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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Fixed Public Consumption of Product (0.CONDITIONS) - P670724 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Фиксированное Потребление Продукта Публикой - И670724 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 670724 - HCO Policy Letter - Fixed Public Consumption of Product [PL012-033]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


Any Scientology organisation (or any organisation) which is working in any way upon a fixed statistic of consumption will eventually fail. By "fixed consumption" is meant estimates of the public's consumption of product as a limit on production.

There are several ways to "fix a consumption statistic". These are:

1. Provide just so many auditors for the HGC to agree with expected pcs.

2. Schedule just as many courses in the Academy as one thinks there will be students.

3. Provide just enough quarters to handle the expected quantity of business.

Unless one disregards the expectancy and unless one simply furnishes all the service one can, regardless of past statistics, the org will go downhill.

Several orgs work on the basis that there is just so much business and that one must only cater to that. Sydney, Auckland and some others have gone so far as to hold a one student course with hours arranged to fit that student. Joburg has in the past let the pc decide how and when he is to be audited and has had a registrar assigning the hours (with 35 auditors on the payroll and pcs getting 2 hours each a week, 35 auditors were delivering only 100 auditing hours a week!).

Any org that does not simply provide good uniformly scheduled service will fail.


Let us have an example of a car industry working on a fixed consumption statistic. The directors look up the last year and see that 1,000,000 cars were bought. They decide then, for this year, to make 1,000,000 cars. As they keep doing this year to year they eventually begin to make less and less cars and one day go out of business.

That is NOT the way to go about it.

What the directors should have done was ignore the last year's stat and call in the head of production and ask, "How many can you make this next year?" The guy says, "2,500,000". The Board says, "Good. Make them." Then the Board calls in their Distribution Division and says, "Tell the dealers they will get 2 and Vi times as many cars next year so be sure and get ready to sell them." And the Board calls in the letter reg and says, "Write every owner of one of our cars that he is going to be very pleased with his next model. And mail a magazine to all of them once every two months tracing the new model's development."

Now, in practice of course no car industry has any letter reg or Central Files of customers and their Dist Div is a sort of list of dealers so that Board couldn't do that. But a Sen org can!

Now let us examine the exact same procedure in a Scientology org if it were followed.

Wrong way: The Exec Council sees how many students and pcs were trained and processed last year and arranges to train and process that many this year. The registrar working alone must keep up some quota so begins to make special deals in desperation.

The org goes downhill. Like Auckland, Sydney and Joburg did.

Right way: The Exec Council calls in the Tech Sec, Director of Training and Director of Processing and Director of Tech Services and says, "What is the maximum number of students and pcs that we can handle?" These executives figure it out and say, "500 students and 210 pcs." The Exec Council then tells them to do it, and calls in the Dissem Sec and says, "Have your people contact and sign up 750 students and 350 pcs in the coming year." They call in the Dist Sec and say, "Double the names in CF." They call in the HCO Sec and say, "Get in Ethics in this whole area and also locate and give us a list of all failed cases in the past three years." This last list they give to their Field Staff Members with orders to offer a free S & D and get the people in.

The Exec Council does NOT work on a fixed statistic of last year or any year. It DOES NOT CONSIDER IT IS STOPPED BY A FIXED CONSUMPTION. It does not try to limit its business to expected business.

Of course it is silly to think there is any limit on the people who are to be trained and processed. We have not even touched the 3,000,000,000 potential Scientologists on this one planet.


If you schedule a continuous course in the Academy and teach it, it will fill up. IF you don't break it into arbitrary periods. People who run a course every six weeks or every year always eventually fail. You have to run a continuously enrolling course.

At Saint Hill we held to enrolling every Monday for many years. Then a couple years ago I ordered enrolment on arrival (any day of the week) and enrolments increased.


If the service is there it will be used. If it is there only by wait it will not be used.

Sometimes you have to teach a full course to an empty Academy for weeks or months when you start this, but given good, well and precisely scheduled classes and all tech in, the place will fill up and stay filled.

Sometimes HGC auditors sit around for weeks with no pcs after a full HGC is organised but they will eventually have pcs if the service is there.


When you do not provide the service first, it will not be used. You cannot drum up business unless the service is certain. The best way to have certain service is to provide it before it is demanded. Then, as it exists, it will be used.

You can promote before your service is complete only so long as the service will be there when demanded.

In general org management it is very easy to fall for a fixed consumption idea and limit everyone to it. The only sure way to proceed is to operate with maximum possible service while bringing maximum pressure to bear on the Dist and Dissem Divisions to fill the place up.

There is no limit to the number of students and pcs. Why limit the sign ups?
