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[Note: The following issues, which were not written by L. Ron Hubbard, have been canceled: Finance Series 13

HCO PL 3 June 1972, Finance Series 13, PROMOTION ALLOCATIONS has been canceled by SPD 4L Finance Series 13 Canceled BPL 24 FEBRUARY 1977 CANCELED, dated 27 Oct. 1982.

Finance Series 14RB
Finance Series 14RB Addition

BPL 6 Jan. 1976, Finance Series 14RB, FLAG EXTERNAL EXPENSES and BPL 6 Jan. 1976-1, Finance Series 14RB Addition, FLAG EXTERNAL EXPENSES have been canceled by SPD 67, FINANCE SERIES 14RB AND 14RB ADDITION CANCELED — FLAG EXTERNAL EXPENSES AND FLAG EXTERNAL EXPENSES — ADDITION CANCELED, dated 28 Dec. 1982. The data in Finance Series 14RB and 14RB Addition is covered in Int Finance ED 25, FLAG EXTERNAL EXPENSES, dated 29 Oct. 1982.

Finance Series 15R

BPL 8 Mar. 1973R, Finance Series 15R, PROMOTION has been canceled by SPD 40, Finance Series 15RA, CANCELLATION OF "PROMOTION," dated 27 Oct. 1982 Finance Series 16R BPL 10 Nov. 1973R, Finance Series 16R, FBO NETWORK ORGANIZATION LOCATION has been canceled by SPD 38, Finance Series 16R Canceled, FBO NETWORK ORGANIZATION LOCATION, dated 27 Oct. 1982.]