revised & replaced by 23 July 71, same title]
  • HCO B 13 June 70,C/S Series 3, “Session Priorities – Repair Pgms and their Priority”
  • HCO B 5 July 71R,C/S Series 49R, “Assists”
  • HCO B 23 July 71 (corrected 4 May 72), “Assists – A Flag Expertise Subject”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 24 Aug 71, II, “Assists Addition”
  • HCO B 11 July 73,“Assist Summary”
  • HCO B 6 Jan 74,“Assist Summary Addition”
Pc Stuck in this Lifetime
  • HCO B 19 May 69,“Drug and Alcohol Cases – PRIOR Assessing”
  • HCO B 3 Oct 69R,“Dianetic Remedies”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
Pc out of valence
Also folder getting fat with little gain
(See HCO Bs listed for Pc Physically Ill in addition to these)
  • HCO B 13 May 69,“Peculiarities”
  • HCO B 9 Aug 69,“Case Folder analysis, Dianetics”
  • HCO B 28 June 69, “C/S – How to Supervise Dianetics Folders”
  • HCO B 17 July 71,C/S Series 51, “Out of Valence”
  • BTB 26 Nov 71 (corrected 30 Dec 71), “Out of Valence – 220H”
TA High or Low or Bad Indicators appearing but not necessarily due to Out Rudiments or illness
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 16 June 70,C/S Series 6, “What the C/S is Doing”
  • HCO B 19 June 70,“C/S Q and A”
  • HCO B 16 Aug 70 (corrected & reissued 3 Nov 70), C/S Series 15, “Getting the F/N to Examiner”
  • HCO B 28 June 69,“C/S – How to Case Supervise Dianetics Folders”
  • HCO B 9 Aug 69,“Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics”
  • HCO B 16 July 69,“Urgent – Important”
  • HCO B 8 June 70,“Low TA Handling”
  • HCOB 11 Apr 71RA,“Important – L3RD Dianetics and Int RD Repair List”
  • HCO B 8 Mar 71,C/S Series 29, “Case Actions, Off Line”
  • HCO B 5 Apr 71RA,C/S Series 33RA, “Triple Reruns”
  • HCO B 6 Apr 71,C/S Series 34, “Non F/N Cases”
  • HCO B 21 Apr 71RB,C/S Series 36RB, “Dianetics”
  • HCOB 3 June 71,C/S Series 37R, “High and Low TA Breakthrough”
  • HCO B 24 Nov 73RA(cancels 31 Dec 71RC), C/S Series 53RI, “Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S”
  • HCO B 16 Feb 72,“Talking the TA Down Modified’’
  • HCO B 20 Nov 73,C/S Series 89, “F/N What You Ask or Program”
  • HCO B 6 Dec 73,C/S Series 90, “The Primary Failure”
  • HCO B 16 Dec 71RA,C/S Series 35RA, “Interiorization Errors”
  • HCO B 27 Mar 71,“Dianetic Erasure”
  • HCO B 23 May 69,“Auditing Out Sessions – Narrative Versus Somatic Chains”
  • HCO B 22 July 69, II,“High TA Assessment”
  • HCO B 1 Jan 72RA (revised 20 Nov 74), “LIX HI-LO TA List Revised”
  • BTB 26 Apr 69,“Bad Indicators”
Out-Ruds Situation
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 17 May 69,“TRs and Dirty Needles”
  • HCOB 17 Apr 69,“Dianetic Case Supervision”
  • HCO B 9 Aug 69,“Case Folder Analysis, Dianetics”
  • Scientology List Actions such as L1 C List (Class III or above) for handling Out Ruds.
  • HCO B 11 Apr 71RA,“L3RD – Dianetics and Int RD Repair List”
  • HCO B 26 Apr 71,“TRs and Cognitions”
  • HCO B 14 Sept 71,C/S Series 59, “Dianetic List Errors”
Something Not Handled
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 16 Aug 70 (corrected & reissued 3 Nov 70), C/S Series 15, “Getting the F/N to Examiner”
  • HCO PL 7 Apr 70RA (revised 29 Sept 74) Scientology “Green Form” Method 5 Assessment (Class III or above) for finding the trouble.
