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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Inspections (DIV1.DEP3.INSPECT) - P650222 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Коммуникационные Линии Исполнительного Директора (ОА) (ц) - И650222-3 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650222 - HCO Policy Letter - Inspections [PL008-014]
- 650222 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Executive Director Comm Lines [PL008-015]
CONTENTS INSPECTIONS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil StaffSthil Staff
Post Staff BoardPost Staff Board



On Friday of each week (except on holidays when the nearest convenient day will be substituted without missing an inspection) THE ORGANIZATION SECRETARY and the HCO Area Secretary will inspect all areas and departments of Saint Hill.

On Friday of each week (except on holidays when the nearest convenient day will be substituted without missing an inspection) THE ORGANIZATION SECRETARY and the HCO Area Secretary will inspect all areas and departments of Saint Hill.

The following are the inspection areas in order of sequence. Inspection is to begin at 9.30 a.m.

The following are the inspection areas in order of sequence. Inspection is to begin at 9.30 a.m.

  • Basement of Manor.
  • Basement of Manor.
  • First floor of Manor.
  • First floor of Manor.
  • Nursery.
  • Nursery.
  • Servants' Rooms.
  • Servants' Rooms.
  • Courtyard Area and buildings.
  • Courtyard Area and buildings.
  • Canteen.
  • Canteen.
  • Hall.
  • Hall.
  • Pavilion.
  • Pavilion.
  • Chapel.
  • Chapel.
  • Boiler Rooms (Course).
  • Boiler Rooms (Course).
  • Course Baths and W.C.s.
  • Course Baths and W.C.s.
  • Garages and cars.
  • Garages and cars.
  • Gardeners' Sheds.
  • Gardeners' Sheds.
  • Lot 4 and Wood.
  • Lot 4 and Wood.
  • Lots 1, 2 and 3, Tennis Courts and Buildings.
  • Lots 1, 2 and 3, Tennis Courts and Buildings.
  • North Line.
  • North Line.
  • Manor Gardens.
  • Manor Gardens.
  • East Park.
  • East Park.
  • Park.
  • Park.
  • Pond and Stream.
  • Pond and Stream.
  • Lake.
  • Lake.
  • Roads.
  • Roads.
  • The Organization Secretary is to add to the above all units and departments in the sequence of the physical areas above.

    The Organization Secretary is to add to the above all units and departments in the sequence of the physical areas above.

    The Organization Secretary is to be accompanied in each area by the person most responsible for that area and by the HCO Area Secretary.

    The Organization Secretary is to be accompanied in each area by the person most responsible for that area and by the HCO Area Secretary.

    The Organization Secretary will grade each area on a basis of 100% as to (a) Effective Work Done in past week, (b) Condition of Equipment and Supplies, (c) Lack of damage, and (d) Cleanliness.

    The Organization Secretary will grade each area on a basis of 100% as to (a) Effective Work Done in past week, (b) Condition of Equipment and Supplies, (c) Lack of damage, and (d) Cleanliness.

    The HCO Area Secretary will write down or have a steno with him to write down during the progress of the inspection any orders or grades or notes given by the Organization Secretary and will add to this Inspection Record any of his own comments.

    The HCO Area Secretary will write down or have a steno with him to write down during the progress of the inspection any orders or grades or notes given by the Organization Secretary and will add to this Inspection Record any of his own comments.

    At the end of the inspection the Inspection Record will be typed and a copy posted by the following Monday on the staff board. The original hand-written and typed copies will be kept in a book in the Comm Office.

    At the end of the inspection the Inspection Record will be typed and a copy posted by the following Monday on the staff board. The original hand-written and typed copies will be kept in a book in the Comm Office.

    Personnel promotions and pay rises or demotions and reductions, staff transfers and dismissals will be based on these visual inspections and the week to week record of their grades, but modified by income and disbursement reports where these apply also.

    Personnel promotions and pay rises or demotions and reductions, staff transfers and dismissals will be based on these visual inspections and the week to week record of their grades, but modified by income and disbursement reports where these apply also.

    A consistent grade of 100% over a period of three months must result in a suitable reward for the person in charge. A consistent grade of 50% or less over a period of six weeks must result in demotion, or transfer or dismissal for the person in charge of the department or unit.

    A consistent grade of 100% over a period of three months must result in a suitable reward for the person in charge. A consistent grade of 50% or less over a period of six weeks must result in demotion, or transfer or dismissal for the person in charge of the department or unit.

    An additional mimeographed form called the Inspection Grade Sheet, made up by the Organization Secretary from the above list but to which all departments and units are added must be made up from the Inspection Record with the (a), (b), (c), (d) columns after each and the grades entered for the week. The original of this is forwarded to the Acting Executive Director by the following Tuesday after the inspection and thence to the Board. A copy is posted on the Staff Board along with the Inspection Record. A second copy is enclosed in the Inspection Record Book. The original and both copies of the Inspection Grade Sheet must be signed by both the Organization Secretary and the HCO Area Secretary.

    An additional mimeographed form called the Inspection Grade Sheet, made up by the Organization Secretary from the above list but to which all departments and units are added must be made up from the Inspection Record with the (a), (b), (c), (d) columns after each and the grades entered for the week. The original of this is forwarded to the Acting Executive Director by the following Tuesday after the inspection and thence to the Board. A copy is posted on the Staff Board along with the Inspection Record. A second copy is enclosed in the Inspection Record Book. The original and both copies of the Inspection Grade Sheet must be signed by both the Organization Secretary and the HCO Area Secretary.
