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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Moonlighting (PERS-10) - P701006-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Подрабатывание на Стороне (ПЕРС-10) (ц) - И701006-2 | Сравнить
- Проведение Инспекций в Отношении Низких Статистик (КРО-1) (ц) - И701006-1 | Сравнить
- Сводка Ошибок в Папке (КС-19, КРО-4) (ц) - Б701006 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 701006 - HCO Policy Letter - Inspection of Low Stats [PL017-008]
- 701006 - HCO Policy Letter - Inspection of Low Stats [PL042-052]
- 701006 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Moonlighting [PL017-009]
- 701006 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Moonlighting [PL042-053]
- 701006 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Moonlighting [PL087-005]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Personnel Series 10


Staff members of an org who also have other jobs outside the org are said to be MOONLIGHTING.

Day staff with an evening or weekend job or Foundation staff with a day job have been accused unjustly in the past of injuring an org.

An org only gets injured when its doors get closed and it ceases to promote and deliver good service.

If a whole staff of a Day org decided to close the org all day and open it only in the evening, “moonlighting” would have destroyed the Day org. This would be heavily frowned upon.

If a Foundation staff closed the Foundation to get evening work, it would be a highly nonsurvival act and injurious.

An org which is just starting up or which has been so un-org boarded and unhatted that it fell into such a slump that staff could not live on its pay, the staff would be remiss not to moonlight while they built the org back up. Built up, org boarded and hatted, the org could pay its staff adequately.

To forbid the practice of moonlighting would be to force a staff member to blow in self-defense.


As money inflates (purchases less) and as the cost of operating rises and fees remain unchanged, an org can get into a situation where it is inefficient and pays low salaries.

“Moonlighting on the government” would be quite permissible. With governments anxious to hand out welfare, in some depressed area it would be quite all right to go on the dole or relief and work as a church volunteer in the org.

The higher unemployment rises, the less money will buy, the more finance trouble there is.

Org staffs under such duress can even live as monasteries for food, shelter and pocket money and keep an org going.


At this writing the only subsidies available from governments are for those who kill people. The money the government should be spending to support our orgs goes to special interest groups like psychiatry who pocket it and deliver nothing.

Up the years this may change.

Until it does we have to keep our heads up financially.

That also applies to an org staff member. There is no reason he should lose his staff job because he also has to moonlight to live.

A well-run, well-recruited, well-org boarded, well-hatted, well-trained org delivering high quality training and auditing makes very adequate income and pays well. But it sometimes takes time to build up from a mismanaged slump to an ideal scene again.

There is no policy against MOONLIGHTING where it does not injure the org.
