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CONTENTS Lower Levels Rudiments Model Session Revised Lower LevelS RudimentsQuestions and Handling Cохранить документ себе Скачать
2 AUGUST 2009
Remimeo Class 0, I HSDC HRD C/Ses

Lower Levels Rudiments

Rudiments in the form of 3 Ruds (ARC Break, PTP, MWH) as they are described e.g. in the HCOB 11 Aug 78 I Rudiments Definition And Patter are for most beginning pcs, at the start of their auditing, found to be difficult to run, especially because of the necessity to follow up chains earlier similar. At the same time this form of rudiments can lead an unexperienced auditor into a robotic use of them, merely checking the questions for reads but not getting in communication with the pc. Alternatives for bringing ruds in exist, but they need a much higher qualified auditor – such as Class III for 2WC – or do not cover the most frequent out ruds – such as Big Mid Ruds.

Thus the Qual Board recommends that lower classed auditors – Class 0, Class I, HSDC, HRD – are trained on the following form of rudiments and use these in session until they are higher classed. Where the auditor is higher classed but the pc is a beginner on his first grades, life repair or Dianetics, the C/S can use this form of ruds at his discretion.

Model Session Revised

HCOB 19 Aug 65 Model Session Revised:

"Pertaining to Level 0 training, whereas the student is to use a meter in order to familiarize himself with it and with using it in a session, he is not trained in the fine points of metering until Level II. Therefore during the training of Level 0 the Model Session as per HCOB 3 July 1965 is to be used, but the questions are actually unmetered (the student does not follow up needle reads), except for the fact that the student has a meter in front of him.

"Any auditor from Class II up would, of course, meter such questions in running Level 0 processes on a preclear.

"At Level 0 the student must know the parts of the meter and be able to recognize a floating needle and be able to record tone arm action. "

Lower LevelS RudimentsQuestions and Handling

HCOB 3 July 65 Model Session Revised:


The questions are not checked on the meter. The questions are applied in the given sequence. On a new pc, or after a longer break in auditing, or when the pc is really out ruds, all these questions are asked. During ongoing auditing ruds are handled to the first F/N VGIs or, when the pc has F/N VGIs at session start, no ruds are flown at all.

The auditor asks the question and gets it answered. The auditor gets the pc to itsa about it. The auditor may apply one or several of the following questions to get the pc to itsa; however, this is not a robotic set of questions that should each be asked for each rudiment in this order:

It is very important that the auditor has a good understanding of what Itsa is and should drill it thoroughly. To bring in the ruds and get the pc in session, it is not enough to let him answer any of the above questions with a mere “yes” or “no”. Especially on the ARC Break rud and on the WH rud it is important to get specifics. On the other hand the auditor should not allow the pc to stray off the original question and Q&A with it. If necessary, he should repeat the rudiment question to get the pc back to speaking about the rudiment which is being handled.

When the pc has answered the question exhaustively or indicates he has nothing further to say about it, the auditor goes on to the next question if there is no F/N VGIs at that moment. Of course the auditor indicates the F/N when it occurs, but he does not interrupt the pc with it.

I/C: Max Hauri
assisted by Erica Hauri and Otfried Krumpholz