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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Important Change in Reports (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P601222 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Важные Изменения в Форме Отчетов (КРО-1) (ц) - И601222 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 601222 - HCO Policy Letter - Important Change in Reports [PL003-088]
- 601222 - HCO Policy Letter - No Overtime [PL003-089]
- 601222R - Board Policy Letter - No Overtime [BPL03-041]
CONTENTS IMPORTANT CHANGE IN REPORTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs


To reduce and standardize the administrative reporting in organizations, the following system should go into effect as soon as possible:

A form containing all the data required from any one Department should be prepared by the Association (Org) Sec. Each Dept may require a different form to secure all the data.

This data is the same as that required on the OIC charts.

This does not change the income sheet report system.

The new report form for a Department must be headed with the name of the Central Org, and must carry its full routing. The routing is from the Association (Org) Sec's Sec to the designated Dept head, to be returned to the Association (Org) Sec's Sec by next Monday afternoon (date blank very prominent), then to the Assn (Org) Sec, then to the HCO Area Sec, then to HCO WW OIC unit. A description of the data required and the blank for it in each case is then listed. This is followed by a signature and date of the head of the Department.

These reports are different for each Department, therefore the form is different.

All personnel data, income data, financial data, numbers of people, technical results, etc must appear on this form.

The form is done on flimsy paper, the lightest possible and practicable. The colour should be pink.

The procedure is then this:

The Association (Org) Sec's Sec retains all these form blanks – the whole supply of each type. No stock of forms is given to a Department.

On Thursday morning the Association (Org) Sec's Sec places the appropriate forms in the Comm Centre baskets of Department heads plus any of the old type Income Sheet necessary. He or she also places the Accounts Department Income and Disbursement Sheets in their baskets.

Heads of Departments or their Admin write up the Income Sheet from their invoices. They take their Department's report form and fill it in from the data to hand. They return any Income or Disbursement Sheet and the report to the Association (Org) Sec's Sec by Monday noon.

The Assn (Org) Sec's Sec sets up the data on the O.I.C. board by noon Tuesday, using the report sheets for source.

There is this difference in marking up O.I.C. graphs. The actual figure is placed inconspicuously below the graph point being drawn in. The figure and the graph point then constitute a total fact on the graphs.

The Ad Comm meeting is then held Tues at 2:00 p.m. in the Association Sec's office with the O.I.C. board complete. All the data on the graphs is gone over rapidly with the Ad Comm by the Association (Org) Sec. The comments, approvals or condemnations and any plans stemming from these are noted by the Association (Org) Sec's Sec and any new ideas, plans, resolutions and suggestions are added to his minutes. These however should be kept very brief.


The brief minutes copied and the original reports from the Departments are then packaged and mailed to Saint Hill where they will again be put up on O.I.C. boards. At Saint Hill there will be an executive meeting weekly to summarize the data which, with suggestions, will be broadly published in brief form to all Orgs giving data on all Orgs.

The intention here is to reduce the amount of copying of data and speed the report line. These Department reports can replace all existing reports by including all the data, even a roster of personnel. This reduces the Ad Comm minutes and shows Department heads all data in relation to past data rather than stressing one week only.

As the data is already outlined by O.I.C. charts and any existing additional report forms, it should be easy to make up the Department reports.

The idea is one income sheet and one report for a Department.

As everything in P.E. will shortly be on cards, not invoices, P.E. data can be kept by keeping cards for the week.

The original reports, in packet form must be light for airmailing, hence the weight of the paper of the report must be light.

Technical profiles, auditors' reports, students' and training reports continue to be forwarded but as supplementary to the Department report and are sent through on this same line. The Fri–Sat test results can be forwarded the next Monday with the past week's reports.

As the O.I.C. graphs are kept and filed and now have numbers on them, they constitute a supplement to Ad Comm minutes and should be kept as such as the basic data now does not appear in Ad Comm minutes.

HCO report blanks are made up and handled exactly this same way.