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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Randomity and Automaticity - AB-36-561000 | Сравнить
- Start-Change-Stop - PAB-97-561000 | Сравнить

CONTENTS START- CHANGE- STOP Cохранить документ себе Скачать
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
20 Buckingham Street, Strand, London W.C. 2
1 October 1956


Edited from L. Ron Hubbard's August 1956 HPA/HPC tape lectures

This is the entrance to rough cases nowadays. The lowest entrance to a case which we have today is the same for a low case as it is for a high case. This process does not criticize the preclear's case.

It is below the establishing of the rudiments, but should still be audited in the modern manner of Communication Bridges, Acknowledgments, etc.

Only one procedure that would be lower than this process would be a highly specialized procedure having to do with an individual who has lost the use of his voice, sight, hearing or his capability of moving his hands.

It becomes necessary for the auditor to become inventive in order to establish communication, but he should stick as nearly as possible to these procedures. The lowest processes which would be addressed to any case would simply be the first process of SLP 8, which is not, as we were saying before, “Find the auditor,” “Find the preclear” etc., but the process which leads up to that. This is an interesting process since it is in itself capable of producing a full result and is an extremely simple one.

Start, change, and stop is the anatomy of control. This is a cycle of action. There is continue (persist) on the middle of the curve and other cycles within cycles of action, but the important factors are Start, Change, and Stop.

These three parts of control are run flat individually. Then pick up the other part of the cycle and run that flat in this order: We run Change flat, and then run Start very flat and then we run STOP flat.

It would be a mistake at this point to say this process is finished, for the excellent reason that if you ran Change again you would find further considerations shifting in the preclear, and then if you ran Start you would find it unflattened, so you would run it again and then run and flatten Stop.

It would not be possible to say how long you would have to run the process altogether. On somebody who was total machinery and who never had been in session, this would be a rough process. On a case that is in good condition, this would run easier. The preclear would consider it interesting and would exteriorize much better.

The end result of this process is exteriorization. For someone who is compulsively exteriorized this would be excellent, as he would slide into his head and eventually come out of it again, but not on a compulsive level this time.

One meets with three conditions in auditing: the preclear who is compulsively interiorized, the preclear who is compulsively exteriorized, and the preclear who is buttered all over the universe. This case run on S-C-S would greatly accumulate the ability to collect himself — this might not occur until you have run him for five or more hours on it.

If this process is continued long enough the preclear will be moving his body by postulate — i.e. from the outside — not by beams, stimulus-response, etc.

This process does not go all the way up because of the preclear's attention span. Most preclears can't stay on a process for more than a few moments, so you would vary the process a little to keep him interested. His actual response, however, is not important as long as he does it.

There is no such thing as bad control, only non-positive control. Good control is positive control and positive control is not bad control. We get a lower level there than moving the body. This is S-C-S on objects. It is always safest to run this on someone you are trying out. Somebody to whom a body is not real should be run using an object instead of his body.

To run this process the auditor and preclear should both stand up. This gives reality, and the auditor duplicating (mimicry) the preclear will bring about greater ARC. The session always fails when the auditor sits down while running S-C-S.

It runs this way:

The auditor points out a spot on the floor to the preclear and says, “Do you see that spot? Good, well, we'll call that Spot A. Now you stand there. Okay.” The auditor now indicates another spot and says, “Now do you see that other spot? Good, we'll call that Spot B. All right, now when I tell you to change the body's position I want you to move it from Spot A to Spot

B. All right? Good. Change the body's position. Fine.” Then you say, “Do you see that spot? Well, we'll call that Spot C (we use three spots so that we don't run a duplication process on him). Now when I tell you to change the body's position I want you to move the body from Spot B to Spot C. Do you understand that? All right, change the body's position.”

You can ask him “Did you change the body's position?” if his case isn't too low, but it's not advisable on a low case at first.

Then go back to Spot A. It does not have to be the same Spot A each time, as it makes the process too much like duplication, brings the preclear to predict the process too easily and do it machinewise.

Each time you make a contract with the preclear. You don't depend on any former understanding with this process. Each moment in time is new. We make each move in time a new move. He doesn't have to depend on his memory so you repeat again each time as above — the whole wording as given.

On Start we emphasize START. You say, “Do you see that wall over there? Good. Now when I give you this command I want you to move the body in that direction. When I say START I want you to start the body. All right. Start. Fine.” He may protest that he had to stop the body and change it as well — what is happening is that the word “control” is starting to ungroup and as you get start, change and stop apart and distinct from each other, the individual's ability to control the body increases and he gains more confidence in being able to control it from a greater and greater distance.

The next command would be: “All right, when I tell you to start the body you start the body. Okay. Start the body.”

The third command is for STOP. “I am going to ask you to get the body moving over there toward that wall and somewhere along the line I am going to tell you to stop and I want you to stop the body. Is that all right?” He agrees and you say, “Get the body moving.” You don't say start. He does, and you say “Stop” and “Did you stop the body?”

Stop is the most important part of S-C-S. The preclear has been told all along the line to stop. He was made effect all the time. Now you bring him to do just this under his own control and self-determinism and he takes over the automaticity.

Eventually the preclear will flatten each one of these in turn. You may have to do Stop one more time than the others.

You should walk around with him so that he can feel the mimicry context of this. If you sit down he will soon go out of ARC and leave the session.