Chains Left Unflat
(Also see TA High or Low category above)
  • HCO B 22 July 69,“High TA Assessment”
  • HCO B 17 Apr 69,“Dianetic Case Super vision”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCOB 11 Apr 71RA,“L3RD – Dianetics and Int RD Repair List”
  • HCO B 27 Mar 71,“Dianetic Erasure”
  • HCO B 13 June 70,C/S Series 3, “Session Priorities – Repair Pgms and their Priority”
  • HCO B 16 Aug 70 (corrected & reissued 3 Nov 70), C/S Series 15, “Getting the F/N to Examiner”
  • HCO B 6 Apr 71,C/S Series 34, “Non F/N Cases”
  • HCO B 20 Nov 73,C/S Series 89, “F/N What You Ask or Program”
  • HCO B 16 June 70,C/S Series 6, “What the C/S is Doing”
  • BTB 3 Oct 69R,“Dianetic Remedies”
  • BTB 10 June 72R,“The L3RD Rundown – Dianetic Track Repair”
Pc Anaten In Session
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • BTB 3 Oct 69R,“Dianetic Remedies”
Child not Running Well
  • BTB 8 Jan 71 R,“Auditing CS-1 for Dianetics and Scientology”
  • BTB 3 Oct 69R,“Dianetic Remedies”
Pc Physically Injured
(See also: Physically Ill)
  • HCO B 15 Mar 71,“Assists – A Flag Expertise Subject” [revised & replaced by 23 July 71, same title]
  • HCO B 23 May 69,“Auditing Out Sessions – Narrative Versus Somatic Chains”
  • HCO B 14 May 69,“Dianetic Assists” NOTE: This HCO B is not to be used as the source of R3R procedure.
  • HCO B 13 June 70,C/S Series 3, “Session Priorities – Repair Pgms and their Priority”
  • HCO B 28 Nov 70,C/S Series 22, “Psychosis”
  • HCO B 8 Mar 71,C/S Series 29, “Case Actions, Off Line”
  • HCO B 5 July 71 R,C/S Series 49R, “Assists”
  • HCOB 23 July 71 (corrected 4 May 72), “Assists – A Flag Expertise Subject”
  • HCO B 24 Aug 71, II,“Assists Addition”
  • BTB 22 July 70,“Touch Assist – An Improvement on Spinal Adjustment for Medical Doctors and Practitioners”
  • BTB 7 Apr 72R,“Touch Assists – Correct Ones”
Area of Physical Injury Not Fully Handled with Assists
(See also: Trouble with a Specific Area)
  • HCO B 19 July 69,“Dianetics and Illness”
  • HCO B 16 Aug 70 (corrected & reissued 3 Nov 70), C/S Series 15, “Getting the F/N to Examiner” (for handling Chronic Somatic)
  • HCO B 13 June 70,C/S Series 3, “Session Priorities – Repair Pgms and their Priority”
  • HCO B 7 Sept 71,C/S Series 58, “Programming Cases Backwards”
Drugs and/or Alcohol
  • HCO B 19 May 69,“Drug and Alcohol Cases – PRIOR Assessing”
  • HCO B 12 Mar 69,“Physically Ill Pcs and Pre OTs (with a note on Drugs)” HCO B 8 Mar 71, C/S Series 29, “Case Actions, Off Line”
  • HCO B 15 July 71, III,C/S Series 48R, “Drug Handling”
  • HCO B 28 July 71,C/S Series 54, “Dianetics, Beginning a Pc On”
  • HCO B 25 Oct 71,“Drug Drying Out”
  • HCO B 23 Dec 71,C/S Series 73, “The No Interference Area”
  • HCO B 23 Sept 68 (reissued 22 Jan 72), “Drugs & Trippers”
  • HCO B 10 Aug 72,C/S Series 82, “Dianetic HCO B – Interest”
