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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Method 9 (WCS-46RA) - BTB730130-2RA74 | Сравнить
- Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, Pcs or Staff (WCS-48) - BTB730130-4v74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730130 Issue 1R - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing - The Key Repair Tool for an Org [BTB02-027]
- 730130 Issue 1RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing - The Key Repair Tool for an Org [BTB05-014]
- 730130 Issue 3RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Difficulties with Word Clearing [BTB05-015]
- 730130 Issue 4 - Board Technical Bulletin - Word Clearing on Foreign Language Students, PCs or Staff [BTB03-026]
- 730130 Issue 5 - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers [BTB03-022]
- 730130 Issue 5R - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers Cancelled [BTB09-005]
- 730130R - Board Technical Bulletin - Build Up Powerful Word Clearers [BTB05-016]
CONTENTS METHOD 9 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue II
Revised 29 December 1973
(Revision in this type style)
Reissued 5 July 1974 as BTB
Revised 20 November 1974
BTB of 30 January 1973R II
Same Title
Remimeo Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 46 RA


Method 9 Word Clearing is corrective Word Clearing, as compared to Method 7 which is educational Word Clearing, and has its own exact procedure.

Method 9 is done on any specific written text, usually by subject, for example, the C/S Series, the Data Series, or one or more PLs or HCO Bs on a related subject, for example, Listing and Nulling, Rudiments, or a key Hat PL or PLs.

The procedure is:

1. Student or staff member reads the text out loud. He is not on the meter.

2. The Word Clearer has a copy of the text and reads along with the student silently.

3. If the student leaves out a word or stumbles or exhibits any physical or verbal manifestation while reading the text, the Word Clearer immediately asks for the misunderstood word or term and gets the meanings cleared with a dictionary and put into sentences until the word is understood and VGIs are present.

4. Student rereads the last section and continues the text to completion, picking up and handling all misunderstood words, as evidenced by verbal or physical manifestations.

5. Student or staff member is sent to Pc Examiner for F/N VGIs check. If no F/N VGIs, student or staff member returns to Word Clearer to complete to F/N VGIs or WCCL, if required.

6. The text is now restudied by the student or staff member.

Method 9 can be used before or after the fact of a flub. For example, any upper level C/S to get an OK to C/S should M9 the C/S Series, restudy and starrate and do in clay as a basic action in Qual. Or an Auditor who is flubbing on Assessment gets M9 on the Assessment pack. Or a Supervisor who is flubby gets M9 on key MCSC materials. In each case, the materials word cleared must be restudied and starrated.

Word Clearers must be specifically and extensively drilled to do M9 (or M7) so that they can read a text and pick up any and all physical manifestations at the same time. Only then is an OK to do M9 (or M7) issued.

The fact of having had material word cleared using a different method does not prevent M9 being used. In fact, it would not be unusual for specific material to be handled first with M6, then M9 then M4, if one wanted to be very thorough.

In order to ensure application, all Word Clearing must be followed by a restudy of the materials word cleared. Word Clearing clears the material so it can now be studied and applied.

Method 9 is extremely powerful and effective.

Ens. Judy Ziff
As ordered by LRH
Revised in co-ordination with
Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Approved by the Board of Issues
for the
of the