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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Addition to P650607 Entheta Letters (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650925 | Сравнить
- Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling of (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650607 | Сравнить
- New Org Board Design (DIV1.DEP1.ORGB) - P650607 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Обращаться с Энтэтными Письмами и с Мертвым Файлом (КРО-2) (ц) - И650607-2 | Сравнить
- Оформление Новой Оргсхемы (КРО-1) (ц) - И650607-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650607 - HCO Policy Letter - Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling Of [PL009-003]
- 650607 - HCO Policy Letter - New Org Board Design [PL009-004]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Gen Non Remimeo Dir Mat HAT HCO Sec Hat


The new org board consists of a couple sheets of clear blue Formica 4 feet high by more than 8'9" long. These sheets are often 4' x 8' so you have to have one and a piece. It can be longer than 8'9". That is the minimum. That gives one department only 5 inches of width.

A yellow vertical stripe of sellotape split in half separates departments in a division and divisions are separated by a full width of it. A thin strip of green goes all along the top of the departments.

The level word goes above each department and the yellow tape.

The command lines are in red sellotape.

The names of departments are cut on a DYMO (from Dymo Ltd., Browells Lane, Feltham, Middx, tel. no. FELtham 7284, with model M.29 No. 7213 American Tool 'N' Tape Kit), using tape approximating the colour flash of the department as feasible.

Executive Secretaries and Secretary titles and names are in gold Dymo tape.

Directors' titles and names are in gold banded brown tape.

Other executives' titles and names are in gold banded black tape. Communicators are in this tape.

Section names are in the same tape colour as the Department name.

All sub-sections or units are the same tape colour as the Department name.

All general staff members are in plain green tape.

All Provisional or temporary staff members are in black tape.

The name of a Deputy is in green tape but the title, even when preceded by "Deputy" is the colour code as above.

If you can't get a Dymo, cable us and we can send you one from Saint Hill.

Formica is available any place.

You put everything on the board that's on the copy sent you and your other bits in the appropriate department.

Dymo tape sticks and unsticks easily if you have to change it about.


Your Comm Centre goes along the bottom of the Org Board by person's name if you can make it that way and it's safe.

Otherwise, put up your Comm Centre elsewhere, as usual, one basket for each staff member. But rig it in order of divisions and departments and colour flash the baskets and put the title, name, home phone and home address of each staff member on the basket card.

The org board is thus paralleled by the basket system so they don't have to be in the same room open to the public. The Division, dept stack is only 1' basket wide for compactness. If too high, make it 2 baskets wide or 3.

The board ought to be very visible to the public. The Comm Centre should not be.

Where a staff member holds 2 hats, he gets preferably 2 baskets.

No org member should be in 2 divisions ever no matter how many hats he or she wears except the Exec Secs.

The Comm Centre baskets can go around 2, 3 or even 4 sides of the room. The Org Board must be all in one line.


The title of the Org may be put on a sign painted by a sign painter in the upper right top of the org board. Just under it the "Board of Directors" is placed with names and titles on gold tape –

If local law demands other names they are put on in white tape. Being a board member does not deliver any extra authority to an individual as it must act as a board.

"L. Ron Hubbard" is put over to the left top of the board in gold painted letters, not Dymo, as the public expects it to be there where it is given on your Org Board sketch.

"HCO" and "Org" are proportionately big and placed as on the sketch.


It is more than a pretty board.

It's what is called a "Philosophic Machine". Studied along its level lines it tells what's missing in a case or an org. Studied in its department names, it gives what's missing on any post. Studied on its division names it gives the ideal cycle of action and pattern that should exist in any company.

It is a brand new look at org function and flow.

It will scale up to 200,000 staff members or scale down to one with no change of pattern. You just add seven sections to each Dept and 21 sub-sections to each section and seven units to each sub-section and so on and on, naming each according to the formula expressed in the Divisions.

A lot could be written about this org board. The main thing is you've got it. And the second you put it up – beware. It's going to yank the org straight.


The Director of Materiel gets it erected. The HCO Area Sec keeps it posted.


It is the official assignment or appointment of any post.