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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Field Ethics (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P700421 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Этика в Районе Деятельности (КРО-1) (ц) - И700421 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700421 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Ethics [PL015-058]
- 700421 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Ethics [PL041-030]
- 700421 - HCO Policy Letter - Field Ethics [PL069-032]
CONTENTS FIELD ETHICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Pub Divs E/Os HCO


It has come to attention that at least one org was not prospering because it was being suppressed by its own field.

One or more SPs operating in its neighbourhood were active in making the Ethics Officer and the Execs wrong and enturbulating staff.

Whereas one should go lightly in handling a Franchise or group with Ethics (these are PR areas not Ethics areas), there is an entirely different sort of condition where an SP can be active in the neighbourhood of an org and all but crash it.

Field influence on a large org is best handled by having a Public Ethics Officer (Div 1 Dept 3) to whom the public can apply and to whom Public Divisions can appeal or to whom Public Divisions can direct persons.

There have been many upsets of this kind over the years and they have almost destroyed the org in each case.

Some examples follow:

1. A rich pc corrupted org Execs with large loans. The org disintegrated.

2. Execs were persuaded to give personal outside service which knocked out their integrity.

3. A staff was constantly worked on to work outside the org as they weren’t making enough money (and ignoring their jobs in the org they of course didn’t make enough money).

4. An SP hung about an org invalidating its Execs to staff until the Execs caved in.

5. An SP who had been sacked corrupted other staff with 2D and kept the org upset.

6. An SP hung about spreading false rumors which caved in Execs.

7. A fool, not necessarily an SP, handed out money in the field around the org (not to staff members) and suddenly said the sums were “loans to Scientologists” who “didn’t repay them” and got the org involved in trying to patch it all up.

8. An SP so worked over Ethics personnel they no longer did their job and the org went into a decline.

Any way you look at it, when you ignore Ethics tech and fail to handle an SP the org and its staff will eventually suffer.

The prime targets are the Execs of an org and its HCO personnel. When these are made ineffective the rest of the staff catches it heavily.

Like it or not, staff needs to be protected from such capers. Sweetness and light and reasonableness by HCO and Execs wind staff members and the org up in a ball of trouble.

This is a loony-bin planet. If it weren’t we wouldn’t be working at making it sane.

Protect the org! So the staff can do its job!