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CONTENTS How to LEAD a Ron’s Org? Cохранить документ себе Скачать

How to LEAD a Ron’s Org?

To all COs All Staffs

How to become wealthy though being a staff member? Two things considered not to go along with each other. Unfortunately, staff and poverty are rather synonymous.

Wealth for itself is not a goal, not at all. Some mistakenly consider it so but it is very low on the Motivation Scale (HCO PL 11.11.69). However, there is nothing wrong about being wealthy and rich, and actually I want everybody to be able to reach it. But how?

The key to this is given in HCO PL 13 Nov 72, Affluence Attainment: Affluence Attainment consists of: (1) hard work, (2) in ethics, (3) standard tech, (4) doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet, (5) applying the formula of the condition one is in. (LRH)

I can understand that Man often tries to take the path of least resistance but I have no tolerance for employees or people who try to make a lot of money by not working and not delivering an exchange to their company or to society. Low toned people have ideas – and are spreading them loudly – that the highest purpose is to be lazy, hanging around, doing nothing and only fools are working. But high toned people love to be active, doing something, may it be work or just for fun.

How was a Class IV Org run when Erica and I were on staff? What kind of Award and Penalty system did we have?

When (1979) we were staff members in the Scientology Org we had to work 48 hours a week and for 12½ hours we had to study. This was in the times when we had 1½ days off every week. Or to say it simply, these were the “good times”.

I doubt the orgs did everything which was spelled out in the HCO PL mentioned above – at least we never really attained Affluence. But I definitely can assure you that LRH was exact, and that formula is right. It is what Erica and I always applied personally, and we attained Affluence and Power.

The system we had in the org was basically right. We had to work 48 hours for production. That means 48 hours producing something that can be exchanged with the public, or a sub-product of it, but it does not include something which can be exchanged only between staff.

In other words, an auditor had to audit a paid pc in order to count it on his stat. No other auditing was counted on his/her stat. Staff auditing never was counted. A staff member only got auditing in his study time, and that only when he was upstat. And for that specific week, not for a week before or after: in present time.

Actually, auditing was only permitted to be received when the staff member was fully hatted for his post. This means that a Secretary had to have done his Full Hat and all OECs, someone higher on the org board would have to study the FEBC/ESTO in addition, and a director had to study his Full Hat and the OEC of his division. If someone was not fully hatted, training had priority.

And by the way, in all the years we have been on staff, though we had 80 staff members, there was never a staff auditor, and of course a Class IV Org couldn’t deliver any OT levels at all; that belonged to the realm of dreams. We got some promises that were connected with that, though the conditions were such that it was factually impossible to reach.

So I don’t think that we can take the church as a good example. Too many outpoints are included in that system, e.g. that the bridge was not available for Class IV org staff members (OT Levels) and the OEC and big parts of a Full Hat were not translated at all.

Let’s have another look at the policy above:

1. Hard work.

A staff member works hard to get his post, his section, his division, his org into Affluence or Power. He is expected to do so. And by that we do not mean only to have his stats up, but to be there and to work, and to continue to work even though the stat is up. Let me compare that with an auditor. An auditor’s statistic (in the church when we have been staff) is 25 hrs paid auditing to be in Normal, 32½ hrs for to be in Affluence and 37½ hrs for to be in Power. To audit 37½ hrs in a week is a lot of time. It really is Power. Such a person should be awarded by auditing or OT levels. For to reach that that auditor has to be at least 48 hrs on post. (A certain amount of admin time he could count on his personal stat after he has reached 25 hrs pure auditing; I don’t remember the exact figures.) But what about another staff, e.g. a registrar? When he gets a big sum in at the beginning of the week and he has already reached Affluence on his stats, does he have the right to go home until the end of the week? I mean if he worked all week on his post and made even more money he would have a hard time to reach it next week again. This last sentence is very sarcastic but I have observed it as very true for many staff. Not that they actually went home, but (seen and unseen by the senior and others) they actually started to stop trying to get the statistic higher and higher.

Would it be fair for a registrar to leave the org after 15 hrs when he got his stat up, while the auditor has to work 37½ hrs, week after week, to reach Power?

This leads us directly to the next point:

2. In ethics.

If a person or an org wants to attain Affluence, ethics has to be in. From all, and for all. What does “in ethics” mean? Just to do no overts? Of course, but it means much more than just that: to do everything possible to get his section, department, division or org to Affluence and Power. E.g. to be in the org and produce Valuable Exchangeable Products for 48 hrs.

3. Standard tech.

4. Doing the things that have won in the past, not new things untried as yet.

5. Applying the formula of the condition one is in.

What does that mean for a staff member? How does it apply for an org to deal with the condition a staff is in? What are the awards and penalties?

And what is a “high statistic”? I don’t measure a statistic simply by going “up” or going “down”. That matters, but more important is what is the range of it? An org with 20 staff in Switzerland having an income of 5,000 Francs in a week is low (this would be Danger or even Non-Ex). It doesn’t matter if it goes up from 5,000 to 7,000, it is still low and the org and the staff can hardly survive with that money – but someone could call that relative increase an Affluence statistic. But it is still Danger. And vice versa: someone could assign a stat Danger if the income fell from 35,000 to 32,000. Yet the range is high, and the org can still survive very well. You then can pay a salary of about 4,000-5,000 Francs per month, what is not very high but fine.

There is the BPL 16 Nov 71, Conditions, Awards and Penalties. In it are the policies describing how a staff member should be awarded or punished according to his stat. For example, someone in Power would have full bonuses and would even get a credit of 25 dollars for services (auditing and OT levels). (In 1971 $25 was quite a sum.)

On Non-Ex he would get payment but no bonuses, and must do an amends of 7½ hrs (in his free time): no training or auditing, only cramming, word clearing, and training on his hat. (In our time it was about 50% of the salary.)

When we were on staff in 1979 the amends (e.g. 7½ hrs) were enforced. Later this part of the policy was silently cancelled – but then we didn’t have 1½ days off any more: only one day.

I don’t want to make that BPL as a standard, but it gives you a hint how it was in the good old days. You have to make the policy for your org, you have to make the awards and penalties for your staff. It is your responsibility, your hat. You have to be tough but of course you have to be just, and a friend of your staff.

I want staff members to receive their Bridge. It is a real wish of mine. But that is not a human right. To get auditing, courses and OT levels is an award and only upstat people should receive it. I consider those the most valuable things you can get. Scientology is for the able. And able can be considered as a synonym for upstat.

To summarize, with Scientology you can make good money to live with. But it does not just happen: it is attained by hard work. See, those socialist and trade unionists who are always fighting for working less hard and less hours a week, more vacations every year and retiring younger and younger are supporting low toned characteristics and are spreading around false data. Look at their products: unemployment all over, Germany (and many other countries too) is close to collapse. They are spoiling the game – not unmakers, and much less game makers.

We are playing in a game that should be fun and creates fun for others. I love to play it, and there is nothing better I can do in my life – vacations are fine, I love them too, but after very few weeks they get boring.

Let’s award the upstat.

Max Hauri, 15.4.05