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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Failed PR (PR-46) - P820719 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Неудавшиеся СО (СО-37) (ц) - И820719 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 820719 - HCO Policy Letter - Failed PR [PL058-060]
- 820719 - HCO Policy Letter - Failed PR [PL076-021]
- 820719 - HCO Policy Letter - Failed PR [PL076-022]
CONTENTS FAILED PR Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo PRs (Corrections in this type style) PR Series 46


References: _________________

There is a datum as follows: When admin won’t go in, tech is out. When tech won’t go in, ethics is out.

Here is how this fits in the PR world: WHEN PR WON’T GO IN, ETHICS IS OUT.

There are several ramifications of this, which is to say, several possible flows. It could be the PR himself is not pushing and is out-ethics.

It could be — the usual reason — that the via to the target public or even the target public is out-ethics in some way.

It could occur that the target (or via to it) is being pressured by an out-ethics third flow — as in third party tech.

But, whatever the flow, the fact remains that the above datum is true.

Any PR pushing a worthwhile message and pushing it with good ideas and PR tech will get his only loses by reason of the above datum.

An example in PRing an org which then does not respond — an instance which just happened — out-ethics was rife at the org top.

This is not to put PRs in the ethics game. And it is not to serve as an excuse for failure.

The datum is for use — to widen up the obs [observation] ability of the PR for it opens a new avenue to him for a PR handling!

Out-ethics on the surface appears as withhold phenomena. This makes the person the PR is working on or via behave as they do per withhold HCOBs, which a PR should know.

PR, as well as being bright, is often a wily, clever game. If one knows what he is up against, he can develop a PR handling to fit.

If one suddenly realizes he is talking to no avail, he need not just go on butting his head against the wall or countering chop or insults. There are ways to blow withholds into view and withholders out of the water that are too numerous to mention. If one, seeing the key datum of this PL is the case, then shifts his approach to blowing the withhold to bits, he wins. And he stands a big chance of now getting his message through where before it was all failure.

As an example, the crudest form would be an abrupt shift and question, “Who has been lying to you about (principal)?” This enters it into false data stripping instantly. There are many, many ploys depending on the flow and situation encountered.

“Worse than” is a tool a PR can use. One infers the withhold is far worse than it possibly could be. “Why are you planning to (shoot, destroy, wreck) (principal)?”

The above datum has a thousand uses.

Don’t get bugged by failures to get a message through. Having given your best efforts resulting in a block, don’t quit. Apply the above datum. It serves the same purpose as dynamite. It can clear the way for flows to go through even if the pieces fly sky-high!

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