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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HCO Communicator Basic Hat and Comm System HCO Offices (DIV1.DEP2.COM-SYS) - P581220 | Сравнить
- HCO Secretary Should Handle Bad Clinical Results (DIV1.HCO) - P581220 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Основная Шляпа Коммуникатора ОХС и Коммуникационная Система Офисов ОХС (КРО-1) (ц) - И581220-1 | Сравнить
- Плохие Результаты Процессинга в Центре Практики - Улаживание (КРО-4) (ц) - И581220-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 581220 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO Communicator Basic Hat and Comm System HCO Offices [Misc36-029]
- 581220 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO Communicator Basic Hat and Comm System HCO Offices [PL001-056]
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37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
(Issued at Washington)
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
HCO Secretarial Letter of 20 December 1958
All HCO Hats

The HCO Secretary should handle bad clinical results by recommending to the organization the following:

Sterling HCOs

1. Better discipline of Director of Processing and auditors, Auditor's Code compliance, HGC regimen followed.


2. Put poorer auditors on repetitive command processes only.

Purpose of HCO Comm System. To speed and receive the comm particles of HCO to help get the work done.

3. Put poorer auditors on processes which patch up ARC breaks as fast as they happen. (Factual Havingness; "Recall an ARC Break".)

The Comm System of an HCO Office is under the command of the HCO Communicator.


The HCO Comm System is dependent upon a proper HASI type Comm Centre where, in a central reception room there is located a named basket for each person in the organization and the bulletin board. HCO Personnel have their general individual org baskets in Comm Centre in addition to their HCO office stations.


Definition: An HCO Station is that place where an HCO staff member receives, holds and sends his dispatches and work.

Appearance: An HCO Comm Station has three baskets, one above the other. The top is marked with the Station number or numbers and "In". The middle is marked with "Pending". The bottom is marked with "Out". These three baskets sit on a corner of a desk or, in case of files, on top of a file case.

The proper number of each HCO Station for any given office is as follows for a full HCO staff: (where numbers do not have terminals in an office, the numbers must still appear on a basket)

1. LRH

2. HCO Sec

3. HCO Area Sec

4. HCO Communicator

5. Sec'l Exec Dir

6. HCO Bd of Review

7. Files

8. Tapes

9. Book Admin

10. Shipping Clerk

11. Books Steno

12. Magazine

Twice daily the HCO Communicator makes a full round of the Stations on the shortest arranged route and picks up all outgoing. This he takes to the Central Org (HASI type) Comm Centre and sorts into the large basket racks. He even sorts HCO material into the main Comm Centre baskets of HCO personnel. Having sorted all outgoing he now picks up in packets the mail and dispatches of each HCO person. He now repeats his arranged route through HCO and puts in the "IN" basket of each HCO Station their entire mail.

The pick-up and delivery is made at 10:30 a.m., and 3:30 p.m., daily, local time.

Each staff member is responsible for seeing that his IN basket is promptly emptied into PENDING or OUT as soon after delivery as possible and then works from PENDING to OUT on the work which requires time. It is necessary that the HCO Communicator sees to it that IN baskets are seen and emptied by HCO personnel as soon as possible after his delivery.

In trying to find a dispatch or work, HCO personnel consult with the HCO Communicator, not random staff members.

The HCO Communicator usually ignores the cross traffic amongst stations which by-passes the pick-up and delivery system but notices when somebody always has to bring a body with every dispatch and has a heart to heart talk with that person on the subject of the Comm System. In no event does he permit his own pick-up, delivery routings and timings to be thrown out by such random traffic. The random traffic amongst staff must occur to get work done swiftly at times. All the HCO Communicator tries to do is make sure speed and high priority alone avoid the dispatch system. Routine traffic goes best by the HCO Station system. Then somebody can get some work done without constant interruptions.

The HCO Communicator also keeps people on line with the color flash system – orange for HCO, green for Central Org, blue for Sec'l Ex Dir, releases, etc.

The HCO Communicator handles, logs, takes and delivers all cable traffic and can arrange or handle all long distance phone traffic. Cable traffic must not avoid him. He keeps accurate cable files and makes the copies.

The HCO Communicator puts into sendable form many types of dispatches and letters or educates staff to do so.

The HCO Communicator is in charge of the HCO Comm System in his area and makes sure that a precise, accurate job is done whether the staff is large or small. Therefore, he is no errand boy but in effect the Comm line executive of the HCO.
