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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Learning Drill - BTB701210R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 701210R - Board Technical Bulletin - Learning Drill, The [BTB04-028]
CONTENTS THE LEARNING DRILL The Learning Drill Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Revised & Reissued 10 August 1974 as BTB
Revised & Reissued 10 August 1974 as BTB
(Revision in this type style)(Revision in this type style)



(Drill taken and developed from LRH Tape Lecture of 24 Jan 62 "Training-Duplication")(Drill taken and developed from LRH Tape Lecture of 24 Jan 62 "Training-Duplication")

Learning is not the same as study. A person could do a whole course and get good study stats yet not learn anything. He might even pass an exam yet not have learned the data so that it can be applied.

Learning is not the same as study. A person could do a whole course and get good study stats yet not learn anything. He might even pass an exam yet not have learned the data so that it can be applied.

The subject of Study has been researched and completed by L. Ron Hubbard who did the bulk of the work prior to 1964, The Study Technology has been in full use in Scientology Organizations for many years.

The subject of Study has been researched and completed by L. Ron Hubbard who did the bulk of the work prior to 1964, The Study Technology has been in full use in Scientology Organizations for many years.

The subject of Learning was started by L. Ron Hubbard in the early '50s and required only a small amount of research and correlation for the data to be issued in the final form.

The subject of Learning was started by L. Ron Hubbard in the early '50s and required only a small amount of research and correlation for the data to be issued in the final form.

To evolve the most effective of the many Learning Drills which had been researched in previous years, a number of the most successful drills were used on a group of students of various levels of Training with "before and after tests" to determine which drill raised the student's ability to learn and apply data.

To evolve the most effective of the many Learning Drills which had been researched in previous years, a number of the most successful drills were used on a group of students of various levels of Training with "before and after tests" to determine which drill raised the student's ability to learn and apply data.

The following drill was found to produce the best results on all levels of students in every instance. It was evolved from the LRH Tape Lecture of 24 January 1962, "Training – Duplication".

The following drill was found to produce the best results on all levels of students in every instance. It was evolved from the LRH Tape Lecture of 24 January 1962, "Training – Duplication".

We have named it simply – "The Learning Drill".

We have named it simply – "The Learning Drill".

The drill is not designed for use on study or course materials. It is used to improve the ability to study and increase the learning rate.

The drill is not designed for use on study or course materials. It is used to improve the ability to study and increase the learning rate.

The Learning Drill would be done at the beginning of courses, or as needed.

The Learning Drill would be done at the beginning of courses, or as needed.

Then the student would study his course materials or anything in the standard way with Study Technology applied, and with Twin Checkouts, Demos, Clay Demos, etc.

Then the student would study his course materials or anything in the standard way with Study Technology applied, and with Twin Checkouts, Demos, Clay Demos, etc.

The Learning Drill

The Learning Drill

Position: Student and coach sit facing each other across a table.

Position: Student and coach sit facing each other across a table.

Purpose: To develop judgement by duplication and understanding.

Purpose: To develop judgement by duplication and understanding.

Training Stress:

Training Stress:

1. The first step is duplication.

1. The first step is duplication.

The coach takes a sentence or phrase from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The line used is unimportant. The coach reads it to the student. TRs should be in, although not stressed.

The coach takes a sentence or phrase from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The line used is unimportant. The coach reads it to the student. TRs should be in, although not stressed.

The student then repeats the line exactly as the coach read it. Coach merely tries to get the student to repeat a line of sounds. You don't need to call them words. It is not rote memory. It is duplication. The coach repeats the line each time the student flubs until the student has duplicated it exactly.

The student then repeats the line exactly as the coach read it. Coach merely tries to get the student to repeat a line of sounds. You don't need to call them words. It is not rote memory. It is duplication. The coach repeats the line each time the student flubs until the student has duplicated it exactly.

2. The second step is understanding.

2. The second step is understanding.

After the student has correctly duplicated what the coach read, coach asks "Give me an example of that. " Student gives example or examples until both are satisfied.

After the student has correctly duplicated what the coach read, coach asks "Give me an example of that. " Student gives example or examples until both are satisfied.

Coach then asks, "How do you feel about that?" and if OK they continue to next line.

Coach then asks, "How do you feel about that?" and if OK they continue to next line.

If the student has any uncertainties with examples the coach goes back to 1 and starts the drill from the beginning, using the same line.

If the student has any uncertainties with examples the coach goes back to 1 and starts the drill from the beginning, using the same line.

If the student still has trouble with examples, coach would ask "Are there any misunderstoods on this line?" and any found cleared up. A dictionary should be used where required.

If the student still has trouble with examples, coach would ask "Are there any misunderstoods on this line?" and any found cleared up. A dictionary should be used where required.

Remedy: If the student continues to have trouble with examples, the coach could say, "Give me an example of how the datum isn't that way," and student gives examples until both are satisfied, then "Give me an example of how it is," until both are satisfied. Always end off with how it is.

Remedy: If the student continues to have trouble with examples, the coach could say, "Give me an example of how the datum isn't that way," and student gives examples until both are satisfied, then "Give me an example of how it is," until both are satisfied. Always end off with how it is.

The student should feel good about the datum after duplication and under­standing and should start having realizations as he is further drilled.

The student should feel good about the datum after duplication and under­standing and should start having realizations as he is further drilled.

Eventually, using the two basic steps, the student will learn judgment.

Eventually, using the two basic steps, the student will learn judgment.

The drill should be coached on a gradient.

The drill should be coached on a gradient.

It should be ended on a good win. Student should have VGIs.

It should be ended on a good win. Student should have VGIs.

The end result on each student is the ability to rapidly and accurately learn data.

The end result on each student is the ability to rapidly and accurately learn data.

Researched at Flag from LRH Lectures and Materials
SO Training & Services Aide and staff
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU
for the
of the
Researched at Flag from LRH Lectures and Materials
SO Training & Services Aide and staff
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU
for the
of the