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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Effort Processing - BTB711201-4R74 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Процессинг Поднятия по Шкале - ТБП711201 | Сравнить
- Процессинг Усилий - ТБП711201-4R71 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711201 Issue 2RB - Board Technical Bulletin - Triple Ruds - Long Duration [BTB06-002]
- 711201 Issue 3 - Board Technical Bulletin - Rising Scale Processing [BTB03-113]
- 711201 Issue 4R - Board Technical Bulletin - Effort Processing [BTB03-097]
CONTENTS EFFORT PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue IV
Revised & reissued 24 July 1974 as BTB
HCO Bulletin of 1 December 1971
Issue IV, Same Title
(The only revision is Checksheet P. 1, paragraph 2 is quoted from LRH.)
Remimeo Class IV Auditors & above C/Ss HAS Specialist


Refer book "Advanced Procedures and Axioms" page 15-17.

"The bank can be considered to have 3 layers. Effort-Emotion-Though. Effort buries emotion. Emotion buries thought. " LRH

A physical aberration or physical disability is held in place by a counter effort.

e.g. A person is short sighted.

A person is left-handed yet not fully able with the left hand.


Effort Processing removes the effort which uncovers the PC's own Emotion and removes the Emotion which uncovers and blows the PC's thoughts and postulates about the disability as these are the aberrative source of it.

The Auditor only has to ask for the physical disability and have the PC experience the effort and counter effort. Somatics turn on, a whole incident may come to view. The process is continued and eventually the emotion concerning the disability will be mentioned by the PC. e.g. : I don't feel shy about wearing glasses now.

I don't feel frustrated about being left handed anymore.

I'm not afraid to have people know I'm bald. This is not an End Phenomena and by not chopping the PC at this point (by indicating an F/N) the PC is allowed to then voice the consideration and his own thoughts concerning the disability. If the PC doesn't mention it, the process is continued until he does. The consideration when voiced by the PC is the End Phenomena of running Effort Processing on that particular disability and will be accompanied by F/N and VGIs. Note that this is just the EP of the disability being run not of the process on the PC.

A consideration is a thought, a postulate about something.

The process is:

1. The Auditor asks the PC what physical disabilities he has. These are noted down with the read each disability gave when the PC said it. Physical disabilities is cleared with the PC before asking the question in this step.

2. Effort usually requires education in re-experiencing it. Have the PC shove against a wall.

Then have him sit back and re-experience it.

3. Clear the word effort.

4. Take the largest reading disability. Any disability run must be one that reads.

5. Clear the command "Get the (disability) effort".

6. Clear the words counter-effort.

7. Clear the command "Get the (disability) counter-effort. ".

8. These commands are run alternate-repetitively (effort, counter-effort, effort, counter-effort, effort, etc.) until A) the emotion concerning the disability is voiced by the PC. B) the consideration is voiced by the PC. The process is continued on the disability being run until both the emotion and the consideration are voiced by the PC. This is the EP of the item being run, it's always accompanied by F/N and VGIs.

9. Then take the next largest reading disability and run the process on it to EP.

10. All reading disabilities are run. The PC can be asked for other disabilities when all reading ones already given by the PC are run. The process is run until the PC gives no more reading disabilities.

11. Care must be taken not to chop the PC when he mentions the emotion. Get the emotion and the consideration.

Effort Processing is spectacular in results, some PCs have even thrown away their glasses.

Extracted from LRH C/Sed folders and notes by Training & Services Bureau
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow