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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling Situations (HATS) - P680504 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Улаживать Ситуации (ц) - И680504 | Сравнить
- Улаживание Ситуаций - И680504 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680504 - HCO Policy Letter - Handling Situations [PL013-049]
- 680504 - HCO Policy Letter - Handling Situations [PL093-052]
CONTENTS HANDLING SITUATIONS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



The only tremendous error an organization makes, next to inspection before the fact, is failing to terminatedly handle situations rapidly.

The only tremendous error an organization makes, next to inspection before the fact, is failing to terminatedly handle situations rapidly.

When I say terminatedly handle I mean finishedly handle. That it is handled and that's all, boy!

When I say terminatedly handle I mean finishedly handle. That it is handled and that's all, boy!

The fault of an organization's woffle, woffle, woffle, Joe won't take responsibility for it, It's got to go some place else, and all that sort of thing, is that it continues a situation. It just goes on and on and on until it finally gets somewhere, goes snap, and that would be the end of that situation. So what you ought to do is complete action now, in the first place.

The fault of an organization's woffle, woffle, woffle, Joe won't take responsibility for it, It's got to go some place else, and all that sort of thing, is that it continues a situation. It just goes on and on and on until it finally gets somewhere, goes snap, and that would be the end of that situation. So what you ought to do is complete action now, in the first place.

The other day I was looking at why I used to have a high stat businesswise and cinewise and otherwise, and I suddenly realized I was peculiar in the vicinity in which I operated. I ended cycles, I could end more cycles in less time than any organization could dream up. In other words I was concluding actions.

The other day I was looking at why I used to have a high stat businesswise and cinewise and otherwise, and I suddenly realized I was peculiar in the vicinity in which I operated. I ended cycles, I could end more cycles in less time than any organization could dream up. In other words I was concluding actions.

Ending cycles doesn't consist of shooting people. It consists of seeing that it stays handled.

Ending cycles doesn't consist of shooting people. It consists of seeing that it stays handled.

One of the things that has happened in the past is that I have had to rehandle. Situations I had handled became unhandled some place and I had to rehandle them again.

One of the things that has happened in the past is that I have had to rehandle. Situations I had handled became unhandled some place and I had to rehandle them again.

What you should specialize in is terminating the end of a situation, not refer it to somebody else.

What you should specialize in is terminating the end of a situation, not refer it to somebody else.

If the situation comes up in your vicinity well, handle it - that is finish it off so that is the end of it.

If the situation comes up in your vicinity well, handle it - that is finish it off so that is the end of it.

Somebody comes along saying (natter, natter, natter). I've caught too many of these guys. Finally I handle the situation, if it hadn't been handled up to that point. He hadn't been handled up to that point.

Somebody comes along saying (natter, natter, natter). I've caught too many of these guys. Finally I handle the situation, if it hadn't been handled up to that point. He hadn't been handled up to that point.

When you have got this guy, handle him. Handle him, so that the fellow is handled from here on to the end of time. Don't try to patch it up so that it won't cause any trouble.

When you have got this guy, handle him. Handle him, so that the fellow is handled from here on to the end of time. Don't try to patch it up so that it won't cause any trouble.

You have to be on the ball to do this, very much on the ball. An example was a dissatisfied steward. The guy was going around serving up spanners in the soup. He's going around, and he's going around and he's going around. Well, let's handle it right there, now, when he wants the situation handled. The guy appears for his pay and that's it! Do you get the idea. It's finished right now.

You have to be on the ball to do this, very much on the ball. An example was a dissatisfied steward. The guy was going around serving up spanners in the soup. He's going around, and he's going around and he's going around. Well, let's handle it right there, now, when he wants the situation handled. The guy appears for his pay and that's it! Do you get the idea. It's finished right now.

Please quit continuing situations by reference. Handle! You can develop more traffic internally, more upsets, more ARC breaks, than anything you can mention by simply continuing to shunt the responsibility for ending the cycle of action. That is all it is, just a refusal to take responsibility for ending a cycle of action.

Please quit continuing situations by reference. Handle! You can develop more traffic internally, more upsets, more ARC breaks, than anything you can mention by simply continuing to shunt the responsibility for ending the cycle of action. That is all it is, just a refusal to take responsibility for ending a cycle of action.

Somebody comes over to the Registrar to sign up. Does she have to refer to eight different terminals as to whether or not this person is permitted to sign up? No. She either signs the guy up or she doesn't sign the guy up.

Somebody comes over to the Registrar to sign up. Does she have to refer to eight different terminals as to whether or not this person is permitted to sign up? No. She either signs the guy up or she doesn't sign the guy up.

Take responsibility for the various cycles of action. When you have taken responsibility for them, let's hear no more about them any place.

Take responsibility for the various cycles of action. When you have taken responsibility for them, let's hear no more about them any place.