  • HCO B 13 Sept 72,“Dianetics – Catastrophes from and Repair of ‘No Interest’ Items”
  • BTB 7 June 69,“How to Make a Person Sober”
  • BTB 7 July 71 R,“Resistive Cases –Drug Handling”
  • BTB 25 Oct 71R,“The Special Drug Rundown”
Pc Having Difficulty with Study
  • HCO B 23 Nov 69R (revised 26 June 73), “Student Rescue Intensive”
  • BTB 9 Aug 70R,“Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive”
  • BTB 8 Jan 71 R,“Auditing CS-l for Dianetics and Scientology”


Starting or Running Triple Dianetics
  • HCO B 5 Oct 69,“Triple Flows”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71,C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights” (re: High TA at start of session)
  • HCO B 11 Apr 71RA,“Important – L3RD – Dianetics and Int RD Repair List”
  • HCO B 7 Mar 71 RA,C/S Series 28RA, “Use of Dianetics”
  • HCO B 4 Apr 71RA,C/S Series 32RA, “Use of Dianetics”
  • HCO B 5 Apr 71RA,C/S Series 33RA, “Triple Reruns”
  • HCO B 12 Apr 71,“Exteriorization Errors”
  • HCO B 21 Apr 71RB,C/S Series 36RB, “Dianetics”
  • BTB 1 Dec 70R,“Dianetics – Triple Flow Action”
False TA
  • HCO B 24 Oct 71,“False TA”
  • HCO B 12 Nov 71R,“False TA Addition”
  • HCO B 15 Feb 72,“False TA Addition 2”
  • HCO B 18 Feb 72,“False TA Addition 3”
  • HCO B 29 Feb 72R,“False TA Checklist”
  • HCO B 23 Nov 73,“Dry and Wet Hands Make False TA”


Auditor Goofing
  • HCO B 10 Nov 70, “C/S Responsibility for Training”
  • HCO B 16 July 69, “Urgent – Important”
  • HCOB 15 Nov 69, II, “Case Supervision, How it Goes Non-Standard”
  • HCO B 15 Nov 69, “Case Supervision Auditing and Results”
  • HCO B 19 Mar 71, “C/Sing Auditor-C/Ses”
  • HCO B 5 Mar 71, C/S Series 25, “The Fantastic New HGC Line”
  • HCO B 26 Apr 71, “TRs and Cognitions”
  • HCO B 28 Apr 71, “Okays to Audit in HGCs”
  • HCO B 19 June 71, C/S Series 45, “C/S Rules”
  • HCO B 19 July 71, C/S Series 52, “Internes”
  • HCO B 23 Aug 71, C/S Series 1, “Auditor’s Rights”
  • HCO B 1 Sept 71, I,C/S Series 57, “A C/S as a Training Officer – A Program for Flubless Auditing”
  • HCO B 22 Sept 71, C/S Series 61, “The Three Golden Rules of the C/S”
  • HCO B 20 Dec 71, C/S Series 72, “Use of Correction Lists”
  • HCO B 20 Nov 73, I,“Anti-Q&A TR”
  • HCO B 6 Dec 73, C/S Series 90, “The Primary Failure”
  • HCO B 27 Jan 74, “Dianetics – R3R Commands Have Background Data”
  • HCO B 16 Dec 71RA, C/S Series 35RA, “Interiorization Errors”
  • HCO B 9 June 71, C/S Series 41, “C/S Tips”
  • HCO B 21 Aug 70, C/S Series 16, “Session Grading – Well Done, Definition of”
  • HCO B 30 Apr 71, “Auditing Comm Cycle” Cramming on those actions which are being goofed!
  • BTB 16 Mar 71, “Student and Course Morale – Tough Checkouts & Coaching”
Flag Org Correction Chief
Revised & Reissued as BTB
by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU
for the
of the
BDCS:SW:AL:MH:DM:nw. mh.rd