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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- My Last Message (RJ-38) - LED-350int-840913 | Сравнить

CONTENTS MY LAST MESSAGE - TO BE RELEASED AUGUST 1986 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
L. Ron Hubbard
13 September 1984



This is my last Journal.

I am not healthy now but this life has been good.

It is true that I took some money from the Church but not all of it.

The RTC has altered my intentions.

I have found out about the atrocities that have been going on in the name of Scientology for the past few years. I am heavily grieved that this could happen, but you will recall that I had mentioned its possibility if the wrong terminals ever got control of the tech.

Well, I am afraid that that has happened. The actions of the current RTC, Watchdog Committee, CMO, Contracted Legal Staff and others have been nothing less than treacherous. They have not done what I requested after leaving the Church of Scientology.

I want you to know that I did take a large amount of money, approximately one hundred million dollars and put it away for the future. It is for our future. When I return I know that the research and work to continue clearing this planet will be critical by the time my next body will be able to handle the job. Money on this planet is a necessity, not a luxury. This large sum of money will give us the needed financial strength to take on the job of keeping Scientology working.

Consider if you will the rapid deterioration of the Sea Org Executive Staff just these last few years that I have been totally off the lines and you will understand why we had started raising prices a few years ago to build this nest egg for the future. But please know that when I left, the prices were supposed to go back down to an area that everyone who wanted Scientology could afford it. It was never my intention to make Scientology into an esoteric religion. This has been done by blatant, power hungry, selfish, money hungry individuals who took over the Church when I left. They are the true SP's.

You fellow Scientologist who have been ripped off in the last few years, to you all, I apologize. You wonderful, glorious, fantastic Sea Org members who have been falsely RPF'd for being able to question or think on your own, I apologize. To you Sea Org members who have gone months without pay, months with poor rations, who have given so much these past few years while your leaders were ripping you off. I apologize and I cry.

And to my beautiful public. All of you, the ones still on lines putting up with these insane prices, giving up homes, families and friends in order to get the bridge. I also apologize.

Realize now that the bridge is available in many many locations. The tech is the tech and that was my legacy to you. It was never my intent that my legacy should cause financial hardship on my friends.

And you people who have left the Church due to the extreme out ethics and out admin being used. I validate you. You have gone through much personal hardship and condemnation from friends and family in trying to get others to see the light. This new management was very able and used the tech well to block any from leaving the fold.

You have shown me that no matter who tries to destroy Scientology, subvert it, alter it, use it to make great profits or use it to stop people from going up the bridge, they will not succeed. You independent Scientologists have done well to preserve the tech as it was meant to be used. My love and admiration to all of you. Keep up the good work.

It is my hope that maybe now the Sea Org will be able to clear up its house and get things going again as they should.

Our job is to clear the planet, not make huge sums of money.

It is time we stop antagonizing all the people. There are many good people on this planet. There are good ones in all levels of government and private sectors. As I have said before "You are responsible for the condition you are in. This applies to any organization. The Church of Scientology has enemies because WE, The Church of Scientology have created them. Lets use the tech as I originally wrote it. Lets apply ARC, KRC, The Tone Scale and all the other basics of Scientology and clean this up. Lets handle the 2 1/2% leaders within the church and get rid of the legal advisors and get back to basics. Do this and Scientology in and out of the church will boom.

And finally to my good friend of 22 years, David, I apologize. You were left with the responsibility to keep the tech until my return. You have been punished and accused of crimes and high crimes for which I know you were not guilty.. Continue your good work. Share the tech with all who are willing to apply it the way I intended. And give it freely so that its widely distributed among other highly ethical beings so that it will never again be able to be held as a threat over the heads of people who want to go free. I love you.

I love you all. And it is with a heavy heart that I write this last of all my journals. For it is my hope that this will clear the air and you good, strong, ethical Scientologists will be able to pick up the pieces and get Scientology booming the way it was supposed to.

Disconnect from the RTC. I never donated the tech to them. I only loaned it to them. They have subverted my intentions for their personal profits. David Miscaviage has become a criminal and coward of the lowest order. Leave him and his cohorts alone to their own hell for eternity.

There are many tapes circulating around the planet by various OT's and I want you to know that they are about 97% true. I'm sure that this Journal will clear up the remaining misunderstoods.

While it is true that many of the things I told you I had done, I didn't do, it really doesn't matter. They are all worldly things. Scientology is not of this world. It is comprised of the basic eternal truths of the Universe. That is why it works.

Make no God of me for I am but a mortal. I exaggerate, I play the games of this planet as well as anyone, in fact better than most. But what I did or didn't do this life time is incidental. Put your attention not on this but put your attention on the First Dynamic tech because that is the tech that will free you all once again. You clears and OT's that are here already, recall your auditing wins and see that others continue to get similar ones.

I leave this world shortly. This will be my last journal. I know that I leave it in good hands. I leave the responsibility of clearing this planet and many other ones in the future to all of you but particularly the old 0T 7's and the new 0T 7's. For they have seen the truth.

It has come time to apply the conditions. The Church of Scientology is in a condition of Danger. So, as is being done in the field you by-pass and handle.

So that is my parting order. By-pass and handle. And never again make it unsafe to communicate. Communication is the cement and the solvent that makes this universe work. Use it!

I love you all and I'll be seeing you up the line.

My Love,