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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Distribution of Bulletin Change (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610323 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Изменение в Распределении Бюллетеней (КРО-1) (ц) - И610323 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610323 - HCO Policy Letter - Distribution of Bulletin Change [PL004-044]
CONTENTS DISTRIBUTION OF BULLETIN CHANGE Continental Mailings Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Do not remimeo Mail Direct HCO WW to City Offices 3 copies to each Cen Org


Hereinafter all mail HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters from HCO WW will be sent only to the HCO Continental Office of a Continental Area.

This Continental Office will forward or make enough copies for the staff of each organization in the Continental Office and distribute or mail to the other orgs on that Continent. The Continental Offices send these packets to City Offices by surface first class mail.

Only one HCO mailing per week will go direct to all Scientology offices and that will be the Bulletin Check Sheet giving the list of issues of HCO WW for that week. This enables the City Office or Organization to verify that they have received all HCO WW mailings that went to the Continental Office that week. If such are not received within seven days the City Office is to inform HCO WW directly.

This reduces the mimeographing done by a smaller office. Enough copies of HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters should be made by the Continental Office to furnish the staff of and the files of the City Office HCO. A City Office may still mimeo as needful or at its discretion, particularly on old bulletins, but it will receive enough new ones from the Continental Office for its needs.

Office distribution is currently as follows:

HCO US, Washington. Distributes to FCDC, New York and Chicago (when functioning).

HCO West Coast, Los Angeles. Distributes to C of S LA, HASI San Diego, C of S Seattle (when functioning).

HCO Australia, Melbourne. Distributes to HASI Melbourne, HASI Perth, HASI Sydney, HASI Auckland.

HCO Africa, Johannesburg. Distributes to HASI Johannesburg, HASI Durban and HASI Capetown and any other African HASI set up.

HCO WW, Saint Hill. Distributes to HASI London, HASI Paris, HASI Berlin.

All distribution is done by the Continental HCO to the Area HCO of the City Office or Organization, for further dissemination into staff baskets.

Continental Mailings

All mailings sent out by a large Central Org, even to a full mailing list of the Continental Zone, should also be sent in quantity by the Continental HCO to the other offices. Packets of extra magazines, open evening literature and any other handout should be made available in bulk as useful to the City Offices.