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CONTENTS What is Scientology? Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue 1-G [1952, ca. mid-August]
Published by
The Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona

What is Scientology?

L. Ron Hubbard

“Scientology” is a new word which names a new science. It is formed from the Latin word scio, which means know, or distinguish, being related to the word scindo, which means cleave. (Thus, the idea of differentiation is strongly implied.) It is formed from the Greek word logos, which means the word, or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known; also, the inward thought or reason itself. Thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing, or science of knowledge.

A science is not merely a collection of facts, neatly arranged. An essential of a science is that observations give rise to theories which, in turn, predict new observations. When the new observations are made, they, in turn, give rise to better theories, which predict further observations.

A science grows. Its most important growth is not in numbers of facts but in the clarity and prediction-value of its theories. Many fields which call themselves sciences substitute fact-collecting for theorizing, others substitute theorizing for observation. Without both, there is no science.

The “exact” sciences contradict each other daily. This is not because their observations are wrong, but because they cling to old theories that conflict instead of finding the newer, simpler theories.

Scientology has introduced new simplicities of theory into the field of human thought and has brought the study of human thought up to a level at which it begins to embrace all thought and all life, not only of man, but of all organisms.

Scientology is not a therapy for the sick, although from Scientology such a therapy may be derived.

Thought is the subject matter of Scientology. It is considered as a kind of “energy”-which is NOT PART of the physical universe. It controls energy, but it has no wavelength. It uses matter, but it has no mass. It is found in space, but it has no position. It records time, but it is not subject to time. The Greek word (and letter ø) Theta is used as a symbol for thought as an “energy.”

-Reprinted from the Introductory Lecture to the Professional Course.