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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basic Purposes of a Scientology Organization (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P621012 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Письменный Экзамен по Курсу HPA-HCA (КРО-4) (ц) - И621012-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621012 - HCO Policy Letter - Basic Purposes of a Scientology Organization [PL005-103]
- 621012 - HCO Policy Letter - Basic Purposes of a Scientology Organization [PL050-069]
- 621012 - HCO Policy Letter - HPA-HGA Written Examination [PL005-104]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise Field RE-ISSUE SERIES (1)


(Taken from HCO Policy Letter of Nov. 27, 1959 and HCO London Letter of Jan. 9, 1958)

L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER. Purpose: To develop and disseminate Scientology. To support and assist Scientologists. To write better books. To act as a court of appeals in all organizational disputes. To form and to make official policies and orders affecting the Founding Church.

FOUNDING CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY (HASI). Purpose: To disseminate Scientology. To advance and protect its membership. To hold the lines and data of Scientology clean and clear. To educate and process people toward the goal of a civilized age on Earth second to none. To survive on all dynamics.

FOUNDING CHURCH CONGREGATION. Purpose: To communicate to the congregation the principles and philosophy of Scientology. To ensure for each individual an awareness of their health, happiness and immortality through good training, processing and fellowship.

HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE. Purpose: To be the office of LRH. To handle and expedite the communication lines of LRH. To prepare or handle the preparation of manuscripts and other to-be-published material of Scientology. To keep, use and care for LRH's office equipment. To assist the organizations of Scientology and their people. To set a good example of efficiency to organizations.

PUBLIC RELATIONS (under HCO). Purpose: To maintain and increase good public relations for the organizations of Dianetics and Scientology.

EDITORIAL DIRECTOR (under HCO). Purpose: To keep material in publications within Organization Policy, and to prepare publishable material.

HCO COMMUNICATOR. Purpose: To keep the communication lines flowing and the files in order in HCO.

HCO BOARD OF REVIEW. Purpose: To validate for full results every certificate ever issued in Dianetics and Scientology. To be the final authority on any certificates to be issued. To be the final authority on Clear certification.

ORGANIZATION SECRETARY. Purpose: To get people to get the work done. To enforce the policies and advise the Board.

LEGAL. Purpose: To make legal the actions of the organizations of Dianetics and Scientology and safeguard their public and private interests.

ADVISORY COUNCIL. Purpose: To advise the executives of the organization as to needed changes and policies. To act as a meeting ground for department heads. To assemble and report the statistics of finance and action to the Executive Director. To advance ideas for promotion and improvement.

STAFF MEETING. Purpose: To gather agreement and permit staff origination upon matters relating to personnel and duties. To report on performance of duties. To suggest promotional, maintenance and organizational changes to FC executives.


TECHNICAL DIRECTOR. Purpose: To ensure good training and processing, good service and ARC inside and outside the organization.

ACADEMY OF SCIENTOLOGY. Purpose: To train the best auditors in the world.

TRAINING ADMINISTRATOR. Purpose: To keep the materials and comm lines of , the Academy in good order. To keep a Roll Book. To prepare and collect certification materials.

COMMUNICATION COURSE. Purpose: To give people a reality on Scientology and to teach the communication formula by Dummy Auditing.

HUBBARD GUIDANCE CENTRE. Purpose: To do more for people's health and ability than has ever before been possible and to give the best auditing possible. To help people.

PROCESSING ADMINISTRATOR. Purpose: To handle the persons, communications and materials of the HGC to the end of improving and continuing the quality and business of the HGC.

SCIENTOMETRIC TESTING IN CHARGE. Purpose: To give all and any tests or exams that may be required to any department or organization or personnel, and to keep and file results accurately to assist research and presentation, and to have test materials in abundance to hand.

PERSONAL EFFICIENCY FOUNDATION. Purpose: To make a better worker of the worker, a better executive of the executive, a better homo sap on all dynamics.


Purpose: To ensure good and accurate communication inside organization. To handle business and administrative affairs. To ensure good working quarters and conditions for and good work from organizational personnel.

DEPT OF PROMOTION & REGISTRATION. Purpose: To procure students and preclears by actual, direct and personal contact using personal letters and assuring an adequate number of students and preclears.

RECEPTION. Purpose: To create and maintain good communication and service amongst staff, students and public.

DEPT OF MATERIEL. Purpose: To hold in readiness and good repair all the communication materiel, files, addresses, furniture, equipment, quarters and transport necessary to adequate function of the organization.

DEPT OF ACCOUNTS. Purpose: To keep the business affairs of the organization in good order, to maintain the good business repute of the organization and to see to it that the business activities of Scientology are up to date in an excellent condition. To make sure that income exceeds outgo.

DISBURSEMENT CLERK. Purpose: Break down income into proportions; validate bills; issue checks.


[Note: The original 9 Jan '58 issue tad Advisory Committee in place of. Advisory Council, giving the same purpose as above, except that the person to whom statistics of finance and action were reported was the Association Secretary. The 27 Nov '59 issue changed Advisory Committee to Advisory Council, giving the same purpose as above. HCO P/L 9 Sept '64, entitled Purpose of AdComm, amended this purpose saying:

"Sometimes organizations tend to forget what the basic purpose of an Adcomm is.

The original purpose is amended as follows:

'To advise the Assoc/Org Sec on Promotional Matters relating to the various Departments.'

This purpose should be read at the beginning of every Adcomm meeting held in all Orgs. It should be prefaced, 'This meeting is held to advise ........ etc.'