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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Clearing - P621008 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621008 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO Appointments [PL005-102]
- 621008 - HCO Policy Letter - HGC Clearing [PL005-101]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon Sthil Students Registrars Saint Hill Grads HCO Secs Assn & Org Secs IMPORTANT


The plan of HGC Clearing is simple and direct but unless it is scrupulously followed, it will cause upset and dissatisfaction.

If a Central Org is not clearing the public, the public will be upset with it. This is the simple matter of the penalty of not-auditing.

You can make lots of Clears on the staff or in special cases but if you do not do routine clearing in an HGC you will continue to have trouble.

As only recent Saint Hill Graduates are qualified to find goals — in actual fact, they are the only ones who safely can — the backbone of an HGC is a Saint Hill Graduate.

No Saint Hill Graduates can be D of P or D of T at this time, and may be Technical Directors or Association or Organization Secretaries only with my specific permission. This will hold true until the scarcity is solved.

The primary appointment of a Saint Hill Graduate in an Organization is "Goal Finder" in the HGC. When enough exist in an Organization to fill the bare needs of the HGC, then a Saint Hill Graduate will be appointed Staff Staff Auditor as per Staff Clearing Program HCO Policy Letter of September 10,1962.

The HGC system is therefore as follows:

HPA or HCA Staff Auditors do the following:

  1. Handle any CCH case.
  2. Give Problems Intensives.
  3. Give the "In Auditing" and "On Goals" and past goals Goals Prepcheck (TV Demo tape 3 October 1962 and other lectures of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course). This includes all old goals that were found or went out hard.
  4. Do the required 850 goals list.
  5. List goals to clear.

At this point, unless the goal was found in 3 above (not 4 above), the HPA/HCA staff auditor turns the pc over to the Goal Finder. This can happen at any time that the Goal Finder has time available.

Once the pc is turned over to the Goal Finder he or she receives no further auditing from other staff auditors, only the Goal Finder. The Goal Finder takes the new pc the moment the last pc's goal was found.

There is no extra charge for the Goal Finder's Auditing and the auditing time of a Saint Hill Graduate may not be sold as such by an HGC. The Goal Finder's Units may be high. The Goal Finder may not take private pcs on his or her own. There may be no part-time HGC Goal Finders. Any Sthil Graduates willing to work part-time to help the Organization should be assigned to the Staff Training Program or the Academy to heighten the level of technology. An exception is the auditing of staff members,particularly the Organization or Association Secretary. Part-time Saint Hill Graduates may not be used in the HGC.


A Central Organization or City Office does not sell auditing hours by the hour ever. It sells (1) Clearing (2) De-Suppression (3) Longevity. It sells these by Intensives as always. It cannot sell "Ten Hours from a Saint Hill Graduate" or charge fees "for special auditing by a Saint Hill Graduate".

Goals finding by an HGC is only undertaken as a part of the clearing assembly line. One cannot come into an HGC just to have a goal found or checked and get other auditing elsewhere. The practice would be very pernicious and result in few clears and many wrecked cases.

A Saint Hill Graduate's auditing time is available in the HGC only if the pc signs the Clearing Contract ("We take Full Responsibility for Clearing you"). Then the person who signed the contract is put on the assembly line for clearing. This policy is not to be varied in any way.

Casual pcs coming in for intensives who do not sign the Clearing Contract must sign up for Intensives as always.

All former "Estimate of number of hours" procedures are now abandoned due to effectiveness of pulling Missed W/Hs and a modem Problems Intensive.

A pc signing up for health reasons is just given a routine Missed W/H check and a Problems Intensive. The same is done for Geriatric Cases (longevity of life).

So a pc signs up in the HGC either for Clearing and is put on the Assembly Line, or for Intensives and is given Missed Withholds and a Problems Intensive by an HPA/HCA and is made satisfied by good technical application in either case.

Single hours of auditing may not be sold by a Central Organization, City Office or District Office "to see how it goes". It's Intensives or nothing.


Clearing is sold by Intensives, purchased when auditing is available. A careful log of time is kept. This is TIME IN THE HGC, not time for this or that.

The pc buys one or more intensives and is handed over to the D of P.

The D of P thereafter tells the pc what the pc gets and assigns the pc as necessary.

The line is regulated by the number of Goal Finders and the Goal Finder time available.

Care is taken not to waste the pc's time. Depending on state of case and lack of Goal Finder time available, the pc has the following, some of it or all of it, done.

  1. Missed Withholds and Hav process found.
  2. Problems Intensive.
  3. (For a long-time pc, Dianeticist or Scientologist.) One or more Intensives cleaning up "In Auditing" and "In Self-Auditing", Prepchecks.
  4. Do an 850 goals list.
  5. (For pcs who have had former goals found, wrongly or otherwise.) Prepcheck on the goal or goals, each one chronologically cared for (1st one taken up first, etc).
  6. (For pcs who have been listed on goals or wrong goals and not to clear.) Prepcheck on the Auditing of goals, listing, etc. # Tiger Drill on every button (on suppress has anything been suppressed, etc).
  7. Straighten up pc's HGC time with a Prepcheck.

All the above are HPA/HCA actions. They are not done by the Goal Finder. If they have to be done, the Goal Finder turns the pc back to HPA/HCAs.

The moment a Goal Finder has completed finding and checking a goal or finding one which must wait for checking by another Goal Finder, the Goal Finder grabs another pc out of the HGC or has one called in. No Goal Finder time is wasted. This may become the source of much sweat and urgency by HGC Admin, but Goal Finder time must be salvaged by grabbing up pcs for him or her.

The Goal Finder uses current methods to find the goal and check it out.

The moment that action is done the pc is returned to an HPA/HCA for a Prepcheck on the goal and listing it.

The Goal Finder must review the lines and personally see the goal fire before permitting it to be listed and must see the pc's folder routinely to make sure it is going well.

All further Prepchecking and listing is done by HPA/HCAs. The freeness of needle is checked by the D of P.

The goal is fully Tiger Drilled and Prepchecked after the needle goes free on all lines.

This is the Assembly Line for Clearing. The Goal Finder is on no other line, doesno other auditing. The only way the pc can be on this line is by signing a Clearing Contract.


A form for each pc undergoing clearing, giving the steps, must be part of the pc's folder and kept up by the auditor. This is based on the above data.

If a pc has had a recent Problems Intensive and now signs a Clearing Contract this is made part of the Clearing rundown. If done, however, by an outside auditor, the pc must be given another Problems Intensive.

A Special Form showing all steps and evidence of a clear must be sent to me.

The idea is to get results, to turn out clears and to keep HPA/HCAs well occupied and at a high technical level.


It will happen that in cleaning up old goals found or even by sudden disclosure, the HPA/HCA staff auditor may find a goal that fires and is the goal. If so, it is checked out by the Goal Finder and listed unless other orders are given regarding the pc (such as unburdening the goal).

HPA/HCAs are not, however, to attempt to find goals at this time and it is highly illegal for an HGC to employ non-Saint Hill Graduates to find goals no matter what the public pressure. It could be very destructive to Scientology to have a lot of wrong goals about or getting listed.

In due course this last injunction will be released so far as Tiger Drilling the 850 list by HPA/HCAs is concerned. But wait until technology is better. This will apply only to experienced staff auditors.METERS

Only the latest Mark Meters are to be used by Goal Finders. Mark IV and onwards may be used by HPA/HCAs.

It would be dishonest to use less.


HGCs must afford public Clearing of individuals. Clearing Co-Audits of the public are a special role and are to be relegated to District Offices as soon as possible. It is no part of my plans to retain them in a Central Org or City Office.

Only the highest technology and most exact adherence to policy can keep us afloat at this time. These are not ordinary policies. These are survival itself for Scientology.
