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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Preclears Must Be Audited According to Their Condition (Part 3 of 5) - JOS-10G-530100 | Сравнить

CONTENTS PART III: Preclears Must Be Audited According to Their Condition Cохранить документ себе Скачать

PART III: Preclears Must Be Audited According to Their Condition

A preclear must be processed according to the condition he is in.

If he is near the top of the Genetic Entity scale — if he is about as high as he can go as a Genetic Entity, but the thetan is asleep or in terrible condition — you will be able to process him by the first book. This process will appeal to him. And the funny part of it is that this is the process which will work on him.

Your goal is to unsnarl this case and get him up to the point where he can perceive energy manifestations. You are not trying to clean up every engram on the genetic line. You are only trying to get him unburdened enough so that his thetan can take over.

Of course, you can use Technique 80—but do you have to? Perhaps this case can go back to the first moment of pain or unconsciousness in his life and blow out a whole chain of material in practically no time. He will come up the tone scale.

As you bring him up, he will get premonitions of danger. He will sense death in the afternoon. He will want to stop processing. And why? Because the Genetic Entity is about to come under the control of the thetan. The Genetic Entity feels pretty fine, but the thetan is a wreck. Naturally the preclear wants to stay as he is.

Now, while this case is running as a Genetic Entity, he will have somatics. You had better process them out. You may find that this person cannot take much more than first-book processing. With it you can make him feel a lot better. This does not mean that you should forget what you have learned since reading the first book — it means only that you should not forget what you learned when you read the first book. On some cases you can use it: on some cases it is all you can use.

For the occluded case you will need another level of processing. Science of Survival and the later 1951 techniques, particularly effort processing, are what he will accept. If you can get him into effort, he will be overjoyed. He will run efforts and counter-efforts with great enthusiasm.

But then, using the E-Meter, you will notice that he is showing signs of dropping into whole-track material. You may try to nudge him in that direction. You may say, “It sounds as though you are outside your body, running it from a distance.”

Oh, no — he’s not going to have anything to do with that. He’s right where he wants to be — stuck in a body. And he’ll run efforts and somatics, and sometimes secondaries. If you try to get him out of his body, he will refuse.

Then, there is the individual who is always outside his body, watching it, walking around it. In early processing we tried to get these individuals into their bodies. We told them to get into valence.

These preclears got upset about being told to get into their bodies. They didn’t like that kind of processing. All this time they have been walking around a body saying, “I wonder why I am tied to this post.” All the auditor has to do is say, “Yes, you are tied to this post, but now we are going to get you untied and off of it.” That is processing which this individual will gobble up. Black-and-white, ridge running, and the late techniques will be just what this individual wants.

The point in all this is: GETTING IN ADVANCE OF THE IMMEDIATE GOAL OF YOUR PRECLEAR SWAMPS HIM. The preclear must be processed at his own level. That is why the auditor must know both the old methods and the new methods.

In processing, you should not overlook the things we learned in 1949 and 1950, and you should not overlook the things we will learn in 1953 and 1954. Don’t believe that we have to accept just what we have now. Don’t believe that “this is it.” What we have today is no more IT than the first book was IT. New techniques do not make the old ones unusable. They make them better and more understandable and MORE usable, on the cases for which they are designed.

If you know your old materials and your new materials, you are going to solve more cases. You will not take a preclear who is exteriorized and try to sell him on getting into his body. He doesn’t want a body. You will not take the Genetic-Entity preclear and try to get him out of his body before he is even a healthy Genetic Entity.

What we are doing with the new techniques is not throwing out the old techniques but making them more applicable to processing. Before Science of Survival, we had very little in the way of a map of human behavior. When we got that map, we found that first-book processing fitted into a certain slot and made sense there. Very little has been added to that chart in Science of Survival, but something has been added to its applicability. The behavior of motion on the tone scale has made that chart more usable.

If you know about motion, you can use the chart better. But knowing about motion is not a substitute for knowing the columns of behavior and manifestation. It is a refinement.

Scientology is being refined and improved, but it is still Scientology